Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 28th September 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News 21st - 28th September 2006

Current Team Position: 46th
Current Team Score: 20,999,945
Crunched This Week: 510,173 (24hr avg. 72,882)
Change from Last Week: +62,260

Next on the stomping horizon

42 Vietnam Global Team - 94 days (-10 days)
41 Team PimpRig - 81 days (-41 days)
43 The Team - 49 days (-19 days)
44 MacAddict4Life - 7 days (-10 days)
45 GruntvillE.CoM - 1 day (-10 days)

Teams stomped this week

47 :D

Ones to keep an eye on

none with current production :cool:

This Week's Top Dumpers

1 . LigerZero - 72,724
2 . sculptor(OcUK) - 40,768
3 . bam0 - 18,926
4 . magman - 17,048
5 . Babyface_UK - 16,472
6 . growse - 16,348
7 . Bigstan - 13,871
8 . DarkendViper - 12,008
9 . lemonman - 11,932
10 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 11,657
11 . br - 11,214
12 . Dunc - 8,466
13 . polandro - 8,226
14 . hornytoe - 8,159
15 . froggy - 7,709
16 . kinnison - 7,570
17 . lightning512 - 7,326
18 . Appleby - 6,682
19 . _Berserker_ - 6,566
20 . Huddy - 6,280
21 . dr.who - 5,624
22 . deej - 5,587
23 . Beenom - 5,576
24 . KE1HA - 5,269
25 . Freefaller - 5,103
26 . diogenese - 5,007
27 . Gazzza - 4,979
28 . Trick - 4,872
29 . rich99million - 4,832
30 . DreederOcUK - 4,655
31 . Ken - 4,638
32 . duggyruss - 4,604
33 . piggott - 4,575
34 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 4,413
35 . penfold - 4,336
36 . Cob - 4,257
37 . OcUKWildweasel - 4,115
38 . verbal - 4,035
39 . oceaness - 3,996
40 . BigDom - 3,691
41 . StevenG[OCUK] - 3,607
42 . Otacon - 3,406
43 . Stormrider(OcUK) - 3,224
44 . Duke - 3,048
45 . Rincin - 2,932
46 . blitz2163 - 2,762
47 . MetalGuru - 2,695
48 . JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 2,675
49 . 2bullish - 2,592
50 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 2,538
51 . br83taylor - 2,406
52 . Joe42 - 2,329
53 . A_N_Other - 2,211
54 . RobOC - 2,204
55 . Neil - 2,197
56 . Prescott28 - 2,185
57 . Unforgiven - 2,185
58 . vent - 1,815
59 . beatvar - 1,761
60 . Walter_Anderson - 1,751
61 . Elston - 1,724
62 . Haly - 1,626
63 . aXeR - 1,595
64 . Saberu - 1,592
65 . happytechie - 1,579
66 . TheTross - 1,579
67 . FTW - 1,570
68 . marktime - 1,560
69 . iBot - 1,531
70 . sr4470 - 1,506
71 . Galifrey - 1,426
72 . MadFruit - 1,407
73 . FatRakoon - 1,401
74 . Dean_Vile - 1,353
75 . lemonan - 1,323
76 . Mr_Flibble - 1,200
77 . Jam0r - 1,120
78 . Sammael(OcUK) - 1,117
79 . superraven - 1,051
80 . Pilgrim57 - 996
81 . Brown_Sparrow - 971

Single Machine Folding League

Colour Key: MultiCore/MultiCPU, SingleCore, Unclarified

1 . Beenom - 5,576
2 . Cob - 4,257
3 . StevenG[OCUK] - 3,607
4 . Stormrider(OcUK) - 3,224
5 . Duke - 3,048
6 . Rincin - 2,932
7 . br83taylor - 2,406
8 . Unforgiven - 2,185
9 . happytechie - 1,579
10 . TheTross - 1,579
11 . sr4470 - 1,506
12 . MadFruit - 1,407
13 . lemonan - 1,323
14 . Pilgrim57 - 996
15 . Brown_Sparrow - 971
16 . aceface57 - 751
17 . MaxPower - 749
18 . pmbuzz - 749
19 . Concorde_Rules - 744
20 . Plasmoid - 723
21 . Borged_by_MGP - 699
22 . nellystew - 683
23 . Zip - 600
24 . Zefan - 402
25 . LavaMonkey - 396
26 . TinkerBell - 306
27 . Bean0 - 226
28 . chronicfathead - 163
29 . Adnams_Drinker - 153
30 . Jagman2k - 153
31 . Kaed - 153
32 . Leftfieldtilt - 153

