What film did you watch last night?

Yeah you can get 'A Bittersweet Life' on blu ray, I've got it :-)
The final gun fight scene in the tower @ the end is glorious in HD goodness, arguably one of the best if not the best shootout scenes ever filmed :cool:
Waxwork (1988)
Has the lad from Gremlins in it, plus David Warner, Patrick Macnee and John Rhys-Davis. According to the blurb the script was written in three days (it shows); I think it was filmed in about 2 hours, certainly felt like it.
Truly bad and very predictable and it has a sequel too. 3/10 (for the werewolf transformation scene).
Alien Covenant - 2/10 (as a massive Alien "Universe" fan -1,000,00/10) - Just to set the scene, I'm the guy who bought midnight tickets for Prometheus and queued for an hour just to make sure I got a good seat, all the while wearing my "Narcissus" t-shirt because a Nostromo one wasn't geeky enough (it was the escape pod name). I've also got every graphic novel, actual novel and movie tie-in available, multiple copies of the Quadrilogy on Blu-Ray for all the different versions etc because I love the Alien "universe". I buy into the concept and the world building that Ridley Scott and his team did way back with the original so I really just don't understand why Scott has decided to take a massive dump on his previous work by releasing this crap. I walked away from Prometheus feeling confused by what I'd seen because I wasn't sure how the great Ridley Scott had screwed it up but, when I saw the press for this new film with Scott saying "lessons had been learned" I foolishly believed him. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!

The franchise is now dead to me and I will never watch another new Alien film again.
Alien Covenant - 2/10 (as a massive Alien "Universe" fan -1,000,00/10) - Just to set the scene, I'm the guy who bought midnight tickets for Prometheus and queued for an hour just to make sure I got a good seat, all the while wearing my "Narcissus" t-shirt because a Nostromo one wasn't geeky enough (it was the escape pod name). I've also got every graphic novel, actual novel and movie tie-in available, multiple copies of the Quadrilogy on Blu-Ray for all the different versions etc because I love the Alien "universe". I buy into the concept and the world building that Ridley Scott and his team did way back with the original so I really just don't understand why Scott has decided to take a massive dump on his previous work by releasing this crap. I walked away from Prometheus feeling confused by what I'd seen because I wasn't sure how the great Ridley Scott had screwed it up but, when I saw the press for this new film with Scott saying "lessons had been learned" I foolishly believed him. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!

The franchise is now dead to me and I will never watch another new Alien film again.

I gave Covenant a 7/10 after seeing the disappointed that was Prometheus I didn't hold much hopes for Covenant but I was pleasantly surprised. It's a lot better than Resurrection and I also am a huge lover of the Alien franchise. I like the twist at the end and it leaves it open for another movie. I think you've been a bit harsh with your rating but to each his own.
Didn't think it was much of a twist at the end - was pretty obvious when they cut away too early what was going to happen. If it hadn't been a beautifully shot movie with great attention to the scene and wardrobe I wouldn't have stuck it to the end - the plot was just random rehashing of the previous movies the way characters interacted to each other and reacted to events was unnatural at best and kind of weird and so much was either unnecessary or contrived - the first half like the mummy 2017 seemed like they'd got a 5 year old hopped up on sugar to write the script the second half is settled down a bit and almost redeemed itself towards the end but not quite and still felt like they were using action scenes, etc. to cover for a lack of real substance.

Ultimately 2 out of 10 is generous - rating stuff like this anything other than utter trash just encourages them to make more of it :s I'm kind of sad that the utter, gorgeous, attention to visual detail was completely lacking in most other elements.
I watched John Wick II, but this time on 4k UHD Blu-ray having previously seen it at the cinema.

That disc is impressive. The film is gorgeously shot and the HDR looks really good in places like the Roman clubbing scene, the hall of mirrors at the end etc. I really love that other-world with 'The Continental' the payment in gold coins, the factions etc. Keanu can really handle a gun as well.
Just finished watching Arrival, excellent film, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did as I'm not a huge Amy Adams fan and I haven't really seen Renner in anything this cerebral. The only thing that did put me off a bit was Forest Whittakers accent.
Watched A Dogs Purpose last night - I'd give it a solid 7/10 for pet lovers and a do not recommend for everyone else. Cried 3 and a half times, one of which was the true heart crushing Marley and Me despair type tears...
It Comes at Night - 1/10

Another one suckered in to watching this. Seriously don't bother wasting the minutes, not even out of curiosity. It's so bad it angered me that I watched all of it. How this got the ratings it did on IMDB and Rotten I have no idea. Being moody and character driven are all nice but when absolutely nothing of interest happens it's crazy. Why they gave it that title too, beggers belief.
Stratton (2017) - 1/10

A bland and boring action thriller with dull action scenes, flat acting and clichéd characters.

