What film did you watch last night?

Watched this today and thought it was really good. The coffee shop scene was great. Really good acting!

The Bank escape. Still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Amazing stuff. The tension at the airport as well. Immense.


Pretty predictable and insanely unrealistic; but entertaining and well directed. I think most of the flaws were balanced out to be honest. As above, that balcony... lol
I also watched Salt - cant really say anything other than what others have already posted on this film.

I'd give it 7/10 as I thought it was one of her better films - quite dark and gritty. Saw all the twists and turns coming but it was acted out well from all parts, well thought out stunts and jump sequences and of course the balcony :p

I also thought Angie is looking really skinny in this film, unhealthily so imo :eek:
Watched this today and thought it was really good. The coffee shop scene was great. Really good acting!

As for this thread, I think people are giving 10/10 scores far too often and far too easily!

Heat is just awesome! One of those films I could watch over and over again. A must see film for anyone and the last great thing from RD and AP! I remember someone saying they flipped a coin to decide who would play the cop and who would play the bad guy!
I'm tempted to watch it again but then I'm thinking I'd like to find more films like it or films as good as it.

Any suggestions?
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Beneath Hill 60

WW1 film based on a true story about a australian miner/s that tunnel and plant bombs under objectives on the front line excellent film i thought and gives good insight into how they did things then.

Gamer 7/10

Pretty enjoyable and some good action, it looked pretty too. Story was sort of good but there were some huge plot holes and unanswered questions I thought but still good as a no brainer action film.
Just watched reign of fire on BBC 1


Same here, massive plot holes and no explanation where they were in the country in the entire film!

Due to that, ended up putting "the thing" on which is a pure classic. Its one of those films you literally think "no don't split up!" when watching it :D

Argh, film reviews! Guess there's no real way of finding out without watching the film yourself.

Hmm marks out of 5, would an average film be classed as a 3 then? As in a film which is not bad but not great.
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