What film did you watch last night?

R1 was once again resurrecting the nostalgia whilst floundering in its feeble efforts to add an extra edge for the manchild likely approaching a post-midlife crisis. In a franchise like Star Wars, you cannot slam the sense of childhood wonder alongside the rawness of war and expect to be a cake for all occasions for ever; hence why the franchise began, and should've died, as a simple morality fable from a movie buff with an optimistic religious streak, not taking itself too seriously. But the fandom roars in disagreement, and you with them! (I guess they never got over their fights with Trekkies over what 'serious' sci-fi is, and there are huge chips on shoulders abound. But again, that's no reason to make a film, let alone a Star Wars film. The money in their wallets is, though, hence R1, the endless merch, expanded universe etc.)

I don't get why some people get in such a fit over films. I would have thought the answer is simple: don't watch them! (any star wars after the original three).
Passengers (2016) - 4/10
Very nice to look at, but the plot is lacking and because it doesn’t have much direction (or much going on), the film is often boring to watch.

The setting is stylish, very futuristic and reminiscent of a luxury hotel which looks great, but completely ruins the atmosphere – there is no sense of isolation or hopelessness.

Good acting and build-up of romance, but the plot has gaping holes and the ending is far too corny.
Bone Tomahawk 5/10

Disappointed with this, I chose it over watching Django Unchained or Hateful Eight which have been on my list for s while.

Wondered what the fuss was about gore/violence etc, but then there was *that* scene :eek:
Wes Craven's Chiller -- 2/10

A scion of a wealthy family, Miles Creighton (possibly a homage to Michael Crichton), is cryogenically preserved, as rich people do, leaving some defrosting instructions behind. The plan goes awry... Horror ensues... His mum deploys a phallic symbol to discharge her disappointment with him. The end. But is it really the end? Ugh.

Blind Shaft -- 6/10

What do mines and oppressive, corrupt systems do to people? Find out, as we descend into the claustrophobic depths of Chinese commodity extraction. The dark humour was at times lost in translation.

I don't get why some people get in such a fit over films. I would have thought the answer is simple: don't watch them! (any star wars after the original three).

That's not how the arts work.


Can only be credibly deployed if you've sampled the good and the bad. :p I do wish the new teams the very best of luck on their endeavours for Disney/LucasFilm, but it has been quite apparent for some time that trying to retrofit a fable into a tragedy results in a product that only the converted can appreciate, and not uniformly so. Strip all the technical glitz and cultural iconography, and what do you have? A boring fetch quest! :D
Passengers (2016) - 4/10
Very nice to look at, but the plot is lacking and because it doesn’t have much direction (or much going on), the film is often boring to watch.

The setting is stylish, very futuristic and reminiscent of a luxury hotel which looks great, but completely ruins the atmosphere – there is no sense of isolation or hopelessness.

Good acting and build-up of romance, but the plot has gaping holes and the ending is far too corny.

I personally thought it was a lot better than expected. Chris Pratt was excellent and the story wasn't bad. 7/10 for me, definitly worth a watch.
Not at all? ;)

Alpha Papa has like two funny bits in it. It's world's apart from the series that spawned it.

Well, I completely disagree as there's loads of funny bits and many comic subtleties that Coogan throws in throughout the movie.

Saving Mr Banks. Brilliant cast, acting, etc, but it's irksome knowing that the story deviates quite a long way from reality. P L Travers comes across as a bit of a mentalist, and you get the feeling that Walt Disney must have been dedicated to either his artistic vision or to the expected income from the film to put up with her.

I also watched this yesterday, thoroughly enjoyed it and Emma Thompson is superb in it playing a hardnosed difficult woman. The back story about her father and her crying in the cinema made me well up. Also, of all the possible movie titles, what a coincidence that Tom Hanks stars in another 'Saving xxxxxx..' movie. :D

I just finished watching The Lady in the Van. Another movie about a cantankerous and rude woman. Excellent film with some very funny Alan Bennett lines. 7/10.
I personally found alpha papa an excellent film alongside the series.

For Christmas the other half picked, pride and prejudice and zombies, should have been better but not awful 6/10.
Star Wars: Rogue One

Better than The Force Awakens, and probably the best Star Wars film I've seen. A few things it improved on TFA were the sense of a larger universe, less fan service, better effects and no feminist undertones. I'd heard people say it was darker, but I didn't find it appreciably so. In the end it was a mindless action flick with a Star Wars skin that was forgotten about the next day.

Come on...
The ending with Vader entering the ship was cinema gold.

End of.

That scene was good although it lasted about 30 seconds, so wasn't enough to raise the standard of the rest of the film.

The film was terribly clichéd and I lost count of the number of times they repeated things for the younger audiences. If you analyse the film objectively without the Star Wars context it was no better than a Michael Bay action film.

Having extrapolated the plot from the other films there wasn't much to work with other than action. It needed more emotion and meaningful characters to make it great. I know a film is good when I'm still thinking about it after leaving the cinema. But Rogue One digested through me faster than the popcorn I ate. With a better screenplay and a director such as Ridley Scott or Christopher Nolan I think it could have been a point or two higher.
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