This Week's Top Stompers

Jam0r - 328
superraven - 324
bmjames - 288
BEN - 277
zissiadis_ilias - 227
growse - 193
Thomas_Haywood - 175
Ever - 134
Duke - 77
Mr_Flibble - 71
Bean0 - 66
Brown_Sparrow - 64
FTW - 61
marktime - 59
Panzerbjorn - 42
Beenom - 27
gw0lgn - 25
Energize - 23
Cob - 22
MaxPower - 21
andrew_slater - 17
Klo - 16
lemonan - 15
blitz2163 - 14
deej - 12
MadFruit - 12
Freefaller - 10
Stormrider(OcUK) - 10
Zefan - 10
Zip - 10
br83taylor - 9
Galifrey - 9
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 8
LavaMonkey - 8
OcUKWildweasel - 8
SiriusB_[OcUK] - 8
catman05 - 7
Ross - 7
Twem - 7
iBot - 6
MyEvilCowWillKillYou - 6
Neil - 6
Saberu - 6
magman - 5
penfold - 5
jidh007 - 4
StevenG[OCUK] - 4
Unforgiven - 4
2bullish - 3
Adnams_Drinker - 3
Borged_by_MGP - 3
cokecan72 - 3
mgncdarkangel - 3
oceaness - 3
Pilgrim57 - 3
DreederOcUK - 2
Gunda - 2
Leftfieldtilt - 2
Mejinks - 2
Oli - 2
Plasmoid - 2
shimy182 - 2
SquAmy - 2
xZIBIT - 2
Appleby - 1
Babyface_UK - 1
bam0 - 1
br - 1
Dead_Martyr - 1
dr.who - 1
FatRakoon - 1
hornytoe - 1
kinnison - 1
lemonman - 1
Snapshot - 1
vent - 1
verbal - 1

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

LigerZero - 1,450,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 1,350,000
hornytoe - 500,000
_Berserker_ - 475,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 475,000
polandro - 300,000
Huddy - 180,000
Ken - 180,000
bam0 - 140,000
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 120,000
lemonman - 120,000
Appleby - 100,000
verbal - 80,000
A_N_Other - 70,000
DreederOcUK - 70,000
Joe42 - 50,000
penfold - 50,000
pmbuzz - 50,000
FatRakoon - 30,000
StevenG[OCUK] - 30,000
deej - 25,000
OcUKWildweasel - 25,000
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 20,000
Neil - 20,000
Stormrider(OcUK) - 20,000
blitz2163 - 15,000
br83taylor - 15,000
Cob - 15,000
DiG - 15,000
growse - 15,000
Beenom - 12,500
iBot - 12,500
Saberu - 12,500
Oli - 7,500
Zip - 7,500
Duke - 5,000
Dead_Martyr - 2,500
FTW - 2,500
marktime - 2,500
MaxPower - 2,500
Brown_Sparrow - 1,000
Jam0r - 1,000
Mr_Flibble - 1,000
Panzerbjorn - 1,000
superraven - 1,000

Congrats to all the Tiffy-Kat winners :cool:

This Week's New Members


A great big warm welcome to the team! :)
If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

"...can we break the 500k per week barrier?" - yes we can! :D
Way to go everyone - another team position very soon and another big Team-Tiffy!!!
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 19:30 September 21st and 19:30 September 28th

Previous Weeks' News:
September 21st, September 14th, September 7th, August 31st, August 24th, August 17th, August 10th, August 3rd, July 27th, July 20th, July 13th, July 6th, June 29th, June 22nd, June 15th, June 8th, June 2nd, May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th

2005 News Archives:
December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th

Single Machine Crunchers:
8_I3ALL, aceface57, Adnams_Drinker, ALD, alonso, Bean0, Beenom, Borged_by_MGP, br83taylor, Brown_Sparrow, chronicfathead, Cob, Concorde_Rules, Duke, happytechie, Kaed, LavaMonkey, lee87, Leftfieldtilt, lemonan, lucifersam, MadFruit, MattBrown, MaxPower, Mikebert4, nellystew, orderoftheflame, Pilgrim57, Plasmoid, pmbuzz, Rincin, sr4470, StevenG[OCUK], Stormrider(OcUK), TheTross, TinkerBell, ToLearn, Unforgiven, Viking, XFi, Zefan, Zip ...
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Woot! team stompage and none on our tail:D
And I broke 5000 PPW:)

Go Team! another few days at the current rate and we might just move up to the Bright red top 20 producers.
GRRR, I have cold boot issues at 15C LOL!!!

