What film did you watch last night?

Pirates of the Caribbean Salazar's curse revenge? Something....
6.5 /10

Not my thing, same old recipe as the rest same jokes. Ending was long drawn dark scene fighting.... It's ok but meh.

Love the music though lol.

After credits scene too.
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Actually really enjoyed it. Would have liked the film to spent a bit more time/focus on Chris Pratts solitude at the start but I guess that would have cramped the rest of the film.

And Jennifer Lawrence.....oh my word.
I'm surprised there was so much love for John Wick 2, I thought it was worse in every way. The plot was worse and more stupid, it went hollywood, the big fight scenes felt like they went bigger and longer, just like Matrix 2 and the Smith scene, where it just became unbelievable, over the top and boring. 4-5/10 vs 7/10 for the first film.

Coming out of the catacombs vs the fight in the first scene in the club. in the club there were security already in the club then people coming in from doorways and from believable places, it also had a plausible amount of security then stopped. In the catacombs he was walking through ******* catacombs, which he had to find special maps to work out how to get in, that won't have entrances everywhere, yet people were popping out of shadows around every corner, where could they plausibly come from. They came in to ambush him and spread out through a long network of tunnels? likewise they were armed to the teeth but didn't open fire on the most deadly assassin ever the second they saw him. He also got shot over and over again but he had a awfully explained plot 'fix' that he had magic body armour... made by the people that the people trying to kill him all had access to. So he had magic body armour but they didn't. Then stupid stuff like the sheer number of people, the length of the scene, the fact that he kept getting shot, the fact that no one shot him in the head even accidentally and the fact he was shooting some people with like 4 shotgun blasts at close range. Also moments where his gun magically had 20-30 rounds without reloading.

Near the end as well, the chick assassin, who seemed borderline incompetent and then was weak and useless in the final fight, she used the last bullets in her clip so switched to the knife to fight an elite assassin who is far stronger. Once dead he took her spare clip, reloaded her gun and left. So she could have just reloaded and shot him. She'd already tried to ambush him, she has no moral compunction about fighting him hand to hand to prove herself.

Then the actual main movie plot, the first film a young idiot who has no idea he is a deadly assassin angers him and causes a revenge rampage, that is an okay story. This film, guy who knows this guy was the go to assassin in the entire world, could kill anyone and is near impossible to kill.... and he does the same thing all to kill his sister which involved in it's entirety, walking through some tunnels then killer her in private in a bathroom with no security. How could his head of security chick not do this herself already?

Plot was bad, the fights were overly long, overly boring and so so so so much worse than the first film. Again it's the difference between the Matrix 1 and 2, small sensible fight scenes that went hollywood and got bigger and longer... but absolutely not better as a result.

Oh it was also full of moments where he did some kinda judo roll without any need and in fact which delayed a shot and gave whoever just walked in more time to shoot him. Again it was just there so they could have more judo, more mma looking stuff, it was added for the sake of having more for it rather than making the scenes better.
Hacksaw Ridge 8/10

Yes it's another war film but really quite enjoyed this true story, and it shows that Andrew Garfield can carry a film and Mel Gibson is still a good director. Plus the main character, Desmond Doss, is quite possibly one of the bravest men who's ever lived!
Pirates of the Carribbean - Salazar's Revenge - I must say I wasn't sure if it was because I haven't seen one for ages or if this was particularly good but surprisingly I thoroughly enjoyed this. This movie had a great intro and compelling plot build up. Great all round performance from the cast and Javier Bardem was excellent. Some of special effects, action sequences and camera shots was spectacular. Was quite engrossed in the movie much better than the last. 7.5/10 for me.
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John Wick 2.

Really loved the first film (8/10), so I have been looking forward to watching the second instalment. But this one just seemed over the top where the fight scenes were getting long and boring as it's so repetitive. Story was weak too.


You know what John Wick 3 is going to be like now. . .
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PotC : Salazor's Revenge.

Enjoyed it for the most part some really good action set pieces throughout, the ending seems like a slap in the face after two hours though as it comes across really rushed sadly.

6 / 10
The Man with the Golden Gun

Got to be my favourite Bond film. It's good fun and the way some of the scenes flow into the next is really well done. It feels like an old film now that most of the cast have passed away.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge (2017) - 7/10

An enjoyable and entertaining adventure with great special effects and plenty of humorous moments.

The plot isn’t that original and is more convoluted than it needs to be, with some scenes unnecessary or running for too long.

The new cast fit their roles well and Depp does another entertaining but expected performance of Jack Sparrow
Beethoven - watched this as a kid and loved it and was pleasantly surprised how enjoyable it still was. The dad's reactions to beethoven's antics are mostly genuinely amusing and there was a lot of heart too. The scenes where the dad is taking Beethoven 'to the vets' are really sad! Well paced and didn't outstay it's welcome. Also - gloriously 90s clothes throughout.

As a complete side point (as I mentioned in another thread) I was shocked to see the dead dogs in jars being carried in the lab... just wut. Why did they think that was necessary?!

All in all good family fun and I'll be showing it to my kids some day I'm sure - 7.5
Xxx return of sander cane, omg its possibly the worst film I have ever watched, it's as if a 15 year old said you know what would make a good film then they just made it. Iam gonna invent a time machine so I can go back in time and warn myself no to watch this rubbish. 0/10 if I could give a minus score I would.
John Wick 2.

Really loved the first film (8/10), so I have been looking forward to watching the second instalment. But this one just seemed over the top where the fight scenes were getting long and boring as it's so repetitive. Story was weak too.


You know what John Wick 3 is going to be like now. . .

Well following the trend we have another Matrix.... Revolutions our hand? Is that the third one, or was it reloaded, I try to not remember those two and pretend only the first one existed.

It's kind of hilarious how similar the change in plot and action has been with Keanu in both. Even stranger is how much people **** on films like the sequels to The Matrix yet still make the same mistakes when it comes to sequels. The Matrix universe had so much room for more films but the third was so poor no one wanted any more. I feel like Wick is going the same way.

As I said before, I'm just surprised people liked it when the plot was far worse, made far less sense and the action was just stupid long scenes that made absolutely no sense, particularly when the first film was praised for the realism of the fights. Again this is basically exactly the same as The Matrix, except there the first film was praised for how the fights were shot, with complex camera setups and lots of real stuntwork where the follow up was longer and all CGI horsecrap.
Chico and Rita

Visually striking, with good music and authentic depiction of Havana life. I didn't find the love story very convincing however. For me it was more a 90 minute animated music video.

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