Air - 7/10 - The story of how Sonny Vaccaro of Nike pursued basketball rookie Michael Jordan, creating a partnership that revolutionizes the world of sports and contemporary culture. The story covers the history of how Nike, who back in '84 were a lowly 3rd contender within Basketball shoe revenue and risked having that department shut down, beat both favourites of Converse and Adidas to win over new basketball rookie and soon to be legend Michael Jordan to create the AirJordan line of trainers worth almost $40 billion over the last 40 years, with the contract Jordan signed having completely rewritten the rules around sports stars and the way they are rewarded (first star to take a percentage of gross profit per shoe rather than a set fee - earning Jordan over $1.5billion so far).
Whilst it sounds like the most boring financial drama ever, in reality its the very human story of a plucky outsider at a large company (Sonny) who can see something within a young star that few others can, who goes around the rules to get something no-one believes is possible and eventually ends up winning the the contract of his life, substantially changing the entire industry.
Obviously I'm guessing that some large liberties were taken in the fine detail story whilst keeping the broader strokes still accurate, but the cast (Damon, Affleck, Viola Davies, Bateman etc) are generally all doing a great job (more on Affleck later) with even the many "side" characters given some really good meaty lines to ensure their role feels more organic to the story than a simple cameo. The direction (Affleck again) is very good, the script is fantastic, the costume/set is very good and when combined with the use of 80's soundtrack, really makes this feel like a love letter back the 80's.
The choice not to directly show the actor playing Jordan is initially odd but makes sense within the bigger narrative, and some of Affleck's scenes as the Nike CEO feel as though he's too "stiff" in the role but, as the real Sonny was there on set as a consultant, I think it's more about re-creating how the IRL CEO that Affleck is playing genuinely was rather than an odd acting choice, but it still comes across as odd TBF.