@AthlonXP1800 Personally for me at the end of the day 7 is just better than 10, better ui, less junk, less errors MS say are just normal reporting like the dcom errors and such and along with all the bloat I looked at task scheduler in W10 and there are over 100 tasks set which could be contributing to the above audits I get.
On top of that after Windows 7 the UI just went to **** and I usually go into recycle bin to check whats in there before emptying and now empty recycle bin IS IN A DROP DOWN MENU, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
Windows 11 looks worse than 10, taskbar centralized like a web page on a 1080 monitor that only uses the middle section of a screen, they keep changing stuff that doesnt need changing and most of the time for the worse, they know a lot of folk are clinging to Windows 7 they should take the hint as to why and copy that instead of mac.
I get more errors and warnings logged in event viewer (Which are not bad per say just notifications the majority of the time) on W10 in 1 day than I do on W7 PC in over a week and I get more audits in a day on W10 than I do on my Windows 7 machine in a week.
There is too much bloat, the install should just have the operating system PERIOD, no Skype, Meet Now, Office or any of that crap just windows with the option to not update things when everything is working because I see WAY too many posts about updates breaking stuff and it sounds like too much of a headache which I will probably find out about soon since I have been forced to bump up operating systems.
XP, Vista and 7 all used the same ui which was perfect, couldnt get any better and they proved that after the disaster that was Windows 8 which they tried to sort in 8.1 but it just went downhill from there. I mean why in gods name in the application list on windows 10 are the alphabetical breaks for the applications, ITS WASTED SPACE.
Windows 10 and 11 is like a bad remaster of old games that were absolutely badass but instead of just updating what it was they had to change stuff in it.
You can sort some of the dcoms from what ive read by going into registry and doing something with permissions and whatnot but that shouldn't be needed, they made the whole thing way too complicated for the average user and for the overly cautious these errors are just nerve wrecking.