What film did you watch last night?

Morgan. Thought it was way too obvious.

Said to my wife after 10 minutes that Lee Weathers (Kate Mara) was probably from a separate development line.

The movie was fine and if I hadn't have already watched Ex Machina I might even class it as good.

Excellent film. A family on holiday in the Caribbean cross paths with a sadistic fisherman who threatens to leave them stranded to die, unless they give him $1,000,000.

Well acted and directed and a gripping story line. One seen made jump out of my seat.
Spiderman: Homecoming

I really didnt like this, i was excited to watch it but it fell flat for me. Spiderman in this just comes across as idiotic, and his suit is far too techy for my liking. Literally the only good thing in this was Keaton as the bad guy, and a likeable bad guy too. I was put off of ironman in the last avengers where he basically became a moron, and in this film his assistant 'Happy' is made to look like a complete a$$hat too.

4/10 because decent baddie.
Monsters (2010) - 3 out of 10

Saw this mentioned in a few places and thought I'd give it a try.
Wish I could turn back time and get those 90 minutes back.
A terribly dull film that relies on stupidity and coincidences to push the plot forwards and literally would be almost the exact same film if it didn't have monsters in it and it was just about 2 idiots trying to get back to the USA from Mexico :/
Saw Tideland last night.....

What the hell did I just watch?? That has to be one of the most messed up films I have ever seen!

I'll give it 4/10 for trying to be different I guess. We didn't switch it off, mainly due to a morbid fascination as to how it was going to play out.

It's a Terry Gilliam film at the end of the day....
Cabin in the Woods

Been told SOOO many times to give this a ganders.

Though it was great. A little too restrained perhaps, given it's premise. It's shot very conventionally and doesn't really stray too far from the format it's trying so desperately to satirise, but it was definitely a cool idea. The last shot alone would have been worth the price of admission xD



I could watch this movie over and over and over again. Sublime. My favourite movie of all time.
Inception: Made more sense the second time around, and shows why Christopher Nolan is so highly rated. He just tells good stories, and isn't afraid to make the audience work and think. Great cast, mindbending story and action. A proper grown up action/sci-fi movie made to a high quality.

Agreed. He catches a lot of flack these days simply because he's the new 'big' Director in town and people like to be edgy. Saying that, those calling him the new 'Kubrick' are just wrong xD

Not to say his movies are perfect either, but he knows how to work cinema in such a distinctive way and that makes his flicks so exciting to watch, particularly first time round.
I saw Assassin's Creed last night, in part because of the mauling it's received. I'd probably give it a below average score, so 4 or maybe even 5, although it was watchable and didn't commit any egregious errors (which is what I was expecting). The excellent cast was completely wasted and the story completely unengaging but I've seen far, far, far worse films. (so this was better than I expected!)
So I watched Morgan, it was so so, but it filled an evening without being so bad I had to turn it off.
I also watched A Street Cat Named Bob which I really enjoyed. It was never going to trouble the Oscars but it was pretty enjoyable and uplifting.
Cabin in the Woods

Been told SOOO many times to give this a ganders.

Though it was great. A little too restrained perhaps, given it's premise. It's shot very conventionally and doesn't really stray too far from the format it's trying so desperately to satirise, but it was definitely a cool idea. The last shot alone would have been worth the price of admission xD

Probably watched this 6/7 times....it's a film that gives more and more each time you watch it. There are so many nods to horror movies that i'm still spotting for the first time on each subsequent rewatch.
One more for cabin in the woods. The only bit I didn't like was when Chris Hemsworth's character died trying to jump that chasm on a motorbike. How the hell are we going defeat the Frost Giants now that Thor is dead? :(
Night of the Living Dead - 9/10

In memory of George Romeros death, still a great film dispite having seen it around 20 times!
Watching Dawn of the Dead tonight.
Wonder Woman
It was....ok. Aside from Chris and Gal's chars everyone else seemed to be there to flesh out the scenes rather than have any meaningful contribution to the film. TO be honest, I found the film pretty boring overall. 6/10, not really any better than the ext. Batman vs Superman was.

The Mummy (2017)
Didn't really work for me. The chemistry between chars wasn't there, the plot was lackluster. Overall, worse film than Wonder Woman (though weirdly I was less bored with this than I was WW). 5/10
Life 7/10

Maybe a bit generous :) I thought it was ok despite some weak points. The ending was great. Oh and Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool, no matter what part he plays.

It was very like the first Alien. Some people had problems with how unprofessional and stupid they all were. I didn't mind that, the excitement at finding a new life form and the panic that happened when the Life form turned hostile was understandable. They were scientists not soldiers. My problem was the flame thrower that was out of fuel when he dropped it had enough fuel to stay alight during Ryan's death scene and then cause the explosion. My other problem was the lab itself and all the talk of Firewalls. Why didn't the lab have a remote vent into space? Or even better, the crew should have had the ability to jettison the lab in to outer space.
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) 7/10

It was pretty good with an empty conclusion IMO, the weakest in the trilogy .
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