What film did you watch last night?

20 May 2007
Just watched Avenges Assemble 7/10

Took too long to get going and some of the scenes were so dark I dread to think how bad they were in 3d. The end fight was a little too much like Transformers 3.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
The machinist

Odd film and pretty messed up in an odd way, but really good. Pretty perdicatable though, which was its biggest let down. Like the hangman.
2 Jun 2004
Note 1: I'm shortening the term "American Princess Movie" to "APM" in this post because I'm lazy...

Note 2: APM's all have terrible stories. Thus IMO they shouldn't be marked down based on plot, since a horrible plot is assumed from the beginning.

And with those points in mind...

Ever After. 2/10. Awful.

I saw this as it was on TV earlier and I thought it was a particularly poor example of the APM genre. Discounting the overall story arc (as mentioned above) It has particularly drab sets / costumes, and seems to have a somewhat downbeat atmosphere throughout most of the film. It also suffered from a poor soundtrack and dire acting...

It's main flaw though is simply that it starred Drew Barrymore as the Princess. A woman with a past history of alcohol and drugs abuse, not to mention being about as attractive as Rocky Dennis (in other words, really not princess material in the slightest). This movie needs to go back to APM school and learn a lot of lessons from the current best of the genre - Disneys "Tangled".

How on earth this garbage scored 6.8 on imdb is completely beyond me....

But it doesn't end there... by coincidence I ended up watching another APM earlier today.... "Barbie - The Princess and the Popstar". :D :D

I'd be impressed if anyone is still reading this post after I've mentioned the "B" word, but it's actually (a little) better than you may expect from the title...

The film is upbeat, energetic, musical, colorful, and it even made me laugh out loud occasionally (no mean feat). Perhaps most impressively though, it has a plot which doesn't predominantly center around an opposite-sex love interest, which is pretty much unheard of in APM's.

The animation quality is relatively low-budget, but the voice acting is mostly decent. The film has a musical theme, and the songs were mostly passable for the kind of thing you'd expect in a film like this. And if anything it possibly would have benefited from an extra song or two to break up a couple of the longer plot-driven (AKA mind-numbingly boring) scenes.

Overall - 5/10. Not great, but not as terrible as I was expecting.

If you've got a young daughter circa 5-7 y/o you could do a lot worse.
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19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
Black Dynamite - 8/10

It sort of feels like it's a little too long because there's so much crammed in there, but it's both hilariously ridiculous and absolutely meticulous in its recreation of 70s blaxploitation films. Even when it's bad it knows it. I think it loses its impact a little the second time round in terms of comedy, however with repeat viewings it becomes a strangely academic exercise. It's beyond pastiche, really. Faithfully funny.

Zombieland - 7/10

I was little less enamored with this the second time around. I felt that the narration quickly became a case of not enough show and too much tell. It was still great fun though and happy ending be damned, I'm glad they got out alive.
2 Jan 2009
Ah I love Manchester Odeon, tomorrow the are showing Pulp Fiction (which I am going to see) then on Tuesday they are playing Alien & Aliens back to back!
23 Jul 2007
Central Scotland
Moonrise Kingdom 9/10

I'm probably being generous with my score but this film left me smiling and I liked pretty much everything about it. Some big names in it but the child actors were very good.

Premium Rush 6.5/10

Was ok but nothing that would keep me talking about it or give me an inclination to re-watch it.
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