What film did you watch last night?

12 Jan 2010
Cabin in the Woods

I would've thought Joss Whedon would be very anti-plot-hole in his writing and producing so there was a surprising amount of unsatisfactory questions throughout at the end of the movie. However, some of these may have been left open by the financiers for the possibility of the prequel.

But the innovation and the wit was enough to forgive the holes and it made it a really stand out film. 8/10

Favourite scene:
Liam Hemsworth's death. I knew he was going to die but the abrupt nature of it made me and my mates erupt in a sort of shock/laughter noise.

We watched Cowboys vs Aliens last night, which was silly but enjoyable.
7/10 I think.

I thought the concept and premise was great but was quite disappointed when I watched it. I didn't care for the characters and I didn't feel threatened by the aliens. I suppose it's an okay popcorn muncher.
18 Oct 2002
In here and out there.
Prometheus- 7/10. Yeah it was alright. Nowhere near the disaster that some have made it out to be.

Wouldn't mind seeing the directors cut

Indeed, I quite enjoyed it.
There was only one wtf moment for me and that was
The downing of the alien craft, there were all kinds of silliness in there.

The sudden reversal of trajectory: even if the craft did a 180 degree turn it would still have to fight against existing momentum along with the added momentum from the prometheus... not so for this craft.

The Prometheus damaged the craft enough to bring it down yet a crash landing on it's side didn't damage it in any way, nor did the roll or collapse.

Otherwise a pretty good attempt.
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
The Terminator - SkyFyHD

Geez, what a great film. Yes ive seen it umpteen times but its an absolute classic. Still holds up today.

My main concern was at the END (SPOILERS) when Sarah Connor traps the T101 in the crushing machine, theres like loads of electrical stuff going on, and the T has a hand on Sara...but she never gets electruted.

For me a better ending would have been the T dieing and her collapsiong to the side and the screen going black. It just seems to be a lot of current right on her but shes fine..
12 Jan 2010

Martyrs was absolutely horrific and is by far the most disturbing movie I've ever seen, and I've seen good handful.

I never want to see it again. Not because I think it's a bad film but because I don't want to go through those feelings again. It felt like I was peering through a window into hell but some reason I didn't want to turn it off. I wanted to see how far the film makers could assault my senses.

I'm sure some people (especially if you're watching with mates) will just find it weird and boring. But still, I will warn everyone to read the plot (unusual, yes) before they watch to see if they have an idea on whether or not they can sit through it. For those that are going to watch it, watch it all for the full "effect".



24 Aug 2011
The Terminator - SkyFyHD

Geez, what a great film. Yes ive seen it umpteen times but its an absolute classic. Still holds up today.

My main concern was at the END (SPOILERS) when Sarah Connor traps the T101 in the crushing machine, theres like loads of electrical stuff going on, and the T has a hand on Sara...but she never gets electruted.

For me a better ending would have been the T dieing and her collapsiong to the side and the screen going black. It just seems to be a lot of current right on her but shes fine..

She has rubber soled boots on duh!
18 Oct 2002
Indeed, I quite enjoyed it.
There was only one wtf moment for me and that was
The downing of the alien craft, there were all kinds of silliness in there.

The sudden reversal of trajectory: even if the craft did a 180 degree turn it would still have to fight against existing momentum along with the added momentum from the prometheus... not so for this craft.

The Prometheus damaged the craft enough to bring it down yet a crash landing on it's side didn't damage it in any way, nor did the roll or collapse.

Otherwise a pretty good attempt.

one, one wtf moment, seriously?

Prometheus is one of those films where we literally paused every few minutes so everyone in the room could just check with everyone else we were hearing the same ridiculous things.

Trillions of dollars to go across the galaxy, take an untrained team, take crap weapons, spend no energy planning or taking scanning equipment, doing anything sensible at all. If you can make a robot as useful as that guy and you make them and trust them more than your own daughter, why not take a team of them?

