12 mighty orphans, netflix. A damn good Human interest/ feel-good film. Its based on real events of a respected america football coach deciding to take on a job at an Orphanage with teenage kids that the world has treated terribly, that know nothing about the game, have never held a football, and that have absolutely zero equipment. Main character is Luke Wilson, Martin Sheen plays a great role as a loveable but alcohol prone supporting character, and also does a voice over very much a la Morgan freeman, and really enhances the film. Highly Recommend.
Also watched Drive with ryan gosling. Never seen it before. Starts slow, and a man of very few words, several scenes are just people looking at each other for a bit too long. But it kicks off and he ends up being a quite complicated character, it's an action film that you don't think it really is for a while. Enjoyed it, Gosling is quite an actor, this one in places quite a bit more dark/gory violence than gray man.