Watched this today and thought it was really good. The coffee shop scene was great. Really good acting!
The Bank escape. Still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Amazing stuff. The tension at the airport as well. Immense.
Watched this today and thought it was really good. The coffee shop scene was great. Really good acting!
As for this thread, I think people are giving 10/10 scores far too often and far too easily!
Watched this today and thought it was really good. The coffee shop scene was great. Really good acting!
As for this thread, I think people are giving 10/10 scores far too often and far too easily!
Just watched reign of fire on BBC 1
Gamer 7/10
Pretty enjoyable and some good action, it looked pretty too. Story was sort of good but there were some huge plot holes and unanswered questions I thought but still good as a no brainer action film.