What film did you watch last night?

8 Nov 2008
Really! Each to their own and all, but its a cult classic because it's basically so bad that it's funny!
What is with that flying dude and the heart plugs, come on, lasers coming out of some mutated space creature ass.

For me, it's one of those films that gets better with age, possibly because I understand it better than I did when I first saw it. :D

Fair enough if you don't like it, it won't be for everyone. I've found a remake of it on youtube which I've bookmarked, hopefully it'll improve a little on the background history, though at first glance I get the impression it won't be as sickening or vulgar. I hope I'm wrong. :( :)

I saw 'Ali' last night (Will Smith), which was pretty decent. Good, solid performance by Smith (7/10). Nice to see a long version, too. If anyone knows of any long films worth watching (I've seen LOTR), then please drop a few title names.

Contrary to the above, I'm about to watch 'Cypher', which isn't a lenthy production, though apparently the story should suit my tastes.

^^ Well, not bad 6/10, worth a view imo.
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30 Sep 2009
reservoir dogs - 8.9/10

still can't figure out if the black guy who gives the undercover cop the joke script is a cop or the undercover cop is infact a bent cop?
2 Jun 2004
reservoir dogs - 8.9/10

still can't figure out if the black guy who gives the undercover cop the joke script is a cop or the undercover cop is infact a bent cop?

I can't think of anything that incinuates the black guy isn't a cop other than he isn't wearing a uniform. But then neither is Mr orange when he's talking to him... So I'd take it on face value that Mr Orange is just an undercover cop. Unless I missed evidence to the contrary? :confused:

And I'd give it more of an 8/10 myself. It's good, but not mind blowing.
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30 Sep 2009
i wondered if he wasn't a cop because of the seemingly personal vendetta he has against mr white and joe and hasn't taken the personal steps himself to discover mr white is from minnesota, something that mr orange (who is a cop) finds out. just some of the things he says seem strange, coupled with the fact he doesn't really act like a cop or maybe he kind of does and that's the point? but he never calls or mentions rank. mr orange also never really talks about the undercover operation to him in a police kind of tone, more like he's nailing mr white and joe as a job for him (holdaway)

i also only just made the connection that vic vega is vince vega's brother from pulp fiction.

i scored it as i did as it ticks a lot of boxes.
26 Dec 2009
Watchmen - 6/10

Was well made and had that classy feel to it, but it was so dull. Took me two days to watch it. So in all was a bit meh, your not missing out on much apart from how awesomely powerful Doc Manhattan is.
14 Sep 2007
After watching Dredd the other day my missus wanted to watch Judge Dredd again, my god, it has not aged well and I remembered it with such fondness. I couldn't even watch it in a comedy capacity. There were only two redeeming features, the ABC Warrior and the Angel family, the rest of it was utter turd.

Also I noticed in the credits that Versace designed the uniforms.


Urbans Dredd is the way forward, I really hope they make more.
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
After watching Dredd the other day my missus wanted to watch Judge Dredd again, my god, it has not aged well and I remembered it with such fondness. I couldn't even watch it in a comedy capacity. There were only two redeeming features, the ABC Warrior and the Angel family, the rest of it was utter turd.

Also I noticed in the credits that Versace designed the uniforms.


Urbans Dredd is the way forward, I really hope they make more.

While the film is a colossal bag of **** the production design is utterly brilliant.
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6 Sep 2005
Bait - 6.5/10

Watchable Aussie low budget horror with some reasonable gore in places and an ok story. Some of the CGI of the shark lets it down a bit but overall it's worth a look if you have nothing else to see.
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