What film did you watch last night?

Res Evil The Final Chapter - 7/10. Not as bad as some reviews state. There were some good scenes ie zombie hordes, the flaming towers and the final reveal.

XXX - Return of Xander Cage - 5/10. Again, bad, but not as bad as some reviews. Some very, very bad lines from Vin, especially cringe worthy how all the young hot chicks found him irresistible and wanted to have his babies there and then (althoug i did giggle at Nina Dobrev lines - she was just pure filth!). And i can't believe Xanders boss was the girl out of Muriels Wedding - wow! Such a difference.

The Nice Guys - 7/10. Some really good and some really funny scenes, but found myself getting bored with this movie - the settings were lush and stylish with some very good attention to detail (Jaws 2 movie promo etc) but was hoping for more.

The Girl with all the Gifts - 7.5/10. Amazing opening scenes and a very engaging and very familiar story (TLOU). A different slant on the zombie genre which is now very saturated in the TV/Movie market, but definitely worth a watch.

Rogue One - 8.5/10. Amazing, really, really well done. Nit picking:

  • No crawl at beginning.
  • Although i liked the character Andor, i found his accent very off putting (someone else said reminded him of Banderas as Puss in Boots!).
  • Would liked to have seen more of Gerrera's character.

My biggest bug bear was the music, just as you thought it was about to start the Star Wars fanfare or a familiar track - nothing. The music was instantly forgettable especially compared to previous SW movies. So many set pieces where a classic SW track could have been used to great effect.

But overall scenery, story and of course that ending!
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Rogue Force One: A Star Wars Saga Story.

After suffering the train wreck of the previous prequels, I expected this to be more of the same. Incredibly, it was not.

This is the darkest Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back, and unlike the other prequels it didn't feel like a kiddy flick. I was pleasantly surprised, and even impressed.

Standout performers:

* 'Mad' Mads Mikkelsen
* Alan Tudyk
* Orly Schuchmacher
* David Sobolov
* that black guy

The use of CGI to recreate Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia was absolutely jaw-dropping. I hope they do more of this in future.

I rate Rogue Force One: A Star Wars Saga Story at 26.64 on the Haglee Scale, at which works out as an excitingly pert 8/10 on IMDB.
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Marvels Dr Strange: 8 out of 10

Enjoyed the film a lot and it's certainly very different to the normal Thor and Captain America films. I was expecting some more cinematics based on the trailers. Story line is not as complicated as people seem to make out. Will definitely be watching it again soon.

Beauty and the Beast (2017) - 7.5/10

It's a great film which manages to retain a lot of the magic and spectacle of the original thanks to top notch CGI and beautiful set pieces.

The singing is good, the songs are catchy and the story is a classic.

However, at times there is a disconnect between the CGI and the live action which makes some scenes awkward, and the family-friendly action and fight scenes lose a lot of their impact.

Also, at times I did think it was an unnecessary remake, especially during the big musical numbers when everything is CGI and flying around.
White settlers...just wtf

An English couple move into a house in the Scottish countryside, their first night in the house men with pig masks come in, they get the husband but the wife proves more elusive. She finds her husband tied up in a shed, batters pig mask guy with a piece of wood, they escape after she gets her Achilles tendon slashed. They eventually get caught again and bound up with bags over their heads. The movie then shows a Scottish family in the house with a Scottish flag on the outside and a kid running out of the house with one of the pig masks on indicating that its some of the same people that got the English couple, that and the fact one of them is battered and bruised. It then shows someone taking a bag off someone and its the English couple dumped somewhere in England and that's how it ends. So apparently that's all it takes to get a house, kidnap the owners, dump them elsewhere and they won't return.
Rogue Force One: A Star Wars Saga Story.

The use of CGI to recreate Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia was absolutely jaw-dropping. I hope they do more of this in future.


Whereas I thought the specials effects of Tarkin and Leia were impressive I found them incredibly distracting and instantly pulled me out of any immersion I had in the film.

Although its understandable why Tarkin needed to be there a simple shot of an actress in the white outfit from behind was all that was needed for Leia.
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