What film did you watch last night?

18 Oct 2002
I have only seen it in the cinema, few days when it first came out. That's what happened :/

Did you watch the clip, its not hard people have been posting links to the deleted scenes. Cinema version, he gets out of chamber, Rapeface and Benjamin button argue, tripod says something in the blue man's language, blue man goes ape. That video, is not the same, hence it being labeled "alternate" scene.

CM's confusion is that a lot of people are saying special edition + different scenes + better, and what most of them mean is, extra scenes, some of which are better.

Overall even in the best case 5 mins of brilliant cut scenes, or 30 minutes of epic cut scenes, don't make the other 2 hours of crap suddenly good. Make a little more overall sense, maybe, still talking bad movie with a few more good scenes.

Avengers does this, one of the cut scenes in particular fills out CA's story a bit better but makes a later scene make sense, on its own the later scene is completely stupid(think girl in yellow). Also another scene makes "some" sense of the epically stupid evil guys plan... or at least explains thats why they do what they do.... its still stupid. However in the case of the Avengers a huge amount of the movie is actually decent or even very very good.

Prometheus, just terrible, looks good, zero substance, poor acting from a lot of the cast, terrible dialog, woeful story, crap film.
23 Oct 2002
Late last night on channel 4 (or this morning :o ) showed 'Running Scared'.

Totally didn't know what too expect as I had never heard of it but it has Paul Walker (from the Fast and furious films) and to be honest, he was brilliant in this sort of film/role.

I won't spoil any of the plot as it can all be found on imdb but the film plays out a bit like a graphic novel/max payne camera style, lots of effects and fancy editing but it fitts in really well throughout the entire film. Hell of a lot of swearing and it is pretty violent so I'd recommend the faint hearted to avoid. :o

Kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through the film. Rare thing these days. :)

yeah. much better movie than you think it will be. some bits are really mental.

The bit with the paedos for example!
30 May 2008
Just read my posts that have hundreds of subscribers...Like my cinema room etc...

Then look at yours banal guitar playing cover versions in your bedroom posts.

This post doesn't even mention a film...so you are in essence the Troll

ha, yet I'm infinitely better on the guitar than you will ever be.

Oh by the way, my video views on YouTube far outdo your 'subscribers' on your petty threads on here.

Bai troll!
30 Sep 2009
i liked everything bar the overdone slow mo/300 style parts of abraham lincoln other than that, it was pure entertainment and looked tip top
24 Dec 2005
Army of Darkness
decent film, some good moments but some OTT bad comedy moments thrown in as well, which to be honest i would have preferred to not make it into the film.

solid 6.5/10 let down by its own overblown humour.

Head in hands

Its meant to be like that....

Sam Raimi drag me to hell etc....all follow the same themes
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