What film did you watch last night?

Horrible Histories: Rotten Romans

Took the missus nephew (aged 8) to see it and it was funnier than I thought it would be. A lot of stuff in there that kids probably won't get but adults should do.

Horrible Histories: Rotten Romans

Took the missus nephew (aged 8) to see it and it was funnier than I thought it would be. A lot of stuff in there that kids probably won't get but adults should do.

Hah reminds me of the show Pinky and the Brain when they were doing a history song.

“Caligula he was no Boy Scout, he got up to things that we can’t talk about...”
Angel has Fallen

Plot so predictable I saw every twist coming...I could see who the bad guys were after 5 mins and who the person behind the scrambled voice was and also why they did it...

That said though I really enjoyed it, it was good fun, B-movie fun. It’s one of those that you know what it is selling and it does it well, like a really greasy kebab.
Crawl (2019) - 7/10

Predictable and clear in where it got its inspiration from, but enjoyably entertaining nonetheless.

It has a few good moments which make you jump and a semi-realistic storm depiction which, although doesn’t quite add to the tension, like the alligators, it does keep up the impending threat.

The story and acting are ok and the ending sort of fizzles out, but it achieves what it sets out to do in a good way.
Sorry to Bother You

Fun, just a plain fun movie. Dark, weird, crazy and above all fun.

Quite hard to explain. But a down on his luck bloke, finds his calling at a tele-marketing company. Que white voices, horses, and Danny Glover.

Strong 8/10 from me.
Kick Ass - 6/10

Some laugh-out-loud moments, but I'd had a couple before starting it, which could explain that ;)

Quite a lot of filler, and parts of the film drag along.

It's basically a much sillier (maybe!) version of Batman.

e: almost forgot...

Ghost Rider - herpderp/10

I knew going in this was a terrible movie. I still wasn't prepared.

Why... why would anyone do this.
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Deadpool - 4/10
Watched it again on C4 tonight. I think I was a bit harsh. It's probably a 6/10.

No way is it as bad as other 4/10 films I've rated :p (Take a bow, Prometheus).

I still don't find the film funny, in that none of his wise-cracking made me laugh or even chuckle. But it didn't annoy me as it apparently did the first time I watched it :p I think I just accepted it as part of his character, and moved on.

Overall it's a low-budget Marvel film and it's fairly by-the-numbers. It was never going to be film of the decade. But it's watchable.
Watched it again on C4 tonight. I think I was a bit harsh. It's probably a 6/10.

No way is it as bad as other 4/10 films I've rated :p (Take a bow, Prometheus).

I still don't find the film funny, in that none of his wise-cracking made me laugh or even chuckle. But it didn't annoy me as it apparently did the first time I watched it :p I think I just accepted it as part of his character, and moved on.

Overall it's a low-budget Marvel film and it's fairly by-the-numbers. It was never going to be film of the decade. But it's watchable.

Aside from Infinity war I thought it was better than all the other Marvel movies.
The Favourite 5/10

Was expecting better given the reviews. Some good performances, but as a film it kinda falls flat.

Gets a bonus half mark for featuring lots of rabbits.
Watched it again on C4 tonight. I think I was a bit harsh. It's probably a 6/10.

No way is it as bad as other 4/10 films I've rated :p (Take a bow, Prometheus).

I still don't find the film funny, in that none of his wise-cracking made me laugh or even chuckle. But it didn't annoy me as it apparently did the first time I watched it :p I think I just accepted it as part of his character, and moved on.

Overall it's a low-budget Marvel film and it's fairly by-the-numbers. It was never going to be film of the decade. But it's watchable.

It's an ok movie, but I do think its way over hyped.
Angel has Fallen

Plot so predictable I saw every twist coming...I could see who the bad guys were after 5 mins and who the person behind the scrambled voice was and also why they did it...

That said though I really enjoyed it, it was good fun, B-movie fun. It’s one of those that you know what it is selling and it does it well, like a really greasy kebab.

OK, I am absolutely not a racist, but Gerard Butler really needs to stop making these movies for the good of moral society.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

7/10 for me. Not one I'd likely ever re-watch and prob my second least fav Tarantino film after Hateful Eight. It wasn't that great ultimately. Style over substance at times. The end was pretty cool but all came too late for me. Too slow to begin with and needed a better story. And again as others have said.. great if you like feet ;)

At the cinema, a lot of people were coming out moaning that it was too long.

For me it was a film that had me checking my watch numerous times. Last 5 mins was great, shame it took so long to get there with the plot. The violence was one thing, it was more that something happened. Trying to remember anything that stood out before then........ nope.

Could just not be a film for me, 6/10.
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