What film did you watch last night?

18 Oct 2002
That it isn't years later (which it is)?

Or that people aren't still saying it's tosh (which they are)?

No idea, I don't really recall people saying ToD was poor at the time, the trilogy is great, there will always be a worst film in a trilogy, its just the way it is. Its still not far behind the others and a very good film. Crystal Skull (a skull only because I had to blow my brains out) is just god awful, start to finish, awful characters, awful dialogue, awful acting. Indie's role was both horrendously badly writen, not well acted and in a film that was awful so even the main character was bad. There was nothing redeeming about the film at all.
11 Sep 2009
Snow White and the Huntsman

Amazing film I thought, a real breath of fresh air to watch. Great cast, story had a nice dark edge to it with great acting and cgi. I watched this with a open mind not expecting much but was really blow away.

Glad there is going to be another 2 more films based on this to come.

Well worth a watch


Were you on drugs writing this?

One of the worst films i have ever seen. They basically ride around the woods for most of the film with not much happening.
2/10 and that's me being generous.
7 Jul 2006
Newton Abbot
Had a Sergio Leone double bill after finally getting round to watching my new bluray versions of:

Once upon a time in the west 10/10


Once upon a time in america 10/10

Will probably buy this yet again, when the release the restored original cut version they are working on, that was screened at Cannes this year.
Just love hearing Ennio Morricone's scores again, never cease to move me with the images.
18 Oct 2002
Were you on drugs writing this?

One of the worst films i have ever seen. They basically ride around the woods for most of the film with not much happening.
2/10 and that's me being generous.

I thought the most hilarious part was how they made a huge deal about getting help to go into the dangerous woods.... and they spent about 4 minutes in there anyway. As you say, its terrible, lead is wooden as anything, Theron is quite a good actress but crap film basically. Snow White suddenly leading an army because she yelled a few generic words and suddenly she's some general everyone puts their faith into.

I was bored to tears throughout, the action was abysmal and considering this was an action version of it that isn't good. The acting was terrible, the general idea of the film was boring, making a "dark" version of a film doesn't automatically make it great and putting a popular yet awful actress in as the lead doesn't magically make a film good.

There are quite a few actors and particularly actresses around who seem to have built careers off replacing acting ability with a weird heavy breathing between words technique.... when you can't do emotion, breath heavily and speak like you're out of breath..... the scary thing is so many people seem to believe its good acting.
20 May 2007
I thought the most hilarious part was how they made a huge deal about getting help to go into the dangerous woods.... and they spent about 4 minutes in there anyway. As you say, its terrible, lead is wooden as anything, Theron is quite a good actress but crap film basically. Snow White suddenly leading an army because she yelled a few generic words and suddenly she's some general everyone puts their faith into.

I was bored to tears throughout, the action was abysmal and considering this was an action version of it that isn't good. The acting was terrible, the general idea of the film was boring, making a "dark" version of a film doesn't automatically make it great and putting a popular yet awful actress in as the lead doesn't magically make a film good.

There are quite a few actors and particularly actresses around who seem to have built careers off replacing acting ability with a weird heavy breathing between words technique.... when you can't do emotion, breath heavily and speak like you're out of breath..... the scary thing is so many people seem to believe its good acting.

Agreed. It was a rubbish film. Mainly, because of Kristen. She hardly says anything the whole way through the film and then gives some embarrasing rousing war speach out of nowhere. Everytime the huntsman said something you expected her to respond but instead you are left with nothing,just a sort of peeved/worried stare.

The film did not make me care for her at all and in the end i was hoping the snow queen would win and have it off with the huntsman.
17 Jul 2006
Super - a fair bit like kick ass but no where as good. A more "stupider" version and a bit duller/sadder compared to kick ass. Some parts were so stupid that it was funny and it really picked up at the ending 6.5/10

I thought Super was far better than kick ass but there you go

Dark Shadows 4/10 - i think Depp just does these movies for his kids now - shame.
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