Best Rollercoaster you've been on.

malc30 said:
Your posts are as childish as your sig, i don't have to make you go anywhere i would much rather you stayed so i can laugh at you some more. Now get back on topic and stop being an arse.

Why tell me to go away then :confused:

I think you need to lighten up a bit mate and don't mock my sig foo'! :p
Hulk - Universal Islands of Adventure
The Kraken - Sea World
Duelling Dragons - Universal Studios
Rock n Rollercoaster - MGM
Tower of Terror - MGM
Kumba - Busch Gardens

The Hulk and Tower of Terror being my favourites. Another one that is not a rollercoaster as such but a pretty awesome ride is The Spiderman rise at UIOA. Really good ride.

Anyone going to Florida this year look out for the new attraction at Kennedy Visitors centre. Simulates a shuttle launch then there is a weightless walk at then a simulated sapce walk as the Earth spins at 13500mph below your feet.
Thread revivial maximus!

Just got back from Florida and will add my two pence:

Manta at SeaWorld is fantastic with a couple of zero-g loops, much better than Air at Alton Towers and Shiekra at Busch Gardens! Wow! That was one helluva ride, over too quickly but kicks Oblivion into touch.

Hulk coaster was fun and so were the rest at Busch Gardens (Montu, Kumba and Gwazi). Didn't think much to Space Mountain or Rock n Rollercoaser (apart from the start then it rapidily tailed off).

The off ride splash zone at the end of Shiekra is hilarious too! It was a hot day and was an excellent way to cool off, anybody who has been will know what I mean!
First time you go on The Hulk in Universal Islands of Adventure is too awesome for words.

Sheikra was very good too. I liked the old school wooden rollercoaster there as well, that's insane.
The best rollercoasters would be in Florida but I can't remember most of the names,
Space Mountain and most of the ones in Island of Adenture were awesome.

Space Mountain in Orlando, Anaheim or Hong Kong are tame kiddy rides compared to the Jules Verne version as Disneyland Paris.

It has proper inversions and a huge cannon with smoke that launches you.

It even gives you large bruises on your shoulders its that good.
Same thing applies for the Grand National at Blackpool and even more so for the Crazy Mouse. Although the fears are probably more founded on the Crazy Mouse nowadays, last time i went on that with a mate he sprained both his ankles and his thighs were bruised for about 7 days.


The grand national was stupidly dangerous really - you sit on a carousel horse with no restraints and bounce along a rickety track at a reasonable speed - was terrifying when I was 10 year old or whatever :eek:
The grand national was stupidly dangerous really - you sit on a carousel horse with no restraints and bounce along a rickety track at a reasonable speed - was terrifying when I was 10 year old or whatever :eek:

lol , that was a crazy ride considering you had to hold on for your life and were only held on by a little clunk click seat-belt around your waist ...
I'm a massive rollercoaster fan, going on something for the first time, not knowing what's it's going to be like, a little bit of nerves and excitement at some of the drops and watching it go round while you queue up, awesome!

My top five;

1 - The Incredible Hulk - Islands of adventure - Just awesome!
2 - Sheikra - Busch Gardens - Makes oblivion look like a little girl
3 - Nemesis - Alton Towers - Still one of my favourites
4 - Rock n Rollercoaster - Hollywood Studios - The one in Paris was better
5 - Expedition Everest - Animal Kingdom - Great fun, wasn't expecting much from it, but it surprised me

Could probably go on and on :p

Would love to try the Kingda Ka, but would really have to psyche myself up for it. It would be one of those rides you'd really only do the once, just to say you've been on the tallest/fastest coaster going.

It even gives you large bruises on your shoulders its that good.

My girlfriend came away with lumps on both shoulders, safe to say we never went back on it :p Shame as it was really good, I must have fit the restraints a bit better.
For sheer laugh out loud fun, it has to be Space Mountain (Only done the Florida and California versions) - it's slightly better when they convert it to Ghost Galaxy at halloween. Always come off with a massive grin :D

For out and out thrills my favourite is Hulk. Always come off with a banging headache though :(
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