What film did you watch last night?

bone tomahawk - 4/10 i suppose. Most of it was slow and n=boring but well acted and then some pretty horrific violence. One death in particular was not nice at all.
I watched that about 6 months ago and that death scene still disturbs me. It must be akin to watching one of those ISIS decapitation videos that people feel the need to watch online. Ugh.

The director has just released Brawl in Cell Block 99 which sounds decent. I'm hoping it won't have anything like that in it!

Much of the violence, particularly towards the end, is so frankly graphic it’s close to unwatchable: if it’s been a while since a film has made you throw your hands up to your head and groan “oh no” at no-one in particular, Brawl will scratch that particular itch to bloody ribbons.
Oh :o
I watched that about 6 months ago and that death scene still disturbs me. It must be akin to watching one of those ISIS decapitation videos that people feel the need to watch online. Ugh.

The director has just released Brawl in Cell Block 99 which sounds decent. I'm hoping it won't have anything like that in it!

EDIT: Oh :o

yeah, i think i'll pass then!
Hitman bodyguard 7/10

Friend came around with dunkirk.. we turned it on and turned out to be operation dunkirk.. we still watched it cause it was total crap and we couldn't stop laughing at how bad it was.. turned it off after 35 mins as it was so painful to watch.. had to check imdb and ended up reading the reviews for longer then we watched the film.. worst film I've ever seen.. -5/10

Warra loada CROC. I love my disaster flicks but flipping hell, this made 2012 look good. I had predicted all the bad guys in the first 10minutes and the entire film is a cliché fest of drivel.

Ed Harris and Sheeran's talents are wasted on this film and Gerard Butler tries his best but ultimately it ends up as a disaster of a flick overall.

I'm thankful we saved £22 on Cineworld tickets when my bro in law said he can get them cheap on his NHS discount!


I'm sucker for disaster films as well, but this does look terrible. I saw a tornado disaster film fairly recently, but I forget what it was called. Anyway, it was dire. Twister was made 20 years ago, and was a far better.
The Mummy (2017) - 6.5/10

In truth it wasn't quite as bad as the reviews would have you believe. Never going to be as good as the Brendan Fraser movies (though the third one was pushing it) and focused more on possession with a bit of gender role reversal as regards the title protagonist. Good quality picture on the Blu-ray - apparently 4K not worth the extra tenner - and decent sound. Check your brain at the door, watch with a beer or two and don't take it seriously.
Thor: Ragnarok

Enjoyed the change of pace with this one, the comedy was well delivered and most importantly funny. By far the best Thor film but it must be up there with the most entertaining and enjoyable Marvel films.

Couldn’t help but feel some Lord of the Rings vibes at points funnily enough :p

Miss Sloane

The drool inducing Jessica Chastain plays an emotionally shut down hard charging lobbyist that decides to take on the NRA. I tried to watch this a few weeks ago, but I was tired and it has dense rapid fire dialogue at times, so it didn't work out. Feeling rested I tried it again. loved it! I honestly can't say it was super original or ground breaking but it was a damn good yarn and everyone acted superbly. in these days of reboots and cgi fests I think it has to worth 8.5/10.
fair warning, it's 2 and a quarter hours long :)
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