What film did you watch last night?

Romper Stomper - One of the few Russell Crowe films I hadn't seen. Nothing ground breaking, but worth a watch if you've not seen it. 6/10

King of Devil Island - Very good film I thought. I've always been a fan of foreign films and this didn't disappoint. Not as brutal as Scum, but very well told. 8/10

Wild Bill - Typical down trodden British film. 6/10
I watched The Omen last night on filmfour. One of my favourite films. Gregory Peck put in some good performances later in his career.

I was chuffed actually as I was at work and there was nothing else on, and tv guide said ti was the 2007 remake, but when I turned it on it was the original
Not meaning to mock, but just curious, what would the .2 be that is needed to make TDKR a 10 for instance?

(and just to say, I rate TDKR about a 8.5 maybe 9)

Thought it was fantastic from start to finish, but a 10 would be an absolutely perfect film. There was couple of small things but none worthy of mentioning.

Preferred it to the The Dark Knight (although we're talking fractions) although I think BB might still be my favourite.

I know that this trilogy is one I'll re-watch time and time again. Looking forward to it coming out on DVD already to do a batman-athon :D
Thought it was fantastic from start to finish, but a 10 would be an absolutely perfect film. There was couple of small things but none worthy of mentioning.

Preferred it to the The Dark Knight (although we're talking fractions) although I think BB might still be my favourite.

I know that this trilogy is one I'll re-watch time and time again. Looking forward to it coming out on DVD already to do a batman-athon :D

Agree, even down to liking BB the most, but it's close between that and DK. BB started it all and was absolutely surreal to see a Comic Book Hero on screen done so well, I came out absolutely astonished with how it felt so grounded and realistic.

Truly revolutionary film.
Started watching 24 tonight after being inspired by some posts in this thread. I was convinced i'd watched it from start to finish before but don't remember anything from the first few episodes so far.
I personally marked TDKR a 9.5 instead of 10 due to struggling a little with Banes voice, other than that, it was perfection.

See, I had no problem at all, perfectly clear. Seems plenty of peope have quite bad hearing these days :D

What happens in Vegas - 2/10

Waste of time, I want my time back. They only reason I'm pulling out 2 stars is because of Cameron Diaz and a few scenes where she doesn't wear very much!
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Currently bidding on a copy on ebay!
Good luck, I much preferred it to the theatrical cut.

Just picked up tickets for TDKR at the IMAX next week - get in!
Going to the giant screen in Birmingham tonight to watch it, a bit upset it's not an IMAX screen any more but a 70m wide screen with digital projectors can't be bad!
I watched Rocky last night. I'm going to say that I think you had to be there. This is the first time I've seen it, and I'm coming off the back of The Wrestler, The Fighter, Million Dollar Baby and Warrior. The fighting really does not hold up at all. Beyond that, the plot is straight up and down what you expect, so there's not a lot to get excited about. Stallone was good in the role, but it's hard to know whether that's because it was well acted or just because Stallone is a big lug in real life. Totally not fussed for it.
I watched Rocky last night. I'm going to say that I think you had to be there. This is the first time I've seen it, and I'm coming off the back of The Wrestler, The Fighter, Million Dollar Baby and Warrior. The fighting really does not hold up at all. Beyond that, the plot is straight up and down what you expect, so there's not a lot to get excited about. Stallone was good in the role, but it's hard to know whether that's because it was well acted or just because Stallone is a big lug in real life. Totally not fussed for it.

i have to agree. the fighting is terrible. its just like his whole concept is to let them tire themselves out beating him up, then he hits them when they are knackered. compared to more modern films it just doesnt hold up.
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