What film did you watch last night?

… must admit I’m mildly bummed that nobody else is seeing / reviewing Puss in Boots 2 - it’s not only a great cinema experience, but also the sort of well-crafted film that deserves supporting at the cinemas. It makes other yawn-some animations like Strange World seem woefully underdeveloped. This quote from a review captures it for me:

So forgive me for going on about it (again) but… I really do hope more people go to see it. I’ll shut up about it now :o :p

Went to see it earlier in the week. The trailer made it feel like it was going to be a cash in where once the main studio is done with a character it's passed on to the B-team to keep it going on 1/10th of the budget and a script found left in the photocopier from a different rejected film.

I wouldn't rate it as the best film out there, but it was better than I was expecting and certainly a step up for Dreamworks over theirs and Pixar/Disney recent creativity. It started off slow and repetitive, usual elements of cliché to be expected from this type of character, but the interaction between Puss and the main "bad guy" were spot on. It didn't give too much away but it had some genuine feeling and emotion to it, the character wasn't really needed if they wanted to keep it to the 1/10th budget cash in as the sideline story was entertaining on its own, but that character made all the difference and made it a story worth watching. It could have ended in many different ways too.

It'll certainly be watched again when it's on a streaming service.
The Quiet Place, never finished it before. 5/10

It was ok, but the ending was a bit crap, these creatures have super hearing and we're meant to believe nobody thought to try different frequencies at various volumes to see how it would affect them? Yeah ok.
never understood why it's so highly rated, whole film was bit crap imo.
Rocky 6 (‘Rocky Balboa’)

This is another one that I have mixed feelings on.

In some ways, it’s one of the best in the series. The relationship between Rocky and his son is very believable, plus we get sentimental scenes with Paulie that are on point… and his friendship with Marie is warming. These aspects feel like a very real continuation of the Rocky we know.

Then there’s the well known ‘motivational speech’ moment, which is the best moment in the whole series IMO:

But then the whole thing is undermined with one thing that the other films can just about get away with: Rocky’s ‘success’ here is totally unbelievable.

He looks old, frail and haggard. So it’s hard to not feel a little silly when you need to suspend disbelief to these levels to watch him fight again, even though the film tries very hard to make it clear the champ is out-of-shape and injured to try and make it more realistic.

^This really jars with the more serious themes, an example of this clash being when Rocky is contesting his denial of a boxing licence - you want to back him and find courage in his words, but in doing so you have quietly admit to yourself it’s all a total fantasy. A more minor point is that there is some strange lighting and effects blooms that for whatever reason haven’t aged very well.

I was very sad watching this in the cinema seeing Rocky fade out of view in the final shot, implying his death… but as we know there is more of him to come!

If you make an effort to tolerate the clash of silly/serious, it’s a good time - as it always is with the Italian Stallion :)

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21 Grams https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0315733/

The title sounded familiar but I don't think I have seen it before, or much of it anyway. Seeing Sean Penn and Del Toro in the cast is quite easily enough to catch my attention, though, I don't know, I mean, I thought it was good, but a bit hard going in parts. Maybe it was a little too long.
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21 Grams https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0315733/

The title sounded familiar but I don't think I have seen it before, or much of it anyway. Seeing Sean Penn and Del Toro in the cast is quite easily enough to catch my attention, though, I don't know, I mean, I thought it was good, but a bit hard going in parts. Maybe it was a little too long.
It's a great film but not seen it for years.

I saw it first in the cinema when it came out.
never understood why it's so highly rated, whole film was bit crap imo.

Yup I’m also on team ‘not sure what the hype was with A Quiet Place’.
I'm guessing you didn't watch it at the cinema? I can imagine at home it loses probably 90% of the tension. Sitting in a full screening in a big cinema with everyone dead silent was something else. A great experience.
I'm guessing you didn't watch it at the cinema? I can imagine at home it loses probably 90% of the tension. Sitting in a full screening in a big cinema with everyone dead silent was something else. A great experience.

Yes, I saw it in the cinema.

It didn’t help that I had seen ‘Don’t Breathe’ beforehand.

So ‘A Quiet Place’ is a slightly sillier reworking of a concept I’d already seen. Plus it had characters doing silly things that make you throw your hands up and say “whyyyyyyyyy u do thaaaattttt!!!” :p

They are quite different though, I’d check that out if you liked A Quiet Place:

Don’t Breathe (2016) — an excellent and (as far as I can tell) original, horror / thriller. Certainly a nail biter! Would definitely recommend this as something different. The less you know about it the better. I knew the premise and thought it would be much better if I knew nothing about it. Not sure how rewatchable it would be though.

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I'm guessing you didn't watch it at the cinema? I can imagine at home it loses probably 90% of the tension. Sitting in a full screening in a big cinema with everyone dead silent was something else. A great experience.
Oh I got the tension side of it, when I wasn’t rolling my eyes lol
But it was just too silly for me to find properly tense. And the unsurprising weaponising of ‘sound’ at the end just completely killed it for me.

Much like Birdhouse, which is also quite well received, I just found it a bit ‘unbelievable’ -in that there’s no way I could believe the main characters would have been alive for more than the first 15 mins of the film given what was happening.
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Looper - 8.5/10

I rewatch this every few years. Great film. In some ways a classic Bruce Willis film and in other's a great scifi/time travel story.
The really weird prosthetics/CGI on Joseph Gordon Levitt's face still looks weird to me even after seeing the movie like 5 times.

Plane - 5.5/10
Wasn't planning on watching this, but seeing as a few people further up the thread said it wasn't too bad, gave it a try. Good generic plot. surprisingly not too much tough guy stuff from Gerard Butler and the Luke Cage guy was the main muscle. Passed the time, would probably never watch again though.

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The Whale 8/10
As most people would have heard by now Brendan Fraser is superb in this and great supporting actors.

All the way through the film I knew I recognised the girls mother, but just couldn't remember where.

Remembered to look it up last night and it's Alpha from TWD! I would never have guessed that.
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