What film did you watch last night?

Hell or High Water

Modern western set in West Texas with themes of consumer debt crisis, out of control banks and US gun culture. Some great comic relief in there, and plenty of food for thought.

Hell or High Water

Modern western set in West Texas with themes of consumer debt crisis, out of control banks and US gun culture. Some great comic relief in there, and plenty of food for thought.


Chris Pine can knock it out of the park with the right role. That porch scene at the end was genuinely intimitading.
Logan - dark, gritty. Everything the wolverine films should've been from the start. Predictable in places but still solid. 8/10

Hacksaw Ridge - it's an amazing story of Desmond Doss and how he went through the struggle of training to achieve such a feat in battle. Watchable and will kill 2 hours but I felt the film was a little rushed and shallow. 6/10
Hacksaw Ridge last night.

Mixed feelings - undoubtedly the main character was a hero and deserved some sort of movie recognition. However I must agree with some comments elsewhere that the pacing in the first half was a bit off and Vince Vaughan just didn't really gel as the drill sergeant nor Sam Worthington as the CO. As regards the battle scenes, well at times it felt like a live action version of COD. Not for those with a weak stomach although I'm of the view that some of the gore and viscera was a bit exaggerated for effect. Obviously a modern war movie isn't going to have Audie Murphy or Richard Widmark take a bullet to the arm, pause to light a cigarette then carry on but then neither were they using explosive tipped bullets. And the scene with
half a torso being used as a human shield seemed to be sheer fantasy

So overall I'd say 7/10. a good watch but not a classic like Saving Private Ryan or BoB.
It was alright. a 6 or 7 maybe.
Didn't affect me as much as others seemed to get 'the feelz' on this thread.
Just a decent passable movie that turning into random crap in the final scene.

Kids running not using powers, men not shooting kids, the entire contrived gubbins which didn't stand to even the slightest 'wtf are they doing' thoughts.
Best wolverine movie, but that doesn't say much.

First class and days of future past still better than this, as were the fassbender 'new origin' scenes in apocalypse.

All in all x-men is very disappointing, vastly behind Marvels heros/avengers series of movies, which while not great, at least follow a slightly better plot form.
I watched Passengers the other night. 6/10 I guess. Considering there's been some pretty good space/sci-fi films out the past year or so I had high hopes, but it really wasn't anything remarkable at all. Felt like it was ticking a lot of boxes (romance, comedy, action, peril) without any real purpose to the story line.
The Perfect Storm 4/5
A classic, always enjoyable.

War Machine 4/5
Solid, going to pick up the book its based on too. Didn't think Pitt was right for the role but he was still great with what he was given.

Logan 3/5
Yawn, not for me I guess, although I haven't liked many of these "super-hero" movies (GOTG aside) for a long time now, all too generic and formulaic.
Alien: Covenant - 5/10 - Alien movie by numbers. The whole magical "pollen" creates even more problems in alien life cycle than magical "goo" of Prometheus. Couldn't care less about the main heroine. I wish they just stopped wrecking old franchises.

Boss Baby - 4/10 - meh
Logan - 7/10 enjoyed it a lot.
Missed a trick not bringing in Liev Schreiber - a clone of Sabretooth maybe - rather than a cloned Wolverine - with a really poor half sentence explanation. Would have reinforced Logan's wish to be finally at peace having killed his brother
War Machine 4/5
Solid, going to pick up the book its based on too. Didn't think Pitt was right for the role but he was still great with what he was given.

I thought it was really great

explains well the complexities of the Afghan war and also the specific events of Mcchrystals "adventures"
After years of reading books, documentries, films and even myself being part of the Afghan war, this film has me thinking a lot - I cant decide if Mcmahon/Mcchrystal was 100% right (and just didnt have the support / politics he needed) or just another general in a long line who repeat the same mistakes.

I feel bad for it though as casual viewers wont find it action packed or funny enough

The book is very good as well (the operators) shame the author died so young
The film presents it intrestingly that did Michael Hastings bring down a "runaway general" or scupper the chances of the one man who could have won?
I watched Passengers the other night. 6/10 I guess. Considering there's been some pretty good space/sci-fi films out the past year or so I had high hopes, but it really wasn't anything remarkable at all. Felt like it was ticking a lot of boxes (romance, comedy, action, peril) without any real purpose to the story line.

I watched this in the cinema, film would have been 10x better if..

They edited the film differently so it showed her waking up first, then they could reveal/flashback Chris Pratt's struggle. The way that we watch it, it's very linear, with no reveal for the audience.

Moon is a far better film in terms of story. Passengers was ok, but we had already empathised with Pratt and seen his personal battle, it would add a lot of depth if we found out how she did.
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