What film did you watch last night?

Brave - 8/10.

I dunno if its because I'm Scottish myself, but I quite enjoyed this movie. Theres a good amount of humour and the animation quality is good. It also has a fairly engaging story. I was expecting it to be a love story though and its definetely not. Its more a mother/daughter bonding tale.
The Hunger Games

Never read the books, don't imagine I ever will, but based on this film I certainly will not!
Shockingly obvious plotline through-out. Terrible concept, which is underpinned by a society that is supposedly punishing people for wanting to live the same as them. Wtf, and you wonder why they up-rose and now they have to prove sacricfices makes them worthy. Wtf again! (If you going to punish people, make it because they deserve it, like Battle Royale or Running man. Yes that's right, if your going to steal someones idea at least make it as good or better!!)

Didn't care about any of the cast, focused to much on one girl being the be all and end all, then you just basically cheat and help her out, every time she's not. Didn't see that coming, and OMG as soon a weakling befriends the main character you more dead than the guy in red from Star Trek.

Ending was obvious from the get go, and I was routing for both guys to die so she could go back to that dude at the end and not feel guilty for being a cheating ****. Last but not least the names. Possible the worst character names in any film/book ever. This is my main reason for not wanting to read the books even after this monstrosity.

5/10 and that's being generous.

And breathe!!!! :D
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The Hunger Games

Shockingly obvious plotline through-out. Terrible concept, which is underpinned by a society that is supposedly punishing people for wanting to live the same as them. Wtf, and you wonder why they up-rose and now they have to prove sacricfices makes them worthy. Wtf again! (If you going to punish people, make it because they deserve it, like Battle Royale or Running man. Yes that's right, if your going to steal someones idea at least make it as good or better!!)

It sounds like your hatred of how their fictional society works has lead to you hating the movie. That's quite strange.
It sounds like your hatred of how their fictional society works has lead to you hating the movie. That's quite strange.

Since the fictional society was the story it seemed absurd to me, it lessened my enjoyment of the film. It was run by people of little or no moral code, who blame people for having little or no moral code for attacking them in the first place, I found it quite stupid. The only saving grace I could see would have been for the districts to uprise again which it kinda touched apon, then they tried to create some stupid love story thing to stop it all. What??? It just didn't conclude in a justified way for me to feel the story made sense. I'm going to assume that is because they intended it to be a film per book, however if I haven't read the book then the ending should have been modified slightly to convey some sense of this.

It also angered me that they were moaning about making the girl a matre, and the districts would revolt. Yet how in the world would they know, they were eating squirells, something tells me they didn't have a tv to watch these games in the first place.
If it followed anything like the book, I would say it was very poorly written.
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(If you going to punish people, make it because they deserve it, like Battle Royale or Running man. Yes that's right, if your going to steal someones idea at least make it as good or better!!)

The Hunger Games is about exploitative punishment and a show of power over a defeated enemy. The Running Man is about punishing criminals. Battle Royale is about sad, desperate measures for want of any better ideas.

The motive in each of the stories is different.

Honestly, it frustrates me to see The Hunger Games compared to BR, because they are only similar at the most superficial level i.e. kids killing each other.
We saw The Dark Knight Rises at the IMAX. First film I've seen at the IMAX, and it won't be the last. The film was great - maybe not Dark Knight great, but even so - and it's a tremendous achievement that Christopher Nolan has made such a consistently strong trilogy.

Clint Eastwood's 'final film' according to the man himself but we all know what came of that. Excellent Western, makes a nice change from upbeat stuff like The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.
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