The plot is barely functional and very predictable, it never gets exciting or thrilling, and overall, feels like a straight-to-TV budget film.
The Conjuring 2 - 6.5/10

Surprisingly good, especially for a horror sequel. I feared the worst when I read it was based in Britain, but it actually worked really well. Gave it a different feel to the usual US based horrors, but still had that Hollywood polish. I think also due to most of the actors being pretty decent, bar the odd corny accent here and there. The main young girl especially did a great job i thought.

Bone Tomahawk - 6.5/10

Another pretty decent horror, coincidentally starring one of the same actors as the above. Not a scary film, but has some pretty gruesome scenes. A good cast apart from Lili Simmons, shes nice to look at but her acting was a bit off in this.
Wonder Woman

It was ok. Had high hopes but found it just ok. A little slow.
I like David Thewlis but he was terrible as Ares!

The Mummy

This was also ok. TBH, better than I thought it was going to be, but I had very low expectations.
I thought Russell Crowe's Mr. Hyde was great.

Power Rangers

I liked this, well, most of it. First two acts were quite enjoyable but the third act just killed it for me. Not sure if they were going for the look/feel of the tv show but it spoiled it for me. The old Power Rangers theme was the final blow. The little robot thingy (Alpha??) wasn't as annoying as it could have been!
What If? See my earlier review, it's still good on a second viewing with my niece. Great, gentle romantic comedy with Daniel Radcliffe in the lead that manages to subvert the clichés and is full of nice little touches. Now three people have seen it.

Wonder Woman: Almost a Marvel quality of superhero movie from DC, though it does seem to pinch the structure of the film from Captain America, except set in the First World War, rather then the second. Gal Gadot makes a great Wonder Woman, though I think she makes a better Diana Prince. She does play it naive and young, which is fine for an origin story, but I wanted someone bulky and imposing, whereas Godot is physically quite delicate-looking. Her accent and face fit perfectly, and I love the way she keeps being told what to do and then doing what she wants anyway. She acts like a bull in a china shop, even if she doesn't look it. I found it ironic that her character wants to save the world from death and war by killing everyone on the opposite side. She (at least in this film) is a black and white character in a world full of grey. Chris Pine is her love interest and guide in the modern male-orientated world, and does his usual good job, though some of their non-action scenes together seem to be overly long and need of tighter editing.

The Hitman's Bodyguard: Not bad but I though I would enjoy this more than I did. Plenty of stunts, car chases and gun fights, but it boils down to Ryan Reynolds and Sam L Jackson playing the same characters they tend to default to. One's a hitman, one's a disgraced bodyguard, they have to get to the Hague to put Gary Oldman's evil despot behind bars, everyone's trying to kill them, yada, yada... The two of them are the core of the movie, and it could just as easily been any buddy movie with the two of them at the centre of it.

To The Bone: Lily Collins (who lost 20 pounds she can't afford to lose) plays an anorexic going through last chance group therapy. In a halfway house, Collins gives us a glimpse of eating disorders and body dysmorphia, and we see how her awful family (with the exception of her half-sister) are just making a bad situation worse. Keanu Reeves supports as her doctor, Alex Sharp gets little credit in the promotional campaign as the actor who pretty much carries the other half of the film as Collins' love interest and friend. A bit funny and a bit more sad, well worth a watch if you fancy a drama.
It Comes at Night - 1/10

Another one suckered in to watching this. Seriously don't bother wasting the minutes, not even out of curiosity. It's so bad it angered me that I watched all of it. How this got the ratings it did on IMDB and Rotten I have no idea. Being moody and character driven are all nice but when absolutely nothing of interest happens it's crazy. Why they gave it that title too, beggers belief.

Insomnia comes at night, I guess.
Running Man (1987) 8/10.

Still one of my Arnie favourites although the ending now seems all too pat - they may have removed Killian and the immediate game environment but the regime with its enforcement agencies still firmly in charge. A little bit of rebellion in Downtown LA would quickly be put down.

The pounding tech-rock Faltermeyer score drives things along nicely and makes you come over all 80's...

Hopefully one classic that won't suffer the ignominy of a remake.
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