Well, the herd isn't always right. Look at the world of politics atm...
It's the fact you seem to froth about
every single element that seems bizarre. Some of those elements being quite out of their control (book plot points that no matter how well/badly executed you'd seemingly hate). You said ep 4 was the worst ep ever at the time and listed a stream of mostly nonsense for the reasons. So wound up in your own invective you're actively looking for reasons to hate it. Critique the bad elements by all means, but you're way ott with most of it.
Love trying to look at things from the show runners perspective. What were they trying to achieve? Why did some of it fail? Is some of the criticism way ott? (yup).
You won't find anyone saying the last season was on par with the best of previous seasons. It was severely hamstrung by the reduced episode count. Where as it used to be 4-5 episodes of exposition with some small payoffs and then one humdinger of pure payoff this season was designed to be pure payoff with very little exposition.
I guess they thought that being in the endgame the previous 7 seasons
were the buildup. TBH can see the rationale too.
This season didn't quite work for a huge amount of people because of the Dany flip; everything that led to it and then followed. Obviously a book plot point they had to have in. Just like having Jon save the world by killing her and not being the one to finish the White Walkers off.
Her flip was meant to be one of those GoT moments: Ned getting head cut off, Red Wedding, Viper having his head crushed. Meant to take the audience (book or show) by relative surprise. A surprise when you look back on you think; ah the signs were there. Trouble is lots of people can't accept her flipping quite so much (although in real life folk 'go postal' after experiencing far less trauma!).
Not sure what they could do to sell that flip while still making it a surprise in line with the previous ones the show is famous for?
Throw in some errors of judgement during the season for sfx shots (machine gun sniper ballista's, from ships a dragon should spot in one ep, lame ducks the next. Showing 95% of the Dothraki die and then later... not) and some disappointing choices (especially tactical which really annoyingly is superficial because for the plot it doesn't matter) for ep 3 along with making Bran useless when he should have been a key component of taking down the NK (and so making him a more palatable choice for King later) and you've got some proper arguments for where they failed. Oh yeah, and Euron. **** that guy.
Now it's all over lets list what we think they did well:
- Tyrion - best his character has been since season 4. Some brilliant acting/dialog (hello writers), particularly with Jaime.
- Ep 2, up there as one of my favs. All the chars together for once and interacting brilliantly. Oh, hello crappy writers again!
- Jaime and Cersei ending. Some hated it; I actually liked seeing her laid bare again and reduced to a scared woman. The twins leaving the world together was perfect. Always found it a bit weird with those hoping to see a pregnant woman getting ripped apart by a dragon or having some other horrific death but to each their own!
From Jaimes perspective, sure he failed by going back to her - but does it matter? It doesn't undo his character development at all. He is a different man. As the alt-shift-x review mentions. The books often point out that a mans worth is based on how he lived, not how he died.
- Brienne's whole arc: Getting to be what she always wanted to be, a knight and then to become head of the Kings Guard was perfect. Her finishing Jaimes deeds in the white book was again, a perfect book-end for both characters.
- Tormund - everything about Tormund really.
- Arya being the one to finish the WW threat. They made a bit of a mess of that episode for a lot of things despite it looking amazing. I think almost too ambitious for a TV show. But Arya killing him made sense. Her whole arc was about her ability to face death so her killing the literal avatar of death was fitting. Subverting peoples expectations that it was Jons destiny to save the world (it still was but the frothers didn't know it at the time).
- Production, music etc - hats off. Most movies don't look near as good with much larger budgets and only having a couple hours of film to do.
- Jon and Dany ending - once you accept her flip. I liked Jon was indeed the 'prince that was reborn' azhor ahai who saved the world by plunging a dagger into his lovers heart. Dany being taken by Drogon east and Jon going north. Both back to were they belong.
The aftereffects of that were again curtailed by it being a TV show and I feel for the makers. The main story is done but you could do another season with the fallout from Jon killing her. Stuff that in a book can be done (scouring of the shire) but in a visual medium what do you do?
Would take a couple hours of episode to satisfactorily explain why the dothraki and unsullied didn't kill him. Did they not know until later? etc etc. There's 15 mins of runtime left, the main story has ended, having another episode would not work. So they don't show it - cut to the day of the trial instead weeks later.
Anyway, I think those 6 episodes, despite their flaws may be more favourably thought of by later viewers who get to have the whole story in one go. The previous seasons becoming the exposition we normally expect during a season. Having a 2 year wait (which totally undermines people saying the makers wanted to rush the ending) just served to build expectations to ridiculous amounts.
The true, full book story may eventually come out. But GRRM has the same issue with over hyped fans expecting nothing less than perfection which will leave most of those disappointed. Little wonder it's been 7 or 8 years since the last. After seeing the TV show fallout who can be bothered?