What film did you watch last night?

Predestination 8.5/10

Very good time wimey film. Slightly predictable but I loved the plot and the symbolism. (Giant serpent eating its own tail)

Highly recommended for time travel fans.

The Man from Earth. 6/10

Tries too hard to be intellectual. Very wooden acting. On paper plot looks interesting....but the delivery was poor.
Logan - 8/10

A great ending to the character and the current generation of X-men. I hope the next bunch of movies doesn't turn into a teenage angst movie though.
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter


I like bad films. I love me a terrible and shonky film to giggle at. I even enjoyed all the other Resident Evils in their own little way..... but.....
.... this was bad. REALLY bad.
It was beyond terrible, and the fights/action scenes were headache inducing. I'm not joking. I'm talking 4 or 5 cuts per second. I'm SERIOUSLY not joking.

It's one of those films where it's so bad, I've gone past the point of telling people to avoid it, all the way past infinity, and back around to suggesting that people watch it.
Not for fun, but so I can share some of my pain because it's just not fair that I watched it and you didn't.

Why 2/10 and not 1/10?
I dunno.... maybe because I'm just not (resident) evil enough to do that, and there's always the possibility that there'll be something worse in the future.
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter


I like bad films. I love me a terrible and shonky film to giggle at. I even enjoyed all the other Resident Evils in their own little way..... but.....
.... this was bad. REALLY bad.
It was beyond terrible, and the fights/action scenes were headache inducing. I'm not joking. I'm talking 4 or 5 cuts per second. I'm SERIOUSLY not joking.

It's one of those films where it's so bad, I've gone past the point of telling people to avoid it, all the way past infinity, and back around to suggesting that people watch it.
Not for fun, but so I can share some of my pain because it's just not fair that I watched it and you didn't.

Why 2/10 and not 1/10?
I dunno.... maybe because I'm just not (resident) evil enough to do that, and there's always the possibility that there'll be something worse in the future.

Like you i like these bad films and always enjoyed the previous ones but like you thought it was dire on a whole new level, really really bad. I gave it 1/10 feeling sorry for it. Paul W Anderson must have been high on drugs when he made this.
Going In Style (2017) - 6/10

An enjoyable, but formulaic heist movie.

It doesn’t really do anything special with the premise, but it all turns out well in the end, with great acting, a good moral message and humorous scenes throughout.
Patriots Day (2016) 9/10

I vaguely remember the Boston Marathon bombings, and this film was successful in filing in all of the gaps.

Both me and missus put it on the TV late last night and once the credits rolled by my wife was in tears and I was just silent. I think the film is supposed to make you feel optimistic about the future, but the events in the film and the portrayal of the two 'bombers' made me feel nothing but resentment and angry at how this could happen.

I was gripped from start to finish and the tension never really let up apart from a few comical sequences.

Its a good movie in everything that it tries to do, I just didnt finish it feeling great about the world.
Triangle (2009) 7/10

+1 extra for Melissa George. It was alright, nowhere near as good as Predestination and it failed a few logic tests imo but worth a watch.

The 13th Floor (1999) 6.7/10

Got panned at release as it unfortunately came out around the same time as the Matrix. It is quite a bit more low budget than the Matrix unfortunately. Good characters and B list cast. The did a decent enough job. The plot is pretty good though not executed as well as the Matrix obviously. Also had a fair few glaring plotholes that pull its rating down imo.

Nextup :tonights viewing (after the footie) will be probably Sinister and/or Coherence
ARQ is great fun.

I would have ended it differently, but I guess their ending was alright too ;)
Here's what I would have done....

As the ARQ reactor was speeding up and the reset was happening faster and faster, it would have been a scary/downer/twilight zone/terrifying ending if eventually, the reset was happening so fast they didn't even have time to do anything, they were just stuck in an eternal loop of lurching upright in bed, then resetting... forever.... and ever..... mwahahaaaa !!!
Split - 8/10. Superb acting from McAvoy - especially the scene in the Drs office when he changes from personality to another.


I was expecting more of a twist ie it was the surviving female all along and McAvoy was part of HER personalities or something along those lines. But then seeing B Willis at the end, i take it that BW is our superhero and McAvoy will become a super villain aka The Horde in the next movie?

Also, what do you suppose happened between the surviving female and the uncle?
The Founder (2016) 6/10

The story is not massively interesting (how McDonald's became a franchise empire), but Keaton's character is.

He holds the film together and to kill 2 hours its a decent watch.
me and my lad (9) watched The Goonies , man the language was a little choice than i remembered
Yeah, I'd been planning on watching with my boy, 7, but fortunately watched it through myself first. I think they cut a lot of those sorts of bits out when it's on TV.

Maybe in a couple of years :p
Yeah, I'd been planning on watching with my boy, 7, but fortunately watched it through myself first. I think they cut a lot of those sorts of bits out when it's on TV.

Maybe in a couple of years :p

i went on imbd , they gave it PG , in the uk it was PG then 12 then PG again !!:eek:
i went on imbd , they gave it PG , in the uk it was PG then 12 then PG again !!:eek:
The joys of re-submission due to changes in format, or changes in the BBFC policies :)

There are films that were refused classification at all, then released as a cut 18, then uncut 18 and now are only a 115, others like goonies that have varied up as well as down.
There is/was a podcast on the BBFC site discussing how and why ratings change, I think it was done as one of their "case study" 'casts when the latest Mad Max was released, they tend to do themed podcasts on the issues surrounding certain films on major milestones such as 25th anniversary or a new film in the series, they're oddly interesting at times :)

I watched "Shark Night" the other day, it was pretty terrible.
3/10 if I'm being generous.

I also watched "Without a paddle", which whilst not great was enjoyable.
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