Ok, the "cave" complex, is a big circle... and a geologist with his own scanning devices got lost, going back along one tunnel... and no one at any stage contacted them and lost, they contacted no one. In fact no one stayed in contact, they didn't hear about the weird goings on or why those guys left in a hurry so were completely shocked to hear there was a storm, and likewise went back to the chamber, the one place they should have avoided, and they had no trouble finding the chamber again when otherwise completely lost.

The biggest WTF moment... there are dead beings around, so when you see a new alien lifeforce that mimics a really cute bunny... no wait, mimics an incredibly dangerous creator from earth, you try to play with it... obviously.

The, baby/attacks two people and runs off, those people are now no longer in the film, she hit them not very hard which caused them to cease to exist. She then you know, has a c-section, randomly injects herself with stuff at random times, walks off(when its plain as day this thing isn't dead), is completely fine, and stumbles into the one room she wasn't supposed to know about and knows the code to the secret room?

The ship was a huge huge WTF moment, completely ridiculous. this ship which was damaged and crashed, managed to not deform at all under the weight of the rest of the ship so a tiny bit of rock saved her from getting crushed, both, the rock itself would have been pushed down into the earth, the earth underneath the ship would get flattened and the ship itself would likely break on the rock. Okay ignore that, she has 30 seconds of air left so she runs to the life pod.... and immediately starts filling up a bag like she's leaving... wtf is she going? Everyone else is dead, there is no where to go, there is a lifepod but she's already trying to leave, then she leaves and that 30 seconds of air left thing... not a problem anymore, magically immune to having no oxygen left.

Ship, in alien space, on a new planet.. doesn't record messages(okay, robot man could delete them but this wasn't suggested) and no one, at all, stays on the bridge nor is able to "take a call" elsewhere on the ship.

Basically every 30 seconds you notice something else that is beyond stupid, the entire film is just pure stupidity start to finish.

Looks pretty, completely devoid of any substance at all.
18 Feb 2010
Martyrs was absolutely horrific and is by far the most disturbing movie I've ever seen, and I've seen good handful.

I never want to see it again. Not because I think it's a bad film but because I don't want to go through those feelings again. It felt like I was peering through a window into hell but some reason I didn't want to turn it off. I wanted to see how far the film makers could assault my senses.

I'm sure some people (especially if you're watching with mates) will just find it weird and boring. But still, I will warn everyone to read the plot (unusual, yes) before they watch to see if they have an idea on whether or not they can sit through it. For those that are going to watch it, watch it all for the full "effect".

Most horrific film for me would have to go to A Serbian Film, I actually found the way Martyrs was done quite interesting, as you said, draws you in and then exposes you to a lot of different things. It also doesn't give you a clear resolution at the end, just leaving you to think about what you have just seen even more, something most people probably won't want to do after watching it.
12 Jan 2010
Most horrific film for me would have to go to A Serbian Film, I actually found the way Martyrs was done quite interesting, as you said, draws you in and then exposes you to a lot of different things. It also doesn't give you a clear resolution at the end, just leaving you to think about what you have just seen even more, something most people probably won't want to do after watching it.

I suppose we're opposites in the ways of shocking cinema! I preferred A Serbian Film in the sense that it didn't give me any sleepless nights! Yes it was incredibly shocking, but it felt so far out that it didn't really connect with my psyche whereas for me, Martyrs was visceral and too much so in my case.
14 Sep 2007
Most horrific film for me would have to go to A Serbian Film, I actually found the way Martyrs was done quite interesting, as you said, draws you in and then exposes you to a lot of different things. It also doesn't give you a clear resolution at the end, just leaving you to think about what you have just seen even more, something most people probably won't want to do after watching it.

For shock horror A Serbian Film is at the top, however it wasn't really all that horrifying as such, just gore/torture porn to the extreme.

As has already been said, Martyrs is excellent, one of my favorite horror movies of all time as there really is a sense of hopelessness throughout the second act which is where the real horror lies.
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