What film did you watch last night?

Stranger Than Fiction - 7/10

Not bad considering it caught me off gaurd as I was expecting a laugh a minute typical Will Ferral film. Emma Thompson was just brilliant to watch.
We need to talk about Kevin.

Was pretty messed up. A story of a very problematic strange child, coupled with a very depressed lenient mother and absent father, spawning a complete psycho.
A slow but good story about how at a very young age he had a malicious hatred for the woman who looked after him and the effect it had on her, fleeting back and forth between the aftermath of his future and the clips of his different ages in the past.

Only downside to it was it didn't conclude well for me. It wasn't a film about what he eventually did, but more about how he treated his mother without anyone else knowing and seeing.

I swear, that is probably the scariest film I have ever watched, because it is utterly horrific, but there is nothing in there that couldn't happen in real life.
Groen isn't really a movie fan so what did one expect!

Not a movie fan ? I watch so many movies that I have to skip through the **** ones or I won't have any time to annoy you on the forums :P

Seriously though, i watched the first 40-60mins or so of the movie TED, while I was doing other things and then the movie got a bit boring so i skipped.
Well I say so because anyone who watches a TS and then moans about the film lacking stuff can't be much of a movie fan for starters
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Well I say so because anyone who watches a TS and then moans about the film lacking stuff can't be much of a movie fan for starters


they are often not even the final movie. i stopped watching screeners almost 10 years ago when i had a 21" TV. on a 32" they look terrible and on a 42" they are unwatchable, plus the audio sucks. no 5.1? bah. audio is half of a movie.
TS? i have a friend who reviews movies for a newspaper and he sends me the screeners.

What difference does the quality of a movie like TED make to a review? If i was watching some crappy cam of battleship and started saying the production was rubbish then you would have an argument. But It makes no difference to my reviews and I take the quality of the movie in to consideration when offering my expert opinion. :D
Just a short movie tonight. Won't include youtube tags, just a link. Mucho Violento and some naughty words, but so awesome. All done for free by the actors involved for comicon. if you're a Punisher fan it's a must see.

Was going to post that as well, but it has swearies in it and is rather gruesome :D So didn't want to be getting a holiday :p :D

May want to remove the link and just tell people to search for #Dirtylaundry on youtube :)

It was superb that! 10 minute video better than the majority of 1 hour 30 minutes films :p

Thomas Jane = best punisher ever! Hope they do more of these videos or make a full film like this :)
Just a short movie tonight. Won't include youtube tags, just a link. Mucho Violento and some naughty words, but so awesome. All done for free by the actors involved for comicon. if you're a Punisher fan it's a must see.


Now, normally when people post up youtube clips, I watch about 30 seconds of them then switch off.

But that was BRILLIANT!

I must concur, that was EPIC!!!

Indeed, better than the Punisher films they have made :p
Yeah that was pretty cool that bit :D

Too many good scenes, the main stand out ones for me was that one as well as;

- the show down in Saint's bank/office building with the 2 guys as well as the end part (the club)
- russian fight
- the assassin scene with the knife :D

Pretty much every scene tbh :p

Some good trivia for the film as well:


The one thing that I liked the most was that the entire film regarding explosions, effects etc. was done for real, don't think one bit of the film was CGI :)
A mate lent me his blu ray copy of Act of valor today. The acting was a bit wooden and typically over the top patriotic. But the action sequences are absolutely amazing. Reminded me quite a lot of a documentary i watched some years ago about the seal teams, (the silent option).
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