What film did you watch last night?

Super Mario Movie - 7/10 - took my 5 year old son for his first cinema trip yesterday - he's crazy about Mario and was totally engrossed, he kept nudging me and letting me know what certain musical cues and set pieces were, not realising of course i've been around Mario for the best part of 30 odd years. However I obliged him and acted surprised each time.

It's a splendidly crafted movie, clearly made by people with a deep knowledge of the Mario games - it's not something i'd go out of my way to watch but glad i've seen it. I know the collective internet is triggered about Pratt doing the voice but you barely notice it, more jarring is Charlie Day as Luigi. Animation is slick and well realised and I love how they integrated music across a lot of the mario universe games incidentally.

Now got peaches, peaches, peaches rattling around my head.
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Avatar https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0499549/

I quite enjoyed what I saw, mainly for the colours and tropical environment, than the story or characters in it.
I fell asleep about halfway through, so I may pick up from where I left off later.

My screen isn't true HDR, but I thought it might be worth trying it out to see if I could detect some sort of benefit when using it.
I guess the colours looked a bit richer, but as I say, it most certainly isn't a proper HDR monitor (600).

Very impressive effects in what is now quite an old film.

You will enjoy Way of Water as its even more vibrant visually than the first.
Infinite (Walhberg) - 3/10

Inspired by actually good films, like The Matrix.

Infinite's plot, however, has almost no bearing on anything that happens. It's generic action movie, and the exposition and set up really accomplishes nothing. They still just shoot each other, in the time honoured way.

Dialog - plain awful.
Action - dumb as ****.
Accuracy of enemy gunfire - one Stormtrooper/10

Also would someone explain what could possibly motivate a group of mercenaries, whose leader is literally promising to kill them all if he succeeds? It can't be the money...

(I'm retroactively downgrading my Prometheus rating to 2/10 so other terrible films can still rate higher.)
The Dark Tower (2017) - What is this I don't even / 10

Is it supposed to make any sense at all? What even happened?

I saw something going on, but I'm damned if I can tell you what it was.
Renfield - Loved it. Nick Cage doing his usual dialed-up self. Funny, and fun.
Free Guy - Been putting it off or ages, finally got around to it expecting it to not be my wife's cup of tea. Turns out she laughed more than I did. :)
The Three Musketeers: D’Artagnan (2023) - 7/10

A good old-fashioned historical action film with plenty of action and a classic plot filled with political intrigue.

Good acting, great setting (if a bit dark and dirty), engaging fight scenes and the French spoken language adds to the atmosphere and authenticity.

There wasn’t much character development and Green was underused, but it was good swashbuckling entertainment.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) - 9/10

A great fun filled adventure full of vibrant colours and catchy music.

There’s a bit of everything in it – Smash Bros, karting, old and new school platforming and plenty of other Mario/Nintendo tidbits for nostalgia.

The story’s pretty much as you would expect, but the performances are great, there’s plenty of humour and action to keep you entertained and even some character development and a moral message.

Really enjoyed it, and any fan of Mario (old or new) should give it a go.
watched the orginal jurassic park (1993)

A great film about a bunch of people going to a zoo of dinosaurs which escape and eat people (just like the town of basildon)

10/10 as it is a classic film . solid script and graphics that still hold out today

i would say that this film is one of the best films made by stephen spielberg by miles (ok not the best, buts it's close)

- always remember seeing this in the cinama when i was a wee boy
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Silent Hours (2017) 2/10

Whilst I'm partial to a good thriller (The Bridge, The Killing) this cropped up on Netflix; A made for TV film. Anyway, seeing it had some renowned British actors, skipped the blurb and hit play!

Good God, the plot is ludicrous, has a main actor you want to punch - it's bad and yet on the other hand, its comically good. :D
Tetris - 7/10 - Really enjoyed this, a well written story (a shock nowadays) combined with very good acting which meant that you cared for/hated the right people at the right time making this a really enjoyable film to watch, although with me being around in the late 80's I would say it seems to caricature the Russian side of the story a little bit, almost to comic book villian levels at times.

