What's the biggest animal you could fight?

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I reckon I could give a good account of myself against a Swan. Although they are vicious and cant half shift when chasing you.

Would a sleeper hold be allowed on a swan ?
Loki said:
I reckon I could give a good account of myself against a Swan. Although they are vicious and cant half shift when chasing you.

Would a sleeper hold be allowed on a swan ?

ah now that leads me to thinking about the whole "swans can break your arm" thing

is it true?

edit: kick it in the neck anywat 4TW :p
Reminds me of the Ant and Dec feature on SMTV - 'Animals that could knack you in a fight'. :D

I'd take on a badger, but I doubt I'd come away without injury. They're bigger than you think. I'd also go for an ostrich, lanky buggers but possibly susceptible to a good sweep.
YEAH baby fancy one of these

L337 LooX said:
ah now that leads me to thinking about the whole "swans can break your arm" thing

is it true?

edit: kick it in the neck anywat 4TW :p

I really dunno. My father in law went poaching when he was a Lad and said he got butted off a swan. Right nasty cut as well. I reckon an arm break isnt beyond the realms of possibility. Maybe like a boa constricta move and crush your arm with their neck :confused:
Raist said:
I've managed a 130 lb. Rottie a couple times. 'Course, he was only playing. If we were both ticked at eachother, it would have been a good battle, but I still think I could have taken him.

Silly topic. :p

When i were young, my cousins Rottie totally pwned me, i reckon it would be a good fight now.
A camel is probably the biggest I could do. Their legs look fragile and they seem pretty slow on the uptake, a suprise attack would probably do it.

We need a follow up thread: MS Paint yourself battering the biggest animal you could.
Belmit said:
I'd take on a badger, but I doubt I'd come away without injury. They're bigger than you think. I'd also go for an ostrich, lanky buggers but possibly susceptible to a good sweep.

Badger's are ****ing vicious. Seriously.

If they had opposable thumbs, they'd carry flick knives. They're THAT vicious.

Efour2 said:
I like the idea of Fighting a deer. I reckon i can take bambi with a few well placed punches.

My thought was that you could use a subadult male's horns to pull it down with your body weight then get it in a submission hold.

Can a deer tap out?

I'd like to take on a medium sized kangaroo wearing boxing gloves. Although a well aimed kick to my pods by those feet would render me instantly useless.

A sloth wouldnt stand a chance against me tho.
penski said:
Badger's are ****ing vicious. Seriously.

If they had opposable thumbs, they'd carry flick knives. They're THAT vicious.

They're low down though, a flying double-footed stomp would be hard for it to defend against. Like I said though, they are big; I might have to stand on a box.
JohnnyG said:
I don't think it would be fair to use Pro Wrestling techniques in a fight against an animal, like Clotheslining a giraffe, using a Stunner on a yak or Tombstoning a goose for instance, as animals don't watch WWE. You could on a Panda though I guess because they are in charge of the WWF now.

I reckon chokeslamming a medium-to-large dog should be viable.

I'd rather fight a dog than a cat.

Mat said:
A sloth wouldnt stand a chance against me tho.

I hate sloths. They **** me off. So ****ing lazy.

If I ever see a sloth, I'm going to just walk over and kick it and say, "Wake up, ****ing wake up. Get up off your arse. You're not getting away with this anymore, it's 2006, get up and do some bloody work."
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