What film did you watch last night?

3 Aug 2012
Second Star to the Right
So I sat down and watched Rock of Ages last night.

Some great 80's rock tracks that weren't totally murdered by the cast. The film itself had me giggling away, and I couldn't help but remember Tom Cruise in Interview with a Vampire when I saw him in this.

Cheesy entertainment! :)
18 Oct 2002
How about 3 epic films that convey the vast majority of the challenging books that they are based on?

The thing of it is, watch them again, what exactly about them made them hard to make? Some camera trickery with little/big people.... wow, cinema has been doing that for 50 years. CGI for all the impressive castles and the like.... completely new tech... not so much.

There really isn't anything at all about LOTR that makes it difficult to portray on films, its an epic tale in length, but thats it, its fantasy/cgi/quite simple shots in the most part. I mean, half its its cgi infront of green screens, half of it is a small group of guys walking a lot, its not exactly unfilmable.

When I first saw them, epic, I did love the films. I'm not sure if its the number of times I've seen them, or being older but they are getting more irritating.

Without wanting to come across un PC, all the singing in elvish bits, are just gay. In a book they can come across sincere and nothing wrong with them, in the films they are all painful to sit through. There is a lot of over acting and a lot of really badly done scenes. Almost the entire wraith king crap was poor, poor CGI, really badly acted scenes. The Elrond brings the sword and whips it out with painfully cliched music score and stupid zooming in Michael Bay esque filming.

Every time I watch them there is some new scene that I realise is actually pretty bad. They are still great films but for the time and money spent I think they could be significantly better. Largely because the "bad" scenes are both stick out like a sore thumb, the Elrond scene in particular looks like something a studio insisted was thrown in, it felt completely out of place, suddenly like a disney film with the music and filming style to convey the sword is really special. But most of the bad scenes were so obviously bad that how were they done like that in the first place.

Meh, its nitpicky, the films overall are great, just not as good as they should be, and they are a country mile ahead of most of the other absolute turgid crap that gets made that its flaws are VERY minor in comparison.

I really dislike the "hard to film" crap that gets spouted about it, great and insanely detailed/descriptive books with a fantastic story if anything make a film far far EASIER to make.
19 Mar 2012
Rocky Balboa - Was better then second time round. Better then the 4th film, worse then the other 3.

Taxi Driver - Been years since I've seen this, and I remembered it as a good film. My opinion has changed though after watching it last night. Acting was poor, story was weak and it lacked any kind of feel to it.
19 Mar 2012
LOTR films are good, but not great. I rated them 9/10 on release, and would drop that down to a 8 now. When first viewing them you get drawn into the epicness of the movies, but after numerous viewings the rose tinted glasses fall off and the mistakes become obvious.



20 Jun 2004
Huddersfield, UK
Jurassic Park (Blu Ray) - Thought I would introduce my kids (6 & 7) to the wonders of big loud scary dinosaurs. They loved it! And for a film that's coming on 20 years old, it still looks fantastic, and is a superb watch, a classic to be sure. When asking my kids what the scariest/worst part was for them, expecting it to be T-Rex chase, or Raptors or something, but no. The worst part according to my girls was... 'When the woman put her arm in the dinosaur poo... that was gross'
4 Jun 2009
Likewise Rocky IV is my favourite, have lost count of how many times I have watched it now, well into the double digits :o

Followed by Rocky 3, Rocky 1, Rocky 2, rocky 5 and then Rocky Balboa.
18 Oct 2002
OK, so if it were that easy, why had no one done it before? You're talking about one of the most widely read and revered books of all time. Surely someone might have thought it was a good idea to make a film of that, given how easy it is to adapt to the big screen?

Because its a trilogy, its an epic story, the only requirement is time and money. If you can't secure basically half a billion + to do three films from the get go, then its a none starter. Matrix made a SINGLE film, did brilliantly, then got money to do more based off its success. How well would LOTR have done if the first film sucked, no one watched it, no one wanted to go see the others, do the first part of the film?

Star wars were individual stories to a degree and would have worked individually.

3x 2hour + films, I can't think of the last trilogy that got made, greenlighted all 3 films ahead of time and that kind of budget in total.

Then you've got things like, securing the same cast for a hell of a long shoot.

These are logistical problems, once you get someone willing to put up the money and actors willing to put down the time, the filming, seriously explain what part of Lotr was SOOO hard to do? What part of the story was hard to put into film, wights, guys in costumes with swords. The story is great, and easily transfers to film, there isn't any insanely difficult to adapt to film parts of the book.... its just a logistical nightmare getting a few hundred people agreed to work on a single project for 3-4 years, on the other side of the planet, and get the money secured ahead of time. The rest is easy.
26 Jun 2010
Could not agree more with that. Makes me want to train every time I watch it. Rocky IV is my favourite, but I do love all the Rocky films.

Likewise Rocky IV is my favourite, have lost count of how many times I have watched it now, well into the double digits :o

Followed by Rocky 3, Rocky 1, Rocky 2, rocky 5 and then Rocky Balboa.

Rocky 1 is the best from a serious film buff point of view....Rocky IV is the best from a movie buff point of view.....I loved the fourth movie, probably because it was the one I remember best as a teen...but Rocky 1-4 are really as far as it should've gone.
12 Jan 2010
OK, so if it were that easy, why had no one done it before? You're talking about one of the most widely read and revered books of all time. Surely someone might have thought it was a good idea to make a film of that, given how easy it is to adapt to the big screen?

Well for starters, it has been done before and it was quite successful. Secondly, the trilogy production was bogged down by a producer holding the rights hostage. Thirdly, I bet you they spent more time trying to get money than they did shooting the bloody thing. Most people in the industry don't like to touch fantasy, not matter how good the source material is.

So yes, lots of people thought it was a good idea to adapt it. They just had to convince all the other people that it was a good idea.
26 Jun 2010
Well for starters, it has been done before and it was quite successful. Secondly, the trilogy production was bogged down by a producer holding the rights hostage. Thirdly, I bet you they spent more time trying to get money than they did shooting the bloody thing. Most people in the industry don't like to touch fantasy, not matter how good the source material is.

So yes, lots of people thought it was a good idea to adapt it. They just had to convince all the other people that it was a good idea.

The trilogy wasn't done before?

The animated film only covered part of the trilogy.
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