romulous 7/10
I have been really looking forward to seeing this as I'm a fan of the alien franchise
I even watched alien and aliens etc in the build up to this, but it is set between alien, and aliens, so it's alien 1.5 really
it had some nice nods to the original 2, but since it is set before aliens, it's nod to that movie felt a bit out of place, the start of the movie was spoilt for me, because two twenty something turds came into the cinema late, with both their mobile screens on full, in view so I had to calm down and try to forget that I missed the obligatory camera sweep over some kind of space craft with words setting the scene, they both sat in front of me, and I had to bite my tongue to not have a go at them, I'm sure that they will both go their own special hell for that.
Then the real movie started, but I was still a bit annoyed and I was not concentrating properly, so I missed both the starts really, then got into what was happening, the story was slow but it got interesting as soon as we began exploring the new characters
then it took a while to build up again, so i confess that I nodded off a bit.
Recovered from my nodding and forced myself to really watch the movie, eventually the premise to the movie was set, and we moved onto the next part of the movie, , it was nice to be on familiar alien territory again, yes, now we were in a real alien movie, excellent!
The story plodded on, with some surprising new twists and turns, but I must confess again that I kept nodding off, I'm glad that I went with my son, so he could explain some things to me afterward, my advice is to really keep your eyes peeled or you might miss some crutial parts in the middle of the movie, that set up some later parts of the story,
we saw it at my local twee small cinema city cinema, because the times were good, wish it had have been possible to have seen it at the imax, but ours is being refurbished atm, so no imax showings available
they fitted a lot into the movie, and I'm still thinking about it, which is usually a good sign that the movie was good for me
overall, you will enjoy this movie if you like the franchise, and you will really enjoy some of the settings/characters, i'm looking forward to streaming release, because I might do a full rewatch of, AvP >AvP requiem > prometheus >covenant >alien > romulous > aliens > alien 3 > resurrection, yeah, I'm looking forward to that rewatch, especially now romulous is in there too, as it sits perfectly in the chronological order of things
I enjoyed it, but I simply cannot give it more than 7 /10, there were too many loud, fake try hard jumpscares, which only lessen the impact of real jumpscares
it needed more pace before we got into the rnormal pace of an alien movie, which is pretty slow in itself.
there is usually a good new one liner in every alien movie, bitch, harsh languague? NUKE , like you never fked a robot etc, but I did not spot one here, maybe I will on the streaming rewatch! Something to look forward to.