What film did you watch last night?

18 Oct 2002
District 9 - Not quite sure any film can have a 10/10 so I'll give it a 9.5/10. Two things I would have comment on but other than that faultless.

Where did all the weapons come from? The weapons are so powerful you would think that a few prawns might work out they had the advantage.
16 May 2006
Serenity 7/10

This would be the 3rd time I've seen it. It's a good series and this movie ties up some of the loose end. On it's own as a movie, it's a little 'huh?' here and there after not watching it the last 4 years, a quick series refresh is needed, thus the 7/10.
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
Total Recall - 6/10

Ok, so its not a patch on the original but it's a reasonably fun way to spend a night. It's important not to go in expecting a film that's even remotely, even tonally close to the original and you'll probably get through it; it's not as much fun as the original, probably taking itself a little too seriously to be in the same league as the original. The director seems to be hell bent on to bring some originality to proceedings and it almost proves to be his undoing.

It's just a solid action film really. It's a little too long and the constant lens flare gives it the feel of a futuristic music video, however the direction is pretty good in places and the production design is good too.

Bill Nighy and Bryan Cranston ham it up quite a lot, and there's one exchange with Nighy and Farrell which is awful. Really, both Nighy and Cranston don't come out particularly well in this film. It's weird because the script is so pedestrian that it's quite hard to actually feel anything for any of the characters at all, so we never really get to a stage where we want either side to win. Other than that though, switch you brain off, suspend rather a lot of your disbelief and you'll find it to be a competent actioneer.

Seriously, this film is very close to making absolutely no sense what so ever but if you go with the flow it isn't bad.
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2 Jun 2004
Ok, so its not a patch on the original

You missed the point so badly there you may as well have just typed the word "whoosh".

The new film is not a remake of the Arnie movie. But rather it's a more accurate realisation of the original short story by Philip K Dick. Comparing it to the Arnie movie (which was only loosely based on the original story) is unfair. They are two completely different films, and should not be compared with each other at all.

Seriously, this film is very close to making absolutely no sense what so ever.
Welcome to Philip K Dick stories.
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19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
You missed the point so badly there you may as well have just typed the word "whoosh".

The new film is not a remake of the Arnie movie. But rather it's a more accurate realisation of the original short story by Philip K Dick. Comparing it to the Arnie movie (which was only loosely based on the original story) is unfair. They are two completely different films, and should not be compared with each other at all.

Thanks for stating the obvious. I know this, but the comparisons are going to be inevitable, so I thought I'd get that out of the way first.

Thanks for ignoring everything else I said though. The rest of what I said is the important part.

EDIT: In fact, I've yet to read a review which doesn't mention Verhoven's original.
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30 Jul 2003
Total Recall, gets a "meh" from me. Nothing particularly wrong with it, great looking in parts, Kate Beckinsale was good, it's ok.

I understand what Van Hellseek is saying with respect to it being a film based on the original short story, but fundamentally it's the same story as the Arnie movie so comparisons are fair. I didn't feel the latest version was executed with the same level of heart, flair and spectacle. There was one nice nod to the Arnie/Verhoven original, somewhat spoiled by the trailers (no, not the three breasted woman).
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