What film did you watch last night?



20 Jun 2004
Huddersfield, UK
The Hunger Games

I've not read the books which are apparently r rated, but I did enjoy the movie overall.

I get the impression that the film could have been much better if it stuck to the r rating of the books and made it more of an adult based film, unfortunately it seems it has been dumbed down pg level.

If you have read the books you will most likely be more disappointed than I was as I thought it was ok. But I guess I don't know what I'm missing.


Pretty much sums it up. I've read the books, and while I found the film 'OK', it could have been much much better.

Gale was reduced to a couple of whistful shots, none of Katniss and Gales back story was given, nothing about how both their fathers were killed in the mine explosion and how Gale taught Katniss how to hunt, and how they've pretty much spent the last few years together looking out for each others family and grown closer together.

Katniss and Peeta's relationship was practically non-existent, when it was meant to be the plot for the whole movie! The entire book is about Katniss playing the Capitol's audience by faking the romance with Peeta and thus gaining sympathy from the Capitol populace.

All the stuff was Rue got glazed over, the riots from D11 aren't meant to happen until the 2nd book. D11 is meant to pool their pittiful amount of money to send Katniss some food as thanks for helping Rue. Something that has never happened before, and thus has massive significance and impact on the people watching.

Not to mention they completely changed how Katniss got the Mockingjay pin, they removed the entire character of the Mayors daughter, and by doing so removed all meaning about how/why and who it's important to! As no information is given about how the Mockingjay was a symbol of rebellion.

Many of the 'main' plot points were stuck to in the movie, but they completely removed all the back story and details that give the story impact and meaning. As such the movie just felt hollow as you never really got to know the characters, or understood their motivations.
18 Oct 2002
The Land of Roundabouts
The Hunger Game - 6/10 Far to much Hollywood going on! Drawn out yet felt rushed. As mentioned above filled with plot holes. Not sure how they could have improved upon it other than to have made a series out of it.

We were odviously spoiled with Battle Royale
26 Jan 2003
TDKR - 8/10 - very decent ending to the trilogy and one I won't be forgetting anytime soon although like others I did loose Banes lines at times - saw it in Imax at the BFI right at the back - ammmmmazing views!

Ted - 7/10 - very likeable character and some very funny moments but it does pull some low punches (jokes wise) at times. Loved the acting by Wahlberg in most of it :)
18 Oct 2009

I think it's fantastic, wanted to watch it in 1080 for a long time. Ofcourse i know those who follow the books, lore of the series have different opinions, but as a man who knows non of the that, the film delights me time over.

For years I thought it was a fantastic film, until I read the book not so long back. The film is a mess really. I still enjoy it though despite it's many flaws. It's a complicated book, and many thought it was unfilmable. So much of the book is left out of the film, that it just feels like a slide show of events from the book with nothing to connect them.

Best to avoid the book then if you love the film. :p
13 Dec 2006
On the forest moon Endor
Watched a few films recently:

Battleship: More cheese than a cheese toasty with extra cheese and possibly more CGI than Transformers. One of those sort of unplug your brain and enjoy type of action flicks. Eric Northman looked very out of place though, and he was out in the day time as well. :p 7/10

The Hunger Games: Is it just me or was this basically "The Running Man" remade? Yes I know it's based on the book but they nailed it right down to the patronising game show host! 5/10

I Want To Look Like That Guy: Saw this highlighted on the sports section here on OcUK and it was one of the best documentaries I've seen. It follows the true story of Stuart Macdonald who decides he wants to look like "that muscular guy" you see in the adverts for gyms. He set's himself a challenge of competing in a body building competition that's only six months away and we follow him from his 20+ stone 44" waist to taking the stage at the competition! 10/10
26 Apr 2004
Not posted in a while in here!

Drive - Amazing film, really really surprised how much I enjoyed it. 9/10
Source Code - Have to admit that it confused me at the start, but got into it eventually. 6/10
The Lorax - All very pretty, but a bit lacking in charm, likeable non the less, and my 4 year old loved it. 6/10
Ice Age 4 - Found myself chuckling along to this, especially the pirate song. Many funny moments, and much better than the 3rd! 8/10
The Hunger Games - Loved the book, didnt like the film. Simple as that really! - 3/10



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I watched V / H / S as well and well...the trailer lead me to believe it would be a certain kind of film but the actual film itself was something else.

I didn't find it creepy at all and in many parts it was weak. The best parts were in the trailer really.

It is no up there with the other great found footage style films (Paranormal Activity 1 and 2, The Tunnels, etc...).
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