What film did you watch last night?

28 Jan 2008
Harsh! I usually like her stuff: Tin Man, The Go-Getter, Yes Man, 500 Days, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. All pretty good performances from her there. I quite like her in New Girl too, although her character does start to grate a bit after a while.

She plays the same in everything though, she can hardly be deemed and actress for acting the same way over and over. Like I said, I thought 500 days was a breakthrough point but she stepped back.

Don't get me wrong she plays ditsy and cute really well. But it's gotten old now.

I suppose it sums it up when tbf, you never see her tauted for any big director's films.
18 Oct 2002
NW London
Airbender was OK. I watched it a few times.
The special effects were perfect and storyline was fairly decent...not great...but decent.
Certainly, much better than the Transformers movies, which I believe are the worst big budget movies ever to have been released.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
I watched Pitch Black last night, which was very good.
It's been long enough since I watched it that I'd forgotten most of the details, and the blu-ray showed up stuff I can't remember seeing before.

Probably 7.5/10

IIRC parts of it can directly trace their history to one of the proposed versions of Alien3 (I vaguely remember reading that at least one of the senior production crew was onboard for one of the aborted Alien 3 attempts, and carried some ideas over).

Tonight I'm probably going to watch Serenity, and tomorrow probably Lost in Translatio or Youth in revolt (I've got about 15 films on blu-ray to watch - largely thanks to offers at various online retailers:p)
12 Jan 2012
She plays the same in everything though, she can hardly be deemed and actress for acting the same way over and over. Like I said, I thought 500 days was a breakthrough point but she stepped back.

Don't get me wrong she plays ditsy and cute really well. But it's gotten old now.

I suppose it sums it up when tbf, you never see her tauted for any big director's films.

You just negated 50% + of all hollywood actors. Plenty of them have had MASSIVE careers playing just one type of role and been hugely successful doing that.

The happening was an awful film, with bad acting and one of the worst scripts ive experienced. The actors werent very good but its not like its just one of them being bad its everyone in the film.
12 Jan 2012
I watched Star Trek Insurrection last night after having been told its a must see, wasnt very impressed but I haven't ever been very big on the whole next gen thing.

28 Jan 2008
You just negated 50% + of all hollywood actors. Plenty of them have had MASSIVE careers playing just one type of role and been hugely successful doing that.

The happening was an awful film, with bad acting and one of the worst scripts ive experienced. The actors werent very good but its not like its just one of them being bad its everyone in the film.

50% of all Hollywood actors? Hardly. Name one that doesn't vary themselves? (that isn't locked into tv)

This isn't the 80s or 90s. They all try and stretch themselves, she doesn't. Suppose thats why she settled into a sit-com that pretty much was written for her ability.
28 Jan 2008
Adam sandler , ben stiller , jason statham.

Theres 3 without thinking , all of which are HUGELY successful.

Adam Sandler - Punch Drunk Love, Reign Over Me, Funny People. he's stretched himself more so since the 90's as he realised that, he has produced some crap, but he's proven himself at times. 50 first dates I can barely class as a comedy either, and it's certainly streaks ahead of any role Zooey Deschanel has performed.

Ben Stiller - Royal Tenenbaums and Greenberg , I don't particularly rate Ben Stiller either to be honest though. But these two impressed.

Jason Statham - Rofl, just no. In what world do you exist where he gets plaudits for being a good actor? he swings legs, and not even remotely well in comparison to the likes of major action stars like Donnie Yen who would **** him up side ways in half a second.

She's overrated completely. The original point was, why was Zooey Deschanel anywhere near The Happening, why, because she's craptastic.
14 Dec 2009
I watched Return of the Living Dead on Sunday. Still very funny/awesome :)

Hadn't seen it since I was a kid and couldn't really remember it.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Jason Statham - Rofl, just no. In what world do you exist where he gets plaudits for being a good actor? he swings legs, and not even remotely well in comparison to the likes of major action stars like Donnie Yen who would **** him up side ways in half a second.

Well, Statham is actually a good actor... He's just let himself get stuck in only doing stupid action films, because he looks hard, even if he isn't good at martial arts or whatever.

He's wasted in a genre that he isn't even all that great for.
23 Oct 2002
Well, Statham is actually a good actor... He's just let himself get stuck in only doing stupid action films, because he looks hard, even if he isn't good at martial arts or whatever.

He's wasted in a genre that he isn't even all that great for.

i think it depends on the fight choreographer and director. he was excellent in the first couple of transporter movies.
12 Jan 2012
Adam Sandler - Punch Drunk Love, Reign Over Me, Funny People. he's stretched himself more so since the 90's as he realised that, he has produced some crap, but he's proven himself at times. 50 first dates I can barely class as a comedy either, and it's certainly streaks ahead of any role Zooey Deschanel has performed.

Ben Stiller - Royal Tenenbaums and Greenberg , I don't particularly rate Ben Stiller either to be honest though. But these two impressed.

Jason Statham - Rofl, just no. In what world do you exist where he gets plaudits for being a good actor? he swings legs, and not even remotely well in comparison to the likes of major action stars like Donnie Yen who would **** him up side ways in half a second.

She's overrated completely. The original point was, why was Zooey Deschanel anywhere near The Happening, why, because she's craptastic.

Now i believe i said hollywood actors i didnt mention nor hint i was refferring to good actors.

I dont like her really myself but claiming she is why the happening is bad just isnt on.

There a lot more reasons why the film is bad , and i would suggest putting almost any actors in it would yield similar results.

As far as Adam Sandler goes I think Reign over me is the only one of those you can claim as stretching himself and I dont think it was good myself.

Stiller again churns out the same role on 90%+ of his movies just like huge amounts of hollywood A-Listers, I really have no idea why im defending an actress I dont really enjoy but certainly at the same age the actors I mentioned did not stretch themselves and played the same typecast roles.

I think possibly its better to just agree the acting and the script were awful in the happening.

I dont think MArk Wahlberg is a brilliant actor but the Departed alone shows that a good script and the right role and he can be decent.
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