Crashes just as it loads F@H, yet when I restart its fine and its fine until I shut it down 16 hours later.

A string of carp WUs, SSE boost disabling every crash leaving me with 2+hour per update times doesn't help :(

So carp week from me, even with my 2000PPD conroe :(
Ah well, I made 300,000 in the end, just 10 days late...

nice tiffy that polomint - lot's of o's in that number :)

Team stomp last week, another this (and looks like one next week too) Team 10 it's on the move :D and the only way is up.

Welcome new folder all, and to the recient recruits that are already in the browns and reds, nice! keep up the good work people. :D

Thanks for the news rich - what would we do without you.

Dispite my best effort to leave work on time (still here now btw) it's not working, however it has ment my weekly total remained above 10K.
So bad week for me but good for the science.

Edit: Oh yes got a little something stealthy planed for the weekend ;)
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This team never ceases to amaze me. The old burgundy paintjob is barely dry and we'll have to be getting the red paint out soon :p

Thanks again for the news and thanks to the team, particularly our highest producers for keeping things lively. :)

Just an update on my situation and upcoming increases in production.
I shall start phase 2 of the media centre soon, which means upgrading the cpu fan and overclocking the 3200+ to at least 3500+ speeds, more likely 3800+ speeds, and it will continue to be on 24/7.
Phase 6 or 7 (i've lost count) of the opty will begin, which will involve about my third attempt to silence the damn thing. I think the problem lies in a really bad case in a bad place, but a 2nd drive silencer and some further tweaking should help.
I also need to look at getting surge protection and ups protection for the media centre and ups protection for the opty.
The fileserver is also going into phase 2, and i'll be getting a new board/cpu/ram for that, not sure what yet but it needs more ram and needs to be within a budget of around £100 for those parts. The current stuff was only a temporary solution to see if it would work and it does, however i have run out of pci slots so its time for an upgrade to something a little more powerfull. Not quite sure what yet, i'll have to see what i can find on the 'bay.
I never got round to overclocking the opty again, so i'll do that shortly and i can do it properly this time without dodgy ram.
Woohoo! a 25k tiffykat and making it to page 1 with a 5.5k dump.

It was a good week. :D

Well done all, we'll be top 40 before you know it at this rate. :cool:
Thanks for the news, Rich!

YEY 70,000 ... I thought I'd never get there, but finally my X2 3800 is behaving itself again (now to OC it once more :cool:!). I've also turned an old PC into a media centre, so that might be getting a bit more use now and I've borged a 3.00 P4 Dell. Together, that should bump up my production a fair bit!


It's amazing how the team is taking off at the moment - almost bright red! Lots of new people joining as well ... welcome all!
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Well done team for a super stomp :)

and well done polomint for an excellent tiffy \0/

not a very good week for me.. might have something to do with that my main rig developed a HDD fault.. and I used a drive from another one..
Thanks Rich once again, looks like my usual top 5 dumpage spot is in danger from growse, time to get that core 2 duo - dear boss the reason I want to upgrade is.....

Babyface UK
god I suck.

anyway, where are the numbers next to our names? I need to know how far I've sunk!
A.N.Other said:
Just over 7 hours before we stomp GruntvillE.CoM according to EOC!

Nice work guys.
Probably a few hours sooner then as EOC is always slightly behind the true stats

45 GruntvillE.CoM  21,066,708
46 OcUK            21,058,458
A good week for the team :) , but a poor one for me :(

For some oddity the PC does the Amber WU's OK, but most Gromacs crash. :mad: The PC, an Athlon XP3500+ isn't even clocked :( Ho hum, maybe it's time for a Conroe :D
MGP said:
A good week for the team :) , but a poor one for me :(

For some oddity the PC does the Amber WU's OK, but most Gromacs crash. :mad: The PC, an Athlon XP3500+ isn't even clocked :( Ho hum, maybe it's time for a Conroe :D
I'd be looking at the RAM then maybe

what messages do you get - or does the whole system just crash?

edit: actually what are your temps like? Gromacs uses SSE but Amber does not use any optimisations
try running StressCPU which uses part of the Gromacs code and see if that replicates the problem for you
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