What film did you watch last night?

22 Feb 2007
The Machinist - Was on Film4 so recorded it and watched it lastnight, been years since I first saw it. Solid performance by Bale, not a bad film at all if a little dark and moody.
23 Oct 2002
Surely, though, this is the fun of it all.
You support Rocky.
He looks like he is getting beaten up.
You feel sorry for him.

Real Steel followed exactly the same formula. This has a shed load of CGI if modern film-making is your thing. That small robot could take one heck of a beating and just wouldn't stay down.

I believe Warrior also followed a similar formula.

The movie would be a bore if Rocky came out, all guns blazing and knocked his opponent out in 10 seconds. There wouldn't be any drama to it.

I love the Rocky movies.
A lot of it depends on just how much you like the Rocky character (down to Earth, in love with a simple woman, doesn't sleep around, is generally nice to all those around him...an overall nice guy).

i think im the only one who felt uncomfortable watching that movie. they basically say its an emotionless robot but then try to show emotion while its taking a beating and looking for help from its owners. it just felt like 2 blokes making their loyal pet dog fight to the death. maybe i was a bit hammered and read too much into it! :)
30 Sep 2009
I remember watching that years ago on 4. It's pretty horrific.

i watched it first in 1999, then 2005 and just.

it's a very good film, not sure i'd say horrific but certainly an eye opener and it hasn't aged badly at all, infact, considering it was filmed in 1994, the events would be spot on for todays society.

i gave it less than 9 as it's a little innaccurate in it's lesson. there is no reason a girl of 16 in NYC couldn't catch HIV only having sex with one person but it's not really a true reflection of the stats, she's be more likely to catch the clap or get pregant, considering telly's age and sexuality. as i said certainly not impossible, but statistcally unlikely, unless he was a) shooting drugs/sharing needles b) a closet homosexual c) having sex with prostitutes or people a lot older/experienced as opposed to his ''virgin'' only rule.

looking back on those reasons, it is highly plausible and his virgin only rule is obviously bs and to impress his mates. also, the black girl who goes to get tested with jenny and is clean is also either exagerating to her friends or has a very innaccurate/short memory as what she tells to the nurse is contradictory.

the title itself (kids) explains that it is likely both telly and the black girl are putting on a 'front' to impress as that's what teenagers do, i just find the likelihood of telly catching HIV at such a young age and given his sexuality, no scenes of injecting etc a little far fetched but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously and gives a good lesson.
28 Dec 2009
Dark Night Rises - 6.5/10 good production but that was about it, boring story and batman sucks. christian bale is annoying and the acting was pretty bad from caine. :D
Fallen (Bluray) 8/10 excellent movie and bluray has good sound.
Solider of Fortune 5/10 cheap action movie mildly entertaining.
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16 Mar 2006
John Carter - I watched to see how bad it was and enjoyed it. It wasn't brillant at anything but the effects were very good and overall I was entertained, my kids were confused though but then they are a bit young for it. 3/5
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