What film did you watch last night?

Watched Criminal last night.

Only thing criminal about this film is how can you have such a wealth of talent and still succeed in making a thoroughly mediocre (at best) film. Stupid concept, questionable casting.

4/10 - because Costner was amusing in places even though I'm not sure he was supposed to be. I also think they did a good job of hiding Costner being fat rather than tough-guy :)
Last night - Amadeus. Biopic about Mozart, directed by Milos Forman, who made One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. The look of it is amazing - the sets, the costumes, it's stunning. I was really impressed with the photography as well, as so much of it is indoors and "candlelit" which must have been hard work. There's some good acting in there, particularly the Salieri character, Mozart's envious rival, who won the oscar. The Mozart character is appalling, just horrible, but that's apparently what he was like, just vulgar and spoiled and terrible. I liked the story, it's a good tale of rivalry and jealousy.

If I had to criticise anything it would be the accents, they were a bit all over the show.

Definitely worth a watch.

Tonight - Eddie the Eagle. Good fun underdog story. It's not Cool Runnings, but what is. I liked it.
Rogue One, on Blu-ray. Missus had already watched on Monday when I was on Late Turn so had to keep her from spouting spoilers...

Overall quite enjoyable, would rate 4/5 stars. Quite dark and grungy compared to the clean world of Episode 4 and although I kind of expected the ending
still came as quite a shock when none of the task force made it out alive. Logical I guess as none of the protagonists were referenced in Ep4, one of the perils of writing the story backwards.

However howl of derision at the attempts to render Tarkin and Leia via CGI matting. Surely they could have found someone among both Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher's siblings who looked similar enough and was prepared to do some acting. Or indeed Wayne Pygram (Scorpius from Farscape who played Tarkin at the end of Ep3).

And I have to join the clamour for Disney to pull their thumbs out and start issuing the films on 4K. Blu-ray quality and sound was good but could have been so much better presented on the new format.
I'm genuinely surprised that
people did not pick up the fact that Chris Pratt essentially murders JL in passengers.

He essentially wakes her up to serve a life sentence trapped on a ship.

The whole film is sinister !!! With light comedic moods....The film is all over the place!

How on earth can this be surprising... as in, how can you think anyone could not pick up on it?

She literally states in the film that he has essentially murdered her, she tells the third guy he murdered her. How can you be surprised no one picked up on it. It wasn't subtle, it wasn't left unsaid, it wasn't something hidden away that you had to work out for yourself, it was in your face....

As Tombstone said though, she wasn't murdered, that was her somewhat childish reaction. Her life plans were changed, that happens, you get hit by a car and end up in a wheelchair for 70 years... no one says you've been murdered, even if your life changes completely. She wasn't murdered, just the life she THOUGHT she'd have was 'murdered', but 99% of people don't end up living the life they planned on. Tombstone has a good interpretation, she wasn't actually doing anything with her life, we don't even know she's a good writer. Her dad was a apparently great writer who went out and did everything, she did this trip because she felt she'd done nothing amazing(which loosely implies she hasn't written anything good, if in general the best writers experience a lot before writing anything good) so she gave up her entire life just to write about a colony. Hell, for all she knows the colony would be wiped out after a week, the ship may be unable to get back to earth, earth may have been wiped out by a plague or war before she gets back.

SHe instead found happiness and love, something she seemed to lack. Maybe a good way to put it is, she was searching for something amazing and was unhappy and took the trip just because she thought maybe that would be enough. But trapped on the ship, accepting she can't change it she stops looking for the great story to tell and just starts living her life and being happy Then there is the whole, if he hadn't in fact woken her up, she'd have died anyway. So regardless of him waking her up, she wasn't going to have that life she thought she would.

But ignore all of that, so what, he knew waking her up was horrible, but he suffered from extreme depression and loneliness, he was literally not in his right mind when he chose to do it. He begged himself not to but realised it was wake her up or kill himself. He didn't choose to be woken up himself, he was 'murdered' by the ship, or whoever chose not to make a way for someone to be put back into stasis on the ship in case of emergency.

It was a better film than I think you're giving it credit for, was it amazing, nope, was it bad, nope. The whole film is sinister but has comedic parts, sinister films can't be funny? You can't add comedy and tragedy? Your whole stance on this film is absurd. You're surprised people missed something which was actually a main plot point and no one missed at all.. and you're upset a film isn't just a comedy or only sinister?
Blade (1998) 9/10

Close to being 20 years old and I thought I would give this movie another watch.

Poor CGI.....sure

Incredibly entertaining though, probably one of the first great 'Marvel' movies.
Arrival (2016)

Not the type of Sci Fi I tend to watch. Have a tendency to watch SciFi films for scary aliens, action and big guns :)

This was a slow moving alien film with a plot.

To be honest for me it was 6/10.

Good but slow and didn't seem to do much but it did create some real tension and atmosphere. The plot twist at the end was good but if I understand it correctly
she will now have a kid, tell her husband said kid will die of cancer and lose them both. Harsh.

With my son, 7. Was actually finishing it off as we'd watched the first half a week or two ago. Surprising how much smoking, swearing and sexual innuendo there is in it, for a PG film. I think he's young enough not to notice, though :D
Rogue One 8/10

Finally got around to seeing it. And my god, what a film! Well paced, good casting, the robot was amazingly sarcastic and funny. I completely lost it with the "Are you kidding me?! I'm blind!!"

The action was excellent along with the visuals and I liked how it didn't have your "typical" ending. :)
Rogue One 8/10

Finally got around to seeing it. And my god, what a film! Well paced, good casting, the robot was amazingly sarcastic and funny. I completely lost it with the "Are you kidding me?! I'm blind!!"

The action was excellent along with the visuals and I liked how it didn't have your "typical" ending. :)

Same here, I was pleasantly surprised how good is was.
Fast and the Furious 8

Absurd, silly, stupid, big, loud but fun.

Oh, and it is very stupid, plot holes everywhere but best not think about it, just enjoy the ride.
Blade (1998) 9/10

Love Blade, love Blade 2.

But I actually subjected myself to Blade Trinity about a week ago.
Can't be as bad as I remember surely? Yep.... probably about a 4/10

Weirdly gives us an early glimpse into Ryan Reynolds Deadpool personality :D

But damn, they messed up that film with the hipster Vampires who seemed to have been reduced to only being about 5% stronger/faster/deadlier than a normal human.
And don't get me started on Whistlers daughter and whichever studio exec though it would be 'cool' to show her making an iPod playlist she can listen to when hunting vamps, because you know, that makes sense.... when I hunt the undead, I always like to take away one of my senses just to make it more of a challenge. :mad:
Late to see this one Lone Survivor like many others good solid war movie leaving no stone uncovered hard to watch at times as well. Would not like to be in any war.

8/10 even 8.5 if I could give it.
Late to see this one Lone Survivor like many others good solid war movie leaving no stone uncovered hard to watch at times as well. Would not like to be in any war.

8/10 even 8.5 if I could give it.

I enjoyed that, too, partly because it just strips everything else away from it and tells the story of a few blokes basically just doing their job - no politics, or anything like that.
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