What film did you watch last night?

28 Jan 2008
It's a shame that he lost control of the franchise after that. Quality just starts to drop off from film to film.

Damn this doesn't fill me with hope :\

I figured they'd get better at least to number 3 when he's still writing, as he'd be getting sharper as he goes. I'll still give them a try, but I can see them making them tamer purely to open then audience up for the earnings, the beginning of the end for real action films.

I genuinely despise the lack of grit to today's action films where budget defines the content. Dredd was a real throwback for me and the only one in years.

Prime example of this, Die Hard 4.0 and no doubt the new one. neutered the franchise so kids could see it. **** off. wasn't even a die hard film, that was not John McClane I saw.
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
Damn this doesn't fill me with hope :\

I figured they'd get better at least to number 3 when he's still writing, as he'd be getting sharper as he goes. I'll still give them a try, but I can see them making them tamer purely to open then audience up for the earnings, the beginning of the end for real action films.

I genuinely despise the lack of grit to today's action films where budget defines the content. Dredd was a real throwback for me and the only one in years.

Prime example of this, Die Hard 4.0 and no doubt the new one. neutered the franchise so kids could see it. **** off. wasn't even a die hard film, that was not John McClane I saw.

Shane Black walked out on Lethal Weapon 2 because the studio hired Warren Murphy to do some rewrites on it. He never returned to the franchise after that. He does, however, still retain the "characters by" billing.

Interestingly Carrie Fisher did some uncredited rewrites on the third film and I think, by and large, that 2 and 3 are pretty decent action films. 4 is kind of baffling in a lot of ways, but still pretty good fun.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Very different because one has a plot, emotion, character development etc.

OK, har har, but I'm defending The Hunger Games as an independent story, rather than a rip off of Battle Royale, which it's not. The motivations of the gamesmakers are completely different in the two stories are completely different, and so are the experiences of the children "playing" in the games.

The Running Man said:
The other is a shell of a film.

It's not the best adaptation, sure.

The Running Man said:
Any reason why or how the main characters district buddy joined the bad guys or how the bad guys recruited 4 people or why they even went together?

What, you can't infer why it might be wise to form temporary alliances in that sort of situation? I'll grant you it's better explained in the book, but it's hardly a mystery.

The Running Man said:
Or how or why he got away

He got away in the chaos of the tracker jacker attack, when we last saw him.

The Running Man said:
or who the guy was who saves the girl near the end and says 'that's for...' k(I forget the name). How did he die?

It was for Rue, the little girl in the trees. That side of things is much better handled in the book. I imagine he was killed by all the monsters who turned up.

The Running Man said:
Was there any hunger in these games? Who puts a load of mines in their food?

There's plenty of hunger in the home districts, where they're struggling for food. Again, it's not well demonstrated in the film.

The Running Man said:
CGI animals being factored in? Made no sense it was just drivel tbh.

To be honest, the "CGI animals" bugged me in the book, because they were a total deus ex machina and came out of nowhere to provide some drama at the end.

Maybe my judgement is coloured from having read the book, and so knowing the back story, but I don't think it's a bad film, even if it's not a great adaptation of the book.

Anyway. My point was that it's a very shallow analysis to look at it and say it's the same as Battle Royale.
28 Jan 2008
Shane Black walked out on Lethal Weapon 2 because the studio hired Warren Murphy to do some rewrites on it. He never returned to the franchise after that. He does, however, still retain the "characters by" billing.

Interestingly Carrie Fisher did some uncredited rewrites on the third film and I think, by and large, that 2 and 3 are pretty decent action films. 4 is kind of baffling in a lot of ways, but still pretty good fun.

Damn, misread IMDB. oh well. i'll give them a go. Thanks for the heads up.
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
Mr Magorium's wonder emporium

I don't know why, but I love this film. It even brings a tear to my eye near the end. Such a happy film, silly and magical. Just like childrens films should be.

