What film did you watch last night?

14 Sep 2007
There is NO official alternate cut of Prometheus in any form, the version on the blu ray is exactly the same as that at the cinema.

There are extra's on the DVD such as an alternate ending/beginning and deleted scenes but they are not incorporated into the movie.

There ARE fan edits out there already which have re-cut these scenes into the movie. However on every one, the editors have taking the liberty of re-cutting other parts of the movie that they didn't like or felt should be changed.

Until Scott backtracks or is offered enough money, there will be no official extended/alternate/directors cut of this movie.

On a side note, did anyone think that when Fifield attacks, this happens concurrently to Weyland leaving in the vehicle, just that it was re-edited afterwards to the attack happening prior?
Last edited:
30 May 2008
You should all be aware of Easyrider's role on OCUK by now.

He's either the forum's biggest:

A) Troll
B) Poo spouter.

I'll leave you to decide :)
24 Dec 2005
You should all be aware of Easyrider's role on OCUK by now.

He's either the forum's biggest:

A) Troll
B) Poo spouter.

I'll leave you to decide :)

Just read my posts that have hundreds of subscribers...Like my cinema room etc...

Then look at yours banal guitar playing cover versions in your bedroom posts.

This post doesn't even mention a film...so you are in essence the Troll
4 Sep 2008
4 Sep 2008
You should all be aware of Easyrider's role on OCUK by now.

He's either the forum's biggest:

A) Troll
B) Poo spouter.

I'll leave you to decide :)


Does his bum ever get jealous of the amount of rubbish that spouts from his mouth?

Anyway, back on topic :)

I watched Dead Man's Shoes last night as it's coming up on 10 years since it was release. Amazing, brilliant and moving film.

Going to watch I saw the Devil again tonight with some friends :)
23 Dec 2008
Thats because you know your movies...I cringe now when I watch them....The children on horses looking nothing like Hobbits...The rubber feet of the hobbits...The hair nets of the riders of rohan...The rolling RRRRRRRRRRRR of modor and the fact that Sam calls Frodo Mister when its MASTER FFS:mad:

I could go on...The double edge axe of gimli not knowing if it is doubled edged in certain scenes...The voice of the ent...bad casting as its Gimli again..

Strider crying when Boromoir dies.....Doesn't happen in Game of thrones FFS men die with homour not tears....

The silly scottish merry and pippin....

The empty Full tent at the start that gandalf blows up suddenly is empty

The length

The homo erotica of Sam and frodo...

Frodo's constant facial expression

Fraggle rock CGI in Helms Deep

Legolas silly slide down the steps to back to the future music

London....Knees up brother brown ORCS

The other issues for me were...

- The 'retreat' to helms deep, wasn't a retreat.
- The ambush on the 'retreat' and Aragorn falling off a cliff
- The elves at helms deep?! Not needed! If you're going to use them there then why not completely ignore the book and have them at the Minas Tirith battle also?
- The fact it ended up with 6 or so men holding the door at the end of the attack on Helms Deep, the animated version did it much better, especially the charge from inside. The film did the arrival of Gandalf well although the steepness of the hill would probably have ended up with most of them dead.
- The first film felt rushed in bringing the Nazgul, just went to chase chase chase instead of building up any suspense and mystery.
- Any fear of the Nazgul was dispelled when Aragorn single handedly Chuck Norris'ed the lot of them in the first film.
- Having Liv Tyler rescue Frodo in the first film instead of Glorfindel
- The constant helicopter scenery fly over shots, annoying! They should have played 'keep on running' over most of it.
- The Mumakil battle at Minas Tirith, completely OTT, plus who would head on charge and then run underneath the things on a horse, completely stupid.
- Paths of the dead, the undead were badly interpreted, and the way they just 'flowed' over and killed things, comical. Shouldn't have been at the final battle.
- Minas Tirith soldiers were made to look hopeless, the women would have put up more of a fight. And again they ended up barricaded behind a small door with only a few men.
- The change to Faramir taking Frodo back towards Minas Tirith, weakened his character
- The view when Frodo has the ring on, how is poor Bilbo going to find his way round a cave with a big red eye looking at him? Again the animated version did it much better with a shaded view of the world.
- The change to the story of having the Ents refuse to go to war at the Entmoot, but then suddenly all of them appearing at the edges of Isengard

That's a brief rant lol!!

Anyhoo film reviews!

Rambo 1 - Really enjoyed it, 8.5/10
Rambo 2 - not too bad, 7/10
Rambo 3 - hmmmm could have been better 4/10
Night of the Demons - Shockingly awful, 2/10
A Team - Enjoyed it more than I thought I would 7/10

Looking forward to martial arts film Chocolate this week.
23 Oct 2002
Easyrider has a media studies degree.......:D

me too.... i got it in a Kellogs conflakes box j/k


Does his bum ever get jealous of the amount of rubbish that spouts from his mouth?

Anyway, back on topic :)

I watched Dead Man's Shoes last night as it's coming up on 10 years since it was release. Amazing, brilliant and moving film.

Going to watch I saw the Devil again tonight with some friends :)

dead mans shoes is a brilliant movie. Paddy is one of the best psychos ive seen.
4 Sep 2008
Indeed it is, I adore it. Doesn't seem 10 years since it first came out either. I was really impressed by it the first time I saw it and to think it was filmed in 18 days!

Paddy is utterly brilliant, flawless performance.
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