What film did you watch last night?

The Cable Guy - I went to a medieval banquet at Warwick Castle last weekend and all I could think about was this film. Love it!

How To Train Your Dragon

I watched this film with the all the kids, ranging from my 17 year old daughter, 13 year old son, 3 year old son and 1 year old daughter. Every single one of us enjoyed it, even my 1 year was laughing at parts and sat and watched the whole film. I really enjoyed it aswell. Not many films can appeal to such a broad scale!

9.5/10 from me
Despicable Me - Awesome film, looking fantastic on Blu Ray as well. 8/10

Human Centipede - Pretty average, twisted concept but all right to watch. - 6/10
Battle Los Angeles

Just came back from that, it's full of clichés and nothing you wouldn't expect story wise but it's entertaining enough to hold your attention.

Sunshine, 3/4 of the film were great 9/10, but then that stupid horror bit they tried to do was crap.

2 things that stood out, this was a fairly low budget brittish film (20 million £) and its visuals surpassed any hollywood 150 million dollar sci fi by miles, it was absolutely beautiful, maybe not technically just the way its done and the sound that goes with it.

The soundtrack was also one of the best ive heard in a film ever.
ALIENS - watched the directors cut for the first time and while some of the extended scenes definately improved the movie some like the scene with Newts family visiting the alien ship were awful!

Still an awsome movie and the sentry guns are definately a cool addition, however I still hate the bit where the aliens are in the roof space seems ridiculous that nobody thought o it and also that the colony was built with all these solid lockable doors that you could just climb over.
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