9/10. No, it's no oscar winner but I can't not watch it when it's on and always enjoy it.


Shaun of the dead - another that i've seen a silly amount of times and just can't not watch it when I see it on!
We all know this one, hard to say anything different about it these days. Always fulfills my expectations and delivers.

28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Drive - 9/10

Second time. It's so close to perfect.

I found it totally lost its way in the second half. It started off so moodily, and then it just seemed to descend into an overstyled action killing spree.

It reminded me of the book Snow Crash. In that book, the first chapter paints the most incredible picture of one facet of this bizarre dystopian future, and then nothing that follows is as good as that. In Drive, the opening car chase and escape from the first crime and the police is brilliant, and then nothing that follows is as good.

I loved the music and the look of it, but I just couldn't engage with the story.
11 Jun 2010
Here and There (mostly)
Total Recall 2012

Loved it, saw the original in the cinema and have to say I much prefer this ! Though not completely faithful I do feel this paints a picture much closers to PKD's dystopian future.

I'm no fan of Mr Farrell but this didn't exactly demand much of him so he wasn't out of place or out of his depth, loved the visuals and the tone of the photography, CGI was well done and not OTT.

Oh and if I win the Euromillions tonight I am buying Kate Beckinsale ( wipes drool from chin )
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
I found it totally lost its way in the second half. It started off so moodily, and then it just seemed to descend into an overstyled action killing spree.

It reminded me of the book Snow Crash. In that book, the first chapter paints the most incredible picture of one facet of this bizarre dystopian future, and then nothing that follows is as good as that. In Drive, the opening car chase and escape from the first crime and the police is brilliant, and then nothing that follows is as good.

I loved the music and the look of it, but I just couldn't engage with the story.

For me it's the plot that brings it down. I understand what you're saying about the opening scenes and the immediate action, but I was ok with the way the film progressed after that. I thought the way it was essentially a character study about this mysterious, almost unknowable drive that keep me hooked throughout.
26 Nov 2004
Near Windy City, USA
Seen a few movies lately:
SkyFall - Was not as good as all the hype surrounding it, still a great Bond film but just felt as if was a little too straight forward. CR still favorite of the Daniel Craig set. 7/10

The Campaign - Had high hopes for this in terms of what could have been done and the actors involved. Sadly it did not hold my interest and the laughs were few and far between (fell asleep and did not finish it lol :p) 5/10

That's My Boy - Again, not that great, couple of laughs in the film but all the jokes had been done before. 6/10

The Raid - Gory, and good direction but it was not half as decent as I was hoping for. Look forward to more stuff though! 6/10

Maybe my expectations are too high? Just feel like when a film is done right, it's wonderful viewing pleasure which holds my attention and makes me want more. However, these days these films are few and far between.
17 Jul 2006
Total Recall 6/10.

Tried to watch it with an open mind. If i'd never seen the original take on it i'd give it a 7 or maybe even 8. While a lot of it was entirely different there were a quite a few overlapping scenes, and they were all inferior.

Also it's a bit of a pet hate of mine but the interactive user interface projected onto glass/wall/in the air (ala minority report) thing really bugs me. In the future you can make a screen out of anything, we get it already
5 Oct 2004
Total Recall 2012 - 7/10

I gave this a chance as a stand alone film and not a remake of a cheesy 90's classic. On the whole the CGI Was great and the future world was fantastic in it's scale and detail.

I think if you watch it as just a sci-fi film and not a remake, it's no bad at all.
4 Jun 2009
Expendables 2

Loved it! Did exactly what I expected :D Hilarious film throughout, some of the scenes with one liners are out right lol'd moments "rest in pieces" :D. Shame that Arnie didn't have more scenes but Gunner was superb in this one :D

The part where they are facing like 70 guys and a tank and run out of ammo and Chuck Norris shows up was excellent.

Basic plot with non existent script essentially and way over the top action, remember to switch your brain of and enjoy it for what it is :p :D

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