Went a bit 'Jim Hensen' crazy on my day off and watched a bunch of old Muppet stuff and 2 of his flicks.
The Dark Crystal
It has zero character development, very by the numbers antagonists and an overly ambitious plot. But by god, I enjoyed every single minute of it. It really does lend credence to the phrase "every frame a painting". The puppetry was just awe inspiring and the artistic direction is impeccable. Cannot recommend it enough to people who like to see ALL the money on screen.
Saw this once as a kid. Struggled a lot with it this time round. Without the ambitious artistic direction 'The Dark Crystal' had to bolster it's floors, I felt it was just quite a poor movie with some cool puppetry. Flabby, unruly dialogue with a poor central performance from Jennifer Connolly. Bowie of course was awesome cus... well, it's David freaking Bowie.
The Dark Crystal
It has zero character development, very by the numbers antagonists and an overly ambitious plot. But by god, I enjoyed every single minute of it. It really does lend credence to the phrase "every frame a painting". The puppetry was just awe inspiring and the artistic direction is impeccable. Cannot recommend it enough to people who like to see ALL the money on screen.
Saw this once as a kid. Struggled a lot with it this time round. Without the ambitious artistic direction 'The Dark Crystal' had to bolster it's floors, I felt it was just quite a poor movie with some cool puppetry. Flabby, unruly dialogue with a poor central performance from Jennifer Connolly. Bowie of course was awesome cus... well, it's David freaking Bowie.