Aliens DC - 8/10 - Awesome as always, I saw this as part of the Vue's "back to the big screen" series and, apart from the Norwich Vue cinema's sound system trying to scramble my brain and burst my eardrums with excess volume, it was awesome to watch this on the big screen, especially being the DC version with all the extra scenes added.
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Ant man quantumainia.... 5/10.

Looked great but meh story and super forgettable.

Creed III. 6/10

Story was serviceable and the action was good. Didn't pull on the heart strings like a Rocky movie and will never likely watch again.

Next movie is Giant (1956)...
Hunt For The Wilderpeople: Brilliant little film where Sam Neill's grumpy old man goes on the run in the New Zealand bush with Julian Dennison's grumpy young orphan. Sam Neill is never less than stellar, and Julian Dennison is a funny fat kid who plays well opposite the great Neill. A funny, touching little adventure full of smart dialogue and clever little jokes. Cinematography is great, showcasing the spectacular landscapes of New Zealand as the mismatched pair travel the bush avoiding the authorities as they become unlikely outlaw heroes.

I mentioned to my brother in law that I'd seen it recently, and my 12 year old nephews instantly started quoting funny lines from the film, so the youngsters liked it too.
Thanks enjoyed good fun /endearing movie
Over the last few days:

The Pale Blue Eye

Moody period detective piece. Bale and Harry Melling are excellent in the lead roles, and there's a very strong supporting cast as well. The visual design and cinematography are sport spot on, and despite a bloated running time, it doesn't feel padded and I was genuinely caught out by the final twist. But something about it didn't quite click with me and I felt it was ultimately a bit missable.

Good, but missing something 7/10

Robin Hood (the Disney one)

Classic Disney at its whimsical best. There's a real charm to the art and animation missing from modern efforts, and the style of the dialogue has a wonderful book-read-to-a-child quality that would feel out of place in any recent film. Fun and funny in places, and all a bit silly in others; it's a real comfort food film for me.

Plenty flawed, and for kids, but I love it 8/10

The Gray Man

Non-stop action set pieces come thumping by one after another for at least half an hour than the film needed. It's slick, it's got some great camera work, and some of the action is really top notch but, overall, I though it was paper-thin. Not stylish enough to really pull off style-over-substance and without enough to make you actually care about the action or its outcomes. It's just another emotionless spy killer betrayed by the organisation who he was part off coolly slaughtering his way to his eventual goal - wow, never seen that a thousand times before.

A shallow 5/10.
Alien on D+ been years and is still a great movie. Because I've watched this a load of times the Alien itself didn't make me jump because I was ready for it. Jones on the other hand scared teh bejeebus out of me.

Really great cast delivering great performances. Great script and the cinematography and sets largely hold up reallly well.

Might see if the Missus wants to watch Aliens tonight :-D
Because I've watched this a load of times the Alien itself didn't make me jump because I was ready for it. Jones on the other hand scared teh bejeebus out of me.

This is where what I think is "scary" vs what Hollywood thinks is "scary" diverge.

For me, using Jonesy for a jump scare does instantly make me jump, but I'm not scared, I'm just having a reaction to something/anything loud and in my face, and the millisecond its over my brain is back to normal. Contrast that to Brett walking through the ship afterwards trying to find Jonesy again and that whole 5 minute segment of him tracking down the cat until he's attacked ratchets up the tension so much that the first time I saw it (I was about 12 IIRC) was utterly terrifying, far more than the earlier jump scare was and I genuinely wish the Jonesy jump-scare wasn't included or was done in a different way as its one of the few cheap shots used in the movie.
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i lost a bet and had to watch The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)

10/10 its an amazing film about..... no no no i can't do this

really i would give it a generous 2 / 10

its about a mad scientist who crosses animal dna with human dna to make mutant hybrids

the story line a mess, and the i do think most of the people that did the acting only did it for the paycheck and did not really care about what garbage they actually made

for gods sake please don't watch it, you will find better things to do with a spare 1 hour 30 mins of your life than watch this dump a film

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