What film did you watch last night?

last night I watched The Fellowship of the Ring, the extended version.. Started with it due to seeing one of the battle scenes from the last movie in another topic here and realised I haven't seen those movies in maybe 10 years, so of I went :D
I dug out the blurays and watched all three extended editions (one a day - I'm not that diehard!) last week, and it was quality.
Book purists may have their issues, but these films are brilliant IMO.
Had last week off so decided to session some films.

God I love Cronenburg. Such a viscerally original movie and definitely one of his best flicks to date. No one ever really did practical effects quite like Cronenburg and his crew and this movie showcases some of there best work.


Watched all the Alien movies just after Christmas and decided to skip Prometheus for obvious reasons. However, several people told me to give it a second chance so... sigh. It's not an awful movie, it's just quite bad.
How the script ever got greenlit I'll never know and the screenplay is arguably even worse. Such a poorly paced movie throughout with the THE LEAST developed characters the franchise has ever seen. Such a shame because there's some promise in a few of it's ideas but it just never seems to follow through. Sadly, it still remains the nonsensical drivel I thought it was after the first viewing.

Black Swan

Saw this 3 times at the flicks and obviously really enjoyed it. Thought perhaps it might have been my late teenage angst that had me go back for multiple viewings but no! It's actually as good as I remember it being. One thing I didn't pick up on initially was just how well that handheld camera style really contributes to that sense of building dread.
It's just excellent! Every single performance is on point and the cinematography is just perfect. Shout to Clint Mansell as well for crafting one of the best scores of the last 10 years.

The Will Be Blood

Still PTA's best work to date and one of my favourite movies of all time. Holds up after each subsequent viewing and gets better and better if anything. No one quite throws a shot together like Robert Elswit either. As much as I love Deakins, Elswit is still my favourite. There's this level of depth and place he manages to put on screen that few, if any have ever mastered IMO. Daniel Day Lewis... I mean, what can I say that hasn't already been said about his performance here? Masterful in every respect.
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Watched all the Alien movies just after Christmas and decided to skip Prometheus for obvious reasons. However, several people told me to give it a second chance so... sigh. It's not an awful movie, it's just quite bad.
How the script ever got greenlit I'll never know and the screenplay is arguably even worse. Such a poorly paced movie throughout with the THE LEAST developed characters the franchise has ever seen. Such a shame because there's some promise in a few of it's ideas but it just never seems to follow through. Sadly, it still remains the nonsensical drivel I thought it was after the first viewing.

It was apparently a victim of the screenwriters strike, so Ridley Scott was knocking out the script on the fly, and boy does it show. It's very poor in just about every aspect except for the visual effects. Given how many great Alien stories and canon that the likes of Dark Horse wrote, you would think that a production costing $130 million could do better.
It was apparently a victim of the screenwriters strike, so Ridley Scott was knocking out the script on the fly, and boy does it show. It's very poor in just about every aspect except for the visual effects. Given how many great Alien stories and canon that the likes of Dark Horse wrote, you would think that a production costing $130 million could do better.

Ahhh well, I guess that explains a lot... Still need out check out the Dark Horse stuff!
It was apparently a victim of the screenwriters strike, so Ridley Scott was knocking out the script on the fly, and boy does it show. It's very poor in just about every aspect except for the visual effects. Given how many great Alien stories and canon that the likes of Dark Horse wrote, you would think that a production costing $130 million could do better.

The original script "Alien: Engineers" script by Jon Spaihts is excellent and full on Alien-esque, try and find it online and have a read.

Unfortunately Scott decided to alter the course of the movie mid-production and turn it into a non Alien movie in the Alienverse, cue Damon Lindelof and the hack job we now know as Prometheus.
Star Wars episodes I, II and III.


Not seen these for a while and wow, I'm completely astounded at just how awful the CGI is. :p It's almost laughable in places. Couldn't believe it.

I'm not one of these stuck up SW fans so despite the fact that overall they're not exactly amazing, I still wouldn't dismiss them entirely like others do. It's easy viewing and I do really enjoy the third one to be fair. I do however watch these first so I can leave the best stuff until last. ;)
Star Wars episodes I, II and III.


Not seen these for a while and wow, I'm completely astounded at just how awful the CGI is. :p It's almost laughable in places. Couldn't believe it.

Some of the CGi is quite subtle and really well done though. For example in part 2 when Ani and Padme are in the passenger transport on the way to Naboo, virtually everything outside of their table is CGI'd in.

The background CGI is far better done than the obvious in your face stuff.
The original script "Alien: Engineers" script by Jon Spaihts is excellent and full on Alien-esque, try and find it online and have a read.

Unfortunately Scott decided to alter the course of the movie mid-production and turn it into a non Alien movie in the Alienverse, cue Damon Lindelof and the hack job we now know as Prometheus.

Oh cool! He co-wrote Dr Stange right? I'll have to see if I can find it this evening.
Star Wars - The Phantom Menace. 2/10.

My word, how bad is this film! The only decent bits are the jedi fight scenes, and even those are only good with the 2 on 1 and 1 on 1 Darth Maul fights. The ones with the clone droid things are so choreographed, it's awful. Don't get me started on the CGI and 'that' CGI alien... Absolutely appalling. It beggar's belief.
As a side note, were the writer's taking the pee with Anakin's "YIPPPEEEEE" scenes? They are just ridiculous.
Kill Command

Errrrrr basically the same quality and plot as cut scenes from most average sci-fi robot computer games. I kept expecting to have to hold circle to skip the scene, then take control.

Quite enjoyed it
Black Swan

Saw this 3 times at the flicks and obviously really enjoyed it. Thought perhaps it might have been my late teenage angst that had me go back for multiple viewings but no! It's actually as good as I remember it being. One thing I didn't pick up on initially was just how well that handheld camera style really contributes to that sense of building dread.
It's just excellent! Every single performance is on point and the cinematography is just perfect. Shout to Clint Mansell as well for crafting one of the best scores of the last 10 years.

Mansell has a number of scores which are outstanding, not least requiem for a dream. Though some people like Hans Zimmer bombast, it takes all sorts.
USS Indianapolis 3/10.

Sooooooo bad. Cliches throughout and the cgi is absolutely terrible, like really bad. Ive seen pc games from 5 years ago that looked better than this. Considering the films budget of $40M they really have spent about £50 of that on the cgi. Embarrassingly bad. I mean, what were they thinking?
Terminator Genysis - 2/10

Please. Please let there be no more Terminator films.

One day, should we ever give birth to sentient machines, they will find that we made awful films like Terminator Genysis, and conclude the only proper response to a race that created such drivel is to wipe them out.

I don't know where to begin, because everything was terrible. I just... I'm overwhelmed.
Me and my girl are looking forward to this :)

I mean I've had the soundtrack on repeat for the last 4 weeks so couldn't but singing along, tapping my feet etc, but if you don't walk out of the theatre feeling some kind of euphoria then God knows. It's times like now where I'm overjoyed that films like this get made and I urge you all to see it.

Leads are outstanding, songs are brilliant, cinematography gorgeous. Just...yeah.
The original script "Alien: Engineers" script by Jon Spaihts is excellent and full on Alien-esque, try and find it online and have a read.

I read it this evening, and while it isn't perfect, it certainly poops all over what we got with Prometheus.
I reckon most people would've been happy enough with it.

Also looking at the Alien: Covenant trailer, it appears they've used Spaihts "back burster" idea which is in the original Prometheus script.

They all chest bursted in the script I read today. Is there another one flying around?
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