What film did you watch last night?

Bit of a film binge tonight.

Children of Men - 8/10

Pretty gripping story line and the battle scenes seemed incredibly nerve wracking, intense and realistic. Sounded awesome on 5.1. Michael Caine was great as usual.

Looper - 9/10

Amazing. Can't believe I've never seen it before. Thinking of similar films, I feel it's up there with the very best such as Twelve Monkeys and Inception. Both share a same actor too funnily enough.

Predestination - 7/10

Enjoyed this, and it would have scored an 8 but I knocked a point off due to the massive plot hole concerning John and Jane. How on earth did Jane not recognise the fact that her lover John looked exactly the same as her after her operation? Good acting from Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook though.
London Has Fallen - A reasonable movie for those that are easily pleased (like me) but at the same time, just far too cheesy and cliche. 6.5/10
Bit of a film binge tonight.

Children of Men - 8/10

Pretty gripping story line and the battle scenes seemed incredibly nerve wracking, intense and realistic. Sounded awesome on 5.1. Michael Caine was great as usual.

Some of the best cinematography in recent years, the "fake" single take scenes are excellent.
Warcraft: The Beginning

Was ok. I thought the casting was terrible, mainly Ben Foster as Medivh, Dominic Cooper as The King and Paula Patton as the rather hot halfbreed Garona. Nothing against them as actors but imo not right for those roles. Also, the last 45 minutes-ish, was a bit poo. Can't put my finger on it, maybe a bit rushed?

I did like the CGI, especially of Durotan, Orgrim and Gul'dan. But the bits in the woods were a bit sound-stagey. I also, liked the look of the magic, like game magic, lots of effects and colours, very visual.

I'll give it 6/10.
10 Cloverfield lane.

8/10 - For a film that was largely 3 people in one of 3 different rooms It was damn good, it might well be John Goodman's best performance. I really didn't care for the ending though, seemed like a tie in that existed for no reason other than they didn't think the film has any legs on it's own (and they'd be wrong) with the blatant cut between where the original script would have ended and someone's Cloverfield rewrite starts.
I struggle to see why 10 Cloverfield Lane is considered to be part of the same universe as Cloverfield? The original is about a giant monster from the sea that was awakened by the satellite crash, 10CL was about an alien invasion. At least that's what I read from the two films. To my mind the only link is that JG's character did "satellite stuff" for the Navy. What am I missing?
I struggle to see why 10 Cloverfield Lane is considered to be part of the same universe as Cloverfield? The original is about a giant monster from the sea that was awakened by the satellite crash, 10CL was about an alien invasion. At least that's what I read from the two films. To my mind the only link is that JG's character did "satellite stuff" for the Navy. What am I missing?

It was originally nothing to do with it, but once production started under Bad Robot they came across "thematic similarities" or some such with Cloverfield so tweaked it a bit to make a sort of spiritual successor.

All of which sounds pretty dumb to me.
Ah, OK. I must admit I had assumed that the name was just a cheap marketing trick to lure in people (like me) who are suckers for a (good) monster movie. :D

I did like the bit where MEW is standing on the car and suddenly realises that there are aliens about and responds with something akin to "Oh come on!" It just had me in stitches imagining myself reading the script as that would've been my response at that point as I realised that the movie had just jumped the shark. :) The sudden change in tone is only eclipsed by the one in "Jeepers Creepers" where it goes from 'crazy, truck-driving psycho' to 'what? A demon who steals body parts?! What on Earth...?!"
I heard he changed it so it fitted into same universe and he wants to make a lot more cloverfield stuff.
how it would lal tie together I have no idea, as it made little sense.
its never good when they change stuff.
look at Prometheus for example.
I heard he changed it so it fitted into same universe and he wants to make a lot more cloverfield stuff.
how it would lal tie together I have no idea, as it made little sense.
its never good when they change stuff.
look at Prometheus for example.

Prometheus was a god damn tragedy and anyone who thinks otherwise is really deluding themselves! Such a missed opportunity. :(
I struggle to see why 10 Cloverfield Lane is considered to be part of the same universe as Cloverfield? The original is about a giant monster from the sea that was awakened by the satellite crash, 10CL was about an alien invasion. At least that's what I read from the two films. To my mind the only link is that JG's character did "satellite stuff" for the Navy. What am I missing?

It's part of the same universe because the brains behind it state it is, but the link is weak at best and it suffered greatly from the theme switch that comes with it's reveal. Getting served a burger when you ask for a salad might be a surprise twist, but it's still stupid and it's pretty much what this film did.
Asterix & Obelix Mission Cleopatra - 8/10

I loved the comics and i hear The Mansion of the Gods is arriving on the cinemas soon!

Moonwalkers - 7.5/10

Entertaining film about faking the moon landing if the actual landing went pear shaped.
Moonwalkers - 7.5/10

Entertaining film about faking the moon landing if the actual landing went pear shaped.

Ha, I can't wait for clips to start showing up in CT vidoes as "proof" of the NASA fakery. Probably alongside comments about how NASA/the US is so arrogant they even made a movie to rub salt into the wounds of all those basement dewlling nerds who KNOW (!) the secret. Because the Illuminati (or inset your own shady CT group here) can silence thousands of people (including the millions of scientists and amateurs for 50+ years who've ever looked at the moon in detail or bounced lasers off it) and plant false trails on the moon itself but somehow they're dumb enough to let some ill-educated nerd find out their nefarious plan. :D
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Ha, I can't wait for clips to start showing up in CT vidoes as "proof" of the NASA fakery. Probably alongside comments about how NASA/the US is so arrogant they even made a movie to rub salt into the wounds of all those basement dewlling nerds who KNOW (!) the secret. Because the Illuminati (or inset your own shady CT group here) can silence thousands of people (including the millions of scientists and amateurs for 50+ years who've ever looked at the moon in detail or bounced lasers off it) and plant false trails on the moon itself but somehow they're dumb enbough to let some ill-educated nerd find out their nefarious plan. :D

Of course the moon landing is faked! Like the US wants anyone to steal their almost limitless supply of cheese! Wake up Sheeple!!
Suffragette. Pretty good. I liked the cast, Carey Mulligan and Brendan Gleeson were good, Helena Bonham Carter wasn't annoying so well done there.
jungle book, better than the trailer makes it seem.
however something really horrible about the film style/special effects. not sure what it is but really brings it down. 7/10
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