What film did you watch last night?

22 Jul 2012
'Hobo with a shotgun' 7/10 (bear with me;))

Ok, this film is so bad, it's good.
Rutger Hauer is brilliant, almost everyone else is awful, but intentionally awfull.
Pacing is off, acting is terrible (apart from Rutger and the chick) and the last quarter of the film went in the most ridiculously nonsensical direction I've ever seen since black dynamite (up next for review if I can be bothered).

But for all that, I loved it. You'll probably hate the crap out of it :D
Good soundtrack and the end credits tune is brilliant if you like the odd bit of well produced 80's power cheese.

A marmite film for sure.

EDIT: 7/10 for this atrocity and 8.5/10 for the latest Batman sounds ridiculous I know. It's the novelty wtf value and the fact that I had so much fun watching 'Hobo that I have to give it at least a 7/10. As a film to recommend to others, it'd get a 4.5/10 at best. Make sense? Good :)
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28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
but without the violence you wouldnt get that odd ending, which was quite brave.

basically she ****s him off because he is a psycho... which he realises.

You could have had the violence without it being so visible. That was the problem. The content was not a problem. Him committing horrible acts of violence was not a problem - that was his character. It being so visually apparent was the problem. It broke the mood. I can appreciate that may have been intentional, to highlight the severity of his temper and so on, but it was too jarring.
23 Oct 2002
You could have had the violence without it being so visible. That was the problem. The content was not a problem. Him committing horrible acts of violence was not a problem - that was his character. It being so visually apparent was the problem. It broke the mood. I can appreciate that may have been intentional, to highlight the severity of his temper and so on, but it was too jarring.

i think i have been too desensitised over the years.

to me it was much less brutal than virtual snuff like Hostel. i cant stand films like that. i have real worries for the people that enjoy those kinds of movies.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
The Grey

In Alaska, an oil drilling team struggle to survive after a plane crash strands them in the wild. Hunting the humans are a pack of wolves who see them as intruders.

Really good survival film, but seems to be a bit marmite, seems reviews either love it or hate it.
5 Oct 2004
The Grey

Really good survival film, but seems to be a bit marmite, seems reviews either love it or hate it.

I watched just over half of this before switching it off. Love LN but the film itself wasn't good enough to keep me interested. I'm sure at some point I'll finish it off but not anytime soon.
3 Oct 2009

Utterly terrible "plot", cheesey, predictable, over the top. Awesome action, cool cgi, grab a beer, kick back and switch your brain off for 2 hours of amusement. 7/10 its just my type of film
12 Jan 2010

Cerebral and at times, quite exciting. Thought Logan-Marshall Green was badly cast for professor, although I concede that the character could be badly written. Favourite scene was with the surgery machine and I won't say anything more on that matter!

Wish I saw it in the cinema. 8/10.

Drive is something that I've been wanting to see for ages, but I feel it would be something worth getting on blu-ray?

Edit: I saw Battleship on a very large screen and I thought then and I think now that it's got the best visual effects I've ever seen in a movie!
27 Mar 2003
The Raid. 10/10

Epic film. Brought it purely from watching the trailer and not really knowing anything about it a risk but one that paid off.

So good I just had to watch it again straight afterwards. Very rare I find a film like that.

The action is well paced the stunt work is amazing and doesn't rely too much on wire work like other martial art based movies.
Some of the fight scenes reminded me of other films that i had seen such as old boy.

The sound track is in your face when you need it to be and sits there happily taking a back seat when it's needed.

I may have to watch the other Gareth Evan's films as if they are as good as this one I don't think I will be disappointed.
23 Oct 2002
Skyline, erm..... my head hurts :(

yup - its shocking!


Cerebral and at times, quite exciting. Thought Logan-Marshall Green was badly cast for professor, although I concede that the character could be badly written. Favourite scene was with the surgery machine and I won't say anything more on that matter!

Wish I saw it in the cinema. 8/10.

Drive is something that I've been wanting to see for ages, but I feel it would be something worth getting on blu-ray?

Edit: I saw Battleship on a very large screen and I thought then and I think now that it's got the best visual effects I've ever seen in a movie!

im not sure drive is worth the blu-ray. dvd, sure. there isnt anything i can recall that warrants the HD really, unlike some movies.
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