Ghost in the Shell (2016) - 5/10 - Not especially good or bad, just average. Once you get past distraction caused by the "nude-ish look" skin tight body suit Scarlett Johansson (aka The Major) wears in some scenes (difficult I know) you find a film that's a very pale imitation of the original anime on which it's based. The plot has been seen before (corporations removing peoples rights) and the character of the main "bad guy" is so paper thin it's no surprise the actor playing him had nowhere to go but to ham it up.
In fact the acting/script was pretty poor all around. The only actors who I felt came out well, had sufficient back story and felt well acted and fleshed out people not just actors, were Juliette Binoche's "Dr Frankenstein" style inventor/doctor and Pilou Asbæk who played Batou, the Majors friend/work partner. In fact Pilou Asbæk (also known as Euron Greyjoy in GoT) was the best character in the film for me, as the top billed A-List star Scarlett Johansson was pretty bland TBH, almost "Lucy" bland. I really don't know whether that was a deliberate choice (to make her seem more robotic that human) or just a poor acting choice, because even in the most "what does it mean to be human" scenes there is no believable engagement between the character and the actor.
As for the rest, the CGI is extremely good in most places with only a few dodgy parts. The world felt real enough, almost like a cleaner/lighter BladeRunner and visually the film was a winner but it all, felt let down by poor acting choices & a "seen it all before" script, which is a big problem when you're remaking a film 20 years later.