What film did you watch last night?

23 Oct 2002

Just watched 1984. What a bloody depressing movie. Good performances from hurt and burton.

I feel like i need to cheer up now by drowning some kittens or something! :)

Will definitely never watch again. It makes movies like Romper Stomper and American History X look like the Simpsons.

7/10 for those 2 acting performances but i wouldn’t say i would recommend the movie. Unless you are too happy and need to come back to ground with a bump! One of the most depressing movies i have ever seen!
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods

Just watched 1984. What a bloody depressing movie. Good performances from hurt and burton.

I feel like i need to cheer up now by drowning some kittens or something! :)

Will definitely never watch again. It makes movies like Romper Stomper and American History X look like the Simpsons.

7/10 for those 2 acting performances but i wouldn’t say i would recommend the movie. Unless you are too happy and need to come back to ground with a bump! One of the most depressing movies i have ever seen!

I've not seen the film, but I gather that they totally neuter the ending.

Spoiler tags, for anyone who has inexplicably not read the book...

The film ends with him saying "I love you", for Julia, suggesting that he has not been broken, and that he still feels something for her. The book ends with his realisation that he was wrong all along, and that he has now "come to his senses" and is prepared to fall in line, because he now believes that was the right thing to do all along. The book ends with the line "He loved Big Brother." and it is the most terrifying thing, because it shows that he has been broken and re-made into the model citizen, that the system has defeated him, that for all his efforts and his rebellion, the system was unbeatable. For the film to show that he had any personal will left, is to massively devalue the purpose of the book.
23 Oct 2002
I've not seen the film, but I gather that they totally neuter the ending.

Spoiler tags, for anyone who has inexplicably not read the book...

The film ends with him saying "I love you", for Julia, suggesting that he has not been broken, and that he still feels something for her. The book ends with his realisation that he was wrong all along, and that he has now "come to his senses" and is prepared to fall in line, because he now believes that was the right thing to do all along. The book ends with the line "He loved Big Brother." and it is the most terrifying thing, because it shows that he has been broken and re-made into the model citizen, that the system has defeated him, that for all his efforts and his rebellion, the system was unbeatable. For the film to show that he had any personal will left, is to massively devalue the purpose of the book.

i wouldnt say totally neuter it.

he writes 2+2= in the dust in a bar then looking at big bro on the screen behind him says 'i love you' with a tear in his eye, make of that what you wish julia or big bro. it certainly isnt a hollywood ending lol. still left me depressed!

wish she had a trim for the naked scenes. big old bush there! :( was like she was holding a small dog down there!
9 Jan 2011
The Kingdom was on while in the pub last night. There was no sound but I was glancing up at it occasionally. It looked quite good, any thoughts? .....worth watching/avoiding?
18 Oct 2002
Brave 4/10, maybe 5, the most boring Pixar film I can remember watching, dull story, no real comedy to speak of felt very, meh.

Ted 5/10 crude humour is fine, bad crude humour is bad, good crude humour is good. Almost nothing in the film was actually funny, wow they're getting stone, small car swipe... premise was fine, they just filled it up with utterly boring, rehashed humour of which such a small amount was genuinely good. Walhberg did his usual barely acting thing and most of the support actors were both not in it much and their parts were weird as opposed to funny. Kunis is the only reason the film scores that high, utterly disappointing considering how good Family Guy can be. It was like a few of the worst Family Guy eps put together, and the worst Family Guy episodes are completely awful.

Cosmopolis 1/10, absolutely pretentious drivel, not remotely interesting to watch, abysmal. But for insomnia and smeg all else to do at 4am, I'd never have watched it..... it did help with the insomnia, which brought up its score from 0.
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