What film did you watch last night?

Was Butler supposed to be doing a Scottish accent?
This may come as a bit of a shock

@Ninco! @BUDFORCE cheers for the kids words. Ooo, that Ali match looked a right bruiser :eek:

I really like the whole set including the so called 'lesser' ones... Rocky 5 is a jarring change but has its place, then Balboa (6) has the epic motivational speech. Got to get them all in to be ready for Creed 3 :)

Possibly on for watching Rocky 5 tonight, we'll see!
Look forward to your reviews! :)

I remember leaving the cinema having seen Rocky 5 and being deflated. For me, later Rocky and Rambo films, from their eighties heyday took a darker tone and personally, lost their magic. Still they have some great moments; Balboa and that motivational speech is an epic scene!

When you have finished Rocky, you might want to check out Over The Top (1987). It must be 25 years since I last watched (got the vinyl soundtrack somewhere). The film has the same DNA as Rocky, montage sequence, music; its Rocky only this time, arm wrestling!
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Princess Mononoke.

This was a re-watch for me, though it's been a while since my last watch, so I only remembered bits and bobs. I actually didn't like it all that much this time, and I was surprised when I went to check my Letterboxd, I gave it a 5/5 first time round. I was just confused by Ashitaka's motives. He falls for San, who hates humans or one particular person/village, yet he befriends and sides with said village, and even when they're shown to have pretty heinous goals, he still defends them, or I guess defends Lady Eboshi. And then he flip flops back to helping the animals and San. He wants to have his cake and eat it..

Some parts of dialogue were also paced weirdly. You'll have someone say something poignant like showing affection or declaring their love, but they'll just spit it out with little feeling, and immediately run off to do something else.

I'd give it a 7/10 this time (or my second Letterboxd score was 3.5/5).
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The Menu - 6.5/10

Just felt like it was trying way too hard at times and was just far too silly. Felt like a film for the younger generation of film nerds who lap up on the nose commentary and one dimensional characters. The plot twists were largely telegraphed and the ending was a bit ridiculous. Kept me watching and it was funny in quite a few places although I don't know how intentional that was.
Rocky 5

At last, the black sheep!

I really don’t think this film is as bad as everyone remembers. Sure, the majority of the ‘macho fun’ is gone and replaced with something much less appealing; Rocky’s own decline (being defrauded for millions and then down-and-out). But there’s still a lot to ‘like’.

First, seeing the decline is genuinely pretty sad, particularly Rocky calling Adrian “Mick”, the doctor’s appointment and also Rocky’s domestic argument out in the street, which is full of feels as he declares his hatred for his situation. Adrian really shines in these scenes.

Tommy Gunn and Duke (2!) are great additions. The former has a harrowing back story and then, in a twist, turns his back on Rocky. Duke is a total ********, but pretty intimidating in his own way - especially when he is talking down to Union Cane in the limo.

The meat of the drama is Rocky becoming more invested in Tommy Gunn than his own son, to the point where even Paulie is disappointed in him. I think this is the film’s downfall in the context of the series, because for the first time makes Rocky himself unlikable. His whole appeal is being the ‘do the right thing’, heart of gold guy. This film damages that image. On the other hand, nobody is perfect and we learn that our own image Rocky was flawed. So he grows in this film, as does our familiarity with him. Ultimately though, as interesting as that is, it’s not a ‘hearts-on-fire training montage’, is it? Rocky V is probably the least fun film in the set.

There’s lots of great fan service for those that are familiar with the series. The priest from Rocky 2 shows up again, plus Gunn’s first fight is in the same hall as Rocky’s first from the very first film. We have great flashback sequences with Mickey, including during the street fight… although it bizarrely goes full cheese after this last ‘flashback’ with the music going full fanfare.

I can’t claim it’s a great film, but it sits alongside the others as a fair instalment of the saga. And seemingly, it’s more enjoyable to waffle on about than Rocky 4, so that’s something :o :D

7.5/10 (I’m editing my prior reviews to make Rocky 2 and 3 also 7.5)

So far then that’s:

Rocky - 9/10
Rocky 2 - 7.5/10
Rocky 3 - 7.5/10
Rocky 4 - 8/10
Rocky 5 - 7.5/10
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Babylon - 5/10.

My expectations were nicely lowered by some of the reviews. Actually it didn't feel as long as I thought it would. It was fine, but ironically for the subject matter (and 3hr+ runtime) there was literally no depth to anyone. It's all been done before. Some weird comedy gags, like the elephant at the beginning were bordering on cringey. Soundtrack also seems way too similar to La La Land. All in all, I suspect this was massively delayed and rushed out before everyone agreed on a final trim to the 2hr30 mark. It just needed to be tighter and slicker.

Also, did anyone find it very dark (especially the first 20mins in the party), and also out of focus in places? The scene with Pitt and the journalist (after her article about him came out) he was mostly out of focus on his closeups. Very poor? :confused:
Babylon - 5/10.

My expectations were nicely lowered by some of the reviews. Actually it didn't feel as long as I thought it would. It was fine, but ironically for the subject matter (and 3hr+ runtime) there was literally no depth to anyone. It's all been done before. Some weird comedy gags, like the elephant at the beginning were bordering on cringey. Soundtrack also seems way too similar to La La Land. All in all, I suspect this was massively delayed and rushed out before everyone agreed on a final trim to the 2hr30 mark. It just needed to be tighter and slicker.

Also, did anyone find it very dark (especially the first 20mins in the party), and also out of focus in places? The scene with Pitt and the journalist (after her article about him came out) he was mostly out of focus on his closeups. Very poor? :confused:

Yeah, a runtime like that is just too much of a gamble for the big screen IMO - especially having seen some reviews like that. I’ll happily watch at home, with the opportunity to bail at the midway point if it’s feeling too much of a commitment.
Babylon - Long, drawn out, boring mess of a film.
Plane - Went in expecting the contents of the trailer, and got a really enjoyable film.
The Whale - Bloody dark and hard to watch purely because of how it's filmed. I really enjoyed it though. Very good.
A man called Otto - Heart warming, sad in places, forgot Tom Hanks was Tom Hanks, which is the mark of a good actor in my book. Very good.
Plane - 6/10
Basically just more “has Fallen” action without a president instead now being replaced by plane passengers.

Did enjoy the flying accident scene though obvious glaring plot hole is nobody checking a phone/tablet for GPS.
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