RE Village is a very sexy looking game, glad you are enjoying it Nexus18.
Especially when played on QD-OLED eh
Love the HDR. Been enjoying Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Though I am tempted to shelf that and grab GamePass for £1 to play Guardians of the Galaxy followed by Halo Infinite. Can always return back to Tomb Raider, HZD and RE Village after
Yup it should be arriving today so can't wait to try RE out on it! Looks lovely on the 4k 55 oled but games like it and deathloop, I just much prefer playing with m+k sat at a desk with the 21.9 format.
Hopefully the grass for the game has been improved from the ps 2 textures
What I don't have time to try tonight though is a decent half hour, hour or so WITHOUT the HD pack on. If there are no issues without it (And I don't expect there to be, but we'll see) then it seems the answer. Bear in mind I'm not even at 4k yet, so not pushing as hard as some.
Yup curious to see your experience on that as on the ubi support forums, people still report issues even without it....
Given the fps you're getting, you might find it worthwhile using FSR UQ as it will bring you to a sustained 60-70+ fps
We already know the issue. We know why there is an issue. The developer is even telling you that you will have an issue at a certain resolution, settings and VRAM. The Turnips are not going to add anything new to this. The questionable part is why would FC6 fault in this fashion when other titles, which take a more dynamic approach to streaming data to VRAM e.g. Bethesda/Deathloop, not have this massive hit to FPS? The only sensible reason is the sponsor and the sponsors terrible performance this gen when compared to the competition is trying to claim a win via the only area they can win, VRAM. BTW VRAM is restricted to multiples of the memory BUS and costs money to produce.
Pretty much.
But hey, who knows?
Maybe I could be the user defending 16GB is enough in game X in a years time, with everyone else having local system issues...
Lets hope for your sake, the 24GB nvidia 40xx aren't true
Remember folks, only one side of gpu owners are allowed to have system issues....
I watched that video and honestly it looks like a possible local system issue.
So if we take your word about the benchmark being a true representation of the perf. matt and that tommys experience is what "every" 3080 owner will experience, how come that video above doesn't have the 3080 dropping to and staying at single digits fps of<5?
Here's my deathloop and resident evil village videos.
Deathloop at the end, I flick between native, dlss and fsr for some motion comparison, don't know about others but to me dlss looks nicer. Also, those spikes that arrive only after changing to dlss are not present upon a relaunch, which is a bit weird, obviously not vram given there weren't any of them before hand with native 4k....
Not going to be a pleasant site....
I already have posts bookmarked