What film did you watch last night?

28 Dec 2009
The Day - 5/10 not bad for a low budget movie
The Watch - 7/10 one of the better ben stiller movies.
Silent Hill revelation - 6/10 ok but think the original was better

Old Blurays
Deep Rising - 8/10 was great to watch on bluray with those giant snakes that eat people alive.
Entrapment - 7/10 was ok
5 Dec 2008
Went to see an uncut screening of 'The Devils' at BFI Southbank the other day.

Mark Kermode came on stage and introduced it beforehand which was nice.

Brilliant film. Never thought much of Oliver Reed before but he was amazing in it.

It's a very funny film that deals with religion and hysteria in a very satirical and thought-provoking way. Think 'The Life of Brian' meets 'A Clockwork Orange'. Comparing it to other films is so trivial though. 10/10. Very, very graphic. The uncut version is not available to watch anywhere else!

24 Jul 2012
Sheffield UK
watched danny the dog/ unleashed again last night

i've got to say it never gets old, the combination of jet li's increadible fight scenes,morgan freeman and bob hoskins are simply awesome i gave this film 9.5 /10 when i first saw it and now again after my 10th viewing.

what do you think of it ?
14 Nov 2004
Hayle, Cornwall
Ted.... a must watch :)

no its not...its dire, but then again I hate the office and most people like that too....I found Ted predictable and boring.

Immortals, poor mans 300, 4/10. I wanted it to feel more epic.

Genghis the legend of the ten, love movies of this ilk, some of the battle moves where awful, but on the whole I enjoyed it, 6.5/10
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1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Ted - 6/10 Funny at some points, story in the second half is rushed

The amazing Spider Man - 4/10 Sticks to the original comics abit, but we have seen this on the big screen too many times. Drama WAY over the top... The crane scene in new york. Cringe worthy.

Magic Mike - 6/10 Yes, men are naked, grow up. It's not a bad film, the story becomes a bit dry in the second half. But overall acting is solid.

Total Recall 2012 - 7/10 as a Sunday film, good watch. Treat this as a stand alone film.
4 Jun 2009
Total Recall 2012

I treated this film as a stand alone film as tbph nothing can compare to the original total recall and replace Arnie's performance! :D Both films are good in their own ways. I liked how they give a nod to certain parts of the original TR i.e. the fat woman with the yellow coat "2 weeks"

Thoroughly enjoyed the newer one overall, great CGI, good acting by all IMO, nice plot with some very cool tech. gadgets. Although the lens flare in quite a few scenes was annoying....

28 Jan 2008
watched danny the dog/ unleashed again last night

i've got to say it never gets old, the combination of jet li's increadible fight scenes,morgan freeman and bob hoskins are simply awesome i gave this film 9.5 /10 when i first saw it and now again after my 10th viewing.

what do you think of it ?

Always griped me that they renamed it for popular markets to 'Unleashed'. Danny The Dog is a brilliant name.

Great film when I first saw it, definitely needs a re-watch since.
18 Oct 2009
It amazes me some people think this new Total Recall is great and original is boring. I laughed when some guy said he can't stand the way people go on about the original being better, and that the originals script was terrible.

Some people it would seem are too concerned with the fancy visuals and the fit women, to notice the directing is poor and the script is dire.

It's not a terrible film, but certainly is not a good one.
17 Jul 2006
Total Recall 2012

Thoroughly enjoyed the newer one overall, great CGI, good acting by all IMO, nice plot with some very cool tech. gadgets. Although the lens flare in quite a few scenes was annoying....


Hah i had forgotten the lens flares. The fist half of the film they were so distracting i was nearly counting them.

he basically murderded his unarmed work buddy because the guy had been lying to him. Made no sense, really terrible scene that.

Also the Mars mutations were the explanation behind the 3 breasted woman in the original. Did i miss something or did they throw it in there with no context whatsover:confused:
4 Jun 2009
I found that scene pretty poor too, parts of it just made no sense at all...

Yup they just threw it in their for the sake of it and I am glad that they did :D :p


Just finished watching faster, second time I have seen it now and it is such a good film, love the plot/story (even though it is a bit basic :p) 8/10
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16 Mar 2004
Watched Alien for the first time in over 10 years and while the film has stood the test of time well for a sci-fi it just failed to engage me, guess I must have changed a lot since!
18 Oct 2002
Hah i had forgotten the lens flares. The fist half of the film they were so distracting i was nearly counting them.

he basically murderded his unarmed work buddy because the guy had been lying to him. Made no sense, really terrible scene that.

Also the Mars mutations were the explanation behind the 3 breasted woman in the original. Did i miss something or did they throw it in there with no context whatsover:confused:

There were robot sex dolls and random other stuff, whats the explanation for transexuals now, or people who get horns under their skin, or pierce their entire face. When it comes to cosmetic surgery.... I would be highly surprised if some people don't get a third boob in real life and not that far into the future. Hell, a guy got a boob job for a bet what, a decade ago, maybe more. Third boob doesn't really need explanation beyond, sex worker looking for edge.

As for the murder, the friend was a plant, he was working with the fake wife, and was looking to capture him basically. THe wife was trying to kill him, he would kill the wife in self defence, he killed other people, when he shot the friend he was merely shooting one of the guys who were trying to collectively capture/kill him.

Anyway, not on Total Recall.....

Lawless, 3/10, if that, did no one else think it was terrible. Random gun usage, Tom Hardy was, barely a character, he barely said anything, he barely did anything, his character growth was non existant and his interactions with other characters were again almost non existant and boring. I can't see anyone but LeBrat being an actually worthwhile character in the film.

The entire ending was, just rubbish, nonsense, Le**** wasn't a good character, no one was interesting, none of the parts were well written and there were massive gaping plot holes. Can't understand how its a 7+ on IMDB(okay I actually can because its a crap website but still higher than I thought by a long shot).

Tom Hardy's character was basically established in.... shooting a pig while his brother couldn't, that was his entire back story, at no stage did he actually do anything else remotely interesting in the film.

The drunk brothers character was dull as anything, the runt was the biggest part but still mostly, boring.

Weird things that made no sense to me

Oldman knew the his name, and would have made money off selling booze(and getting more in the future) yet got almost to shooting him before he told him he worked at the gas station at which point we see he doesn't want a blood fued. But he knew his name, he knew the brother, and had no reason this was a bad deal.

The final shoot out was, ridiculous, 20-30 guys all pointing a gun at Pearce... but he shoots Hardy what 3 times they all open fire, no one hits him, he walks most of the way through the tunnel... and idiot face walks up and shoots him.

AFAIk there was no hint they were following Shia up to the stills, even though they whole film was avoiding cops and keeping stills hidden, despite no sign of these guys, entire trucks of cops show up out of nowhere, and no one cares when he murders a cripple(the other cops).

Hardy establishes a relationship with the red head, based off about seven words and a few looks. She left LV was it, to get away from gangsters and bad people, but despite having basically never spoken to him, decided it was better to move in to the building she was (I assume), beaten and raped with a target on the gangs back, rather than move on as she had thought to before, so any other safe town in america, she stays the one place she said she didn't want to, for a non existant love connection.

I saw someone say that potentially a directors edition might have loads of extra scenes with Hardy/Pearce and fixing a few of the issues and actually making some of the characters interesting but there is so little there to start with. I can't see anything good about the film, acting, barely any to be done, story, there wasn't much, action, there wasn't much, dialogue, usually boring/stupid.
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