What film did you watch last night?

Watched "Blood Diamond" last night. Enjoyed it, but had to watch it on my mates old crt TV which makes everything look like an early 90's bbc sitcom due to this weird 100hz motion flow thing it does.
watched Crank last night, complete tosh story but Jason Statham does his usual kick ass routine and was quite enjoyable brainless fun. But I like the Transporter series anyway so predisposed to liking his characters.
I saw SALT yesterday, was quite good actually, Angelina Jolie plays some badass roles from time to time, this was was way more darker than her other movies though, I liked it, merciless killing and all that ^_^

I'd give it 7/10 due to the ending being a bit unexpected!
Saw Sunshine last night.

A film of two halves for me. The first half was quite interesting, thought it was building up to something good. Then mid way through where everything goes wrong it goes downhill fast. Gets boring and incoherent.

Watched "World War 3"


It's a mockumentary showing what might have happened if the wall hadn't come down and events led to WW3. My hopes weren't high (TV movie) but it was actually really good! They use real clips of political leaders edited to seem like they're talking about the fictional situation in the movie, stock footage and actors playing made-up military leaders and the like. The scenario was very realistic and really pulled me in....I was gripped. Don't expect battle scenes galore with nukes flying around or anything - it's 85% political drama, with stock clips thrown in for action. Still, as my expectations were so low I really enjoyed it.

Salt, 7/8 outta 10. I saw all the twists coming but doesn't stop it from being well made, well acted and fast paced throughout so you can't get bored. Very well thought out set pieces and as said above, the balcony :D
Saw Sunshine last night.

A film of two halves for me. The first half was quite interesting, thought it was building up to something good. Then mid way through where everything goes wrong it goes downhill fast. Gets boring and incoherent.


Agreed. This movie started out pretty good but towards the end just became a slasher/horror film. disappointed me.

Have you seen Event Horizon? similar premise but I think it's done a lot better...
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