What film did you watch last night?

12 Jan 2010
Zodiac - Crime thriller about a series of murders that were unsolved. I really enjoyed it, its pretty long at 2hrs 40mins but i didnt mind, the film is sort of split into two by following different characters, its a very neat idea. Would really recommend this to anyone...



My favourite David Fincher film. Every aspect of it blends together really well and the writers certainly picked a pretty fascinating true story to base it on.
30 Sep 2009
My favourite David Fincher film. Every aspect of it blends together really well and the writers certainly picked a pretty fascinating true story to base it on.

it is a good film but (without giving too much away i hope) the ending bit infuriated me. it was so obviously him!
12 Jan 2010
it is a good film but (without giving too much away i hope) the ending bit infuriated me. it was so obviously him!

I loved the ending but to say why would ruin it for others!

Edit: Forgot about spoilers.

I just loved the scene when Jake Gylenhall walked up to him in the store, it suddenly gave me chills. Then you had guy saying it was definitely him and then cutting to the Donovan song. Loved it!
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23 Dec 2008
Mr Nobody - loved the style, photography was beautifully done, music suited it perfectly, story was good and made you pay attention, and very very well acted apart from one character who thankfully wasn't in it much. Probably a marmite film but I loved every minute of it. 9/10
30 Sep 2009
MIB 3 - 6.5/10

fancied something which required little thought and even though i ended up ff 30 mins of it, it delivered. ending was good.
9 Mar 2007
Not last night, but over the past fortnight:

The Station Agent - Utterly brilliant, great characters, great story, great direction. Too short though, I wanted more!


Cargo - Good idea, overreached its budget though with some of the special effects appearing laughable. Also didn't dig the whole love story segment, felt rushed and wasn't explored enough to be believable for me.


Space Battleship Yamato - I think you need to have seen the anime/read the manga to 'get' this. The main characters was a self worshiping moron of a man, I'm sure with a bit of extra back story you would have started to like him, however as it stood he didn't earn the cocky attitude he toted. Acting was pretty poor and special effects didn't work too well when it came to animations (space stuff was immense, the stuff involving the actual aliens looked out of place). Big fan of the designs of the space ships and all the details about them, as a result I'm tempted to give the manga a go. I could tell it was a good fan service, but as someone who isn't a fan, it just didn't work.


Dark City - Now this i liked. Dated special effects were backed up with outstanding set design so it worked out ok for a lowish budget older film. Good acting and an excellent concept. My only real complaint was the final battle seemed a bit silly with the 'stare at each-other angrily!' shots just bouncing back and forth between the battlers. Kiefer Sutherland was excellent.


Cabin in the Woods - Clever idea, bit lacking on execution in places i felt. I also felt the ending was a let down after the rest of the film, i had hoped for something a bit more clever. Not Joss Whedons best, but certainly not his worst.


Despicable Me - Good fun, nuff said. Steve Carell was excellent.


Prometheus - Meh


The Raid - Crap story backed up by utterly brilliant action scenes. Final fight scene got a bit silly though!


Ip Man - Like the Raid but better in most ways and without huge piles of gore


The Grey - Missed opportunity. Great survival/journey film ruined by wolves straight out of a B-movie. I'm sorry but I cannot suspend belief for long enough to accept all of the very incorrect behavior displayed by the wolves in this film. I did think Liam Neson was excellent though, this guy needs to be in more movies.


Tomorrow it's a foreign film bonanza to continue my 'i'm ill, lets use it as an excuse to watch loads of films'. I plan to watch:

13 Assassins
La Haine
17 Jul 2006
Dancer in the Dark - 10/10 ....Haven't seen a movie which had such affect on me in a long time.

Amazing but one of those that falls into the *would never watch again* category
4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
Dead space: Downfall


Having played the games and completed them I knew a lot of the back story anyway but this really did fill the gaps in knowledge about what happened on the ship before the protagonist of the games finally shows up. For a cartoon style film, it was also quite suspenseful and chilling, fitting the horror genre nicely.

Going to watch Dead Space: Aftermath later on and see if that continues the good start.

Also got to see RE5: Retribution. Thought it was better than the last one but theres some massive issues on the film which aren't that easy to overlook:

How the hell is albert wesker STILL alive?! He was stood next to one of those insanely powerful bombs as it went off at the end of the last film :S

I hated Jills character as she is so damn wooden when it comes to acting. She was the final straw in style over substance and really didn't belong in the film at all. I couldn't take her seriously from start to finish, ruining the atmopshere the film tried to create.

The las plagas parasite was mentioned on this film (finally) as the T virus was supposedly responsible for the rest of the other films, yet in the last film the zombies with the squid mouthpiece were las plagas... Also, the russian simulation is also meant to be a las plagas test zone, yet why do they all look like the undead and can't shoot or aim for toffee, yet the woman who gets injected with it is impossible to kill and looks normal?

Leon shouldn't have ever been a character in this film. Instead he should have been the main character in a separate franchise of the films with a stronger survival storyline imo. His character in this film was also nothing like the one from RE2 and 4 as he was a complete **** in the film :S
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