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E8600 E0 Overclocks

5 Apr 2006
Just installed my True Black, replacing my Ultima 90i. The bugger was that my Yate loon fans wouldn't clip on due to the hole being blocked(uncut sides, what's it called?) So the only fan I had in the house that would fit was an Akasa Amber.

I probably need better fans going by these results huh?

2 Sep 2008
What was your idle temp before you started up Orthos?

You're in the ballpark with 64C at that voltage. You might be able to get it to run 2 or 3 degrees lower with more air flow and once the thermal compound has set in. You are also running cooler than mine would be at that voltage.

The higher the VID usually means the cooler it runs.
2 Sep 2008
It's hard to say really. If it does come down it won't be by much. Sometimes the best overclocks are the simplest. ABIT motherboards are a good example of that. I have heard that some of the SLI boards are not easy to overclock so you have done pretty well there. Congrats.

P35 or P45 boards are very good for overclocking and depending on the board lots of tweaking options. The P45's run cooler and with less voltages on the NB.
18 Aug 2007
I either have a bad chip, or something's not right here. I can't even get 4.2 prime (small FFTs) stable without 1.4 volts, and 4.3 won't happen, PERIOD. The PC refuses to boot at 10x430 but boots fine at 10x425 or 10x435 (FSB hole?) with all other settings the same.

My previous posting was 10.5hrs prime blend stable, it's small ffts that kills it. I'm currently 1hr 45mins into Orthos (small FFTs) at 10x435 (62 degrees, but the chipset volts are high for now, can lower those later = cooler). But it's taken 1.44 volts to get there without it crapping out in under 60 seconds :eek::(

Looks like I might have the worst E8600 on here, even for a week 20 - I mean that's a heck of a lot of volts for 4.2 to 4.4Ghz. It's still running relatively cool though, so I'm wondering if it isn't actually my mobo settings. I have a great guy at XS (Ace-A-Rue) who has a lot of experience with the Biostar I45 helping me out, hopefully we can sort this. If not I'm auctioning this chip and buying something else :mad:
18 Aug 2007
Here's the current situation:


I'm HOPING that it's incorrect mobo settings, and the excess CPU volts are somehow compensating for it... Is that possible, or do I really just have a 'dud' overclocker? I mean, I can spend 24 hours solid in Vista at 4.5+ Ghz at less volts than this (albeit not prime stable for long)... Surely a chip that can run at >4.5Ghz at 55 degrees load and 1.392 volts can't need 1.44 volts to be stable at just 4.2 to 4.3Ghz? :(
3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
For clocked E8600's and E8500's are 60-70 normal? With my 8500 at 1.334V 4Ghz I am getting about 60-65 load at the moment, idle (speedstep enabled) about 2.6Ghz I think is like 37, I have 4 AC Ryan fans, whilst they look good and push allot of air they are loud buggers on full throttle! It makes me wonder how people get good temps with high clocked quads on air cooling :\

On topic, do these E860 E0 stepping ones run cooler than the other ones?



29 Oct 2002
South Wales
Here's the current situation:

I'm HOPING that it's incorrect mobo settings, and the excess CPU volts are somehow compensating for it... Is that possible, or do I really just have a 'dud' overclocker? I mean, I can spend 24 hours solid in Vista at 4.5+ Ghz at less volts than this (albeit not prime stable for long)... Surely a chip that can run at >4.5Ghz at 55 degrees load and 1.392 volts can't need 1.44 volts to be stable at just 4.2 to 4.3Ghz? :(

Think you just got a not so good one like me mate. Can't remember if you posted up the stepping but think you did and it's the same as mine?

I need 1.44v for 4.4Ghz also, any less and it falls over quickly (only primed a few hours before deciding voltage was too high at 1.44v anyway), I'm running at 4.3Ghz with 1.368v, completly stable (10hrs+ on blend and also small ftt)
18 Aug 2007
Think you just got a not so good one like me mate. Can't remember if you posted up the stepping but think you did and it's the same as mine?

I need 1.44v for 4.4Ghz also, any less and it falls over quickly (only primed a few hours before deciding voltage was too high at 1.44v anyway), I'm running at 4.3Ghz with 1.368v, completly stable (10hrs+ on blend and also small ftt)

Yeah it looks like our chips are brothers, for better or worse :o A good 10 hour Orthos Small FFT run last night/this morning was solid stable at 4.45Ghz (10x445) but needed 1.44 volts (Windows).

It's blisteringly fast at that rate, with temps around 58 - maxing at 62. Sure the chip will likely give a good couple of years or more even at that rate. But I doubt buyers would want to know this time next year when Nehalem is cheap enough for me to upgrade, when they find out it's been running 12 months at over 1.44v lol :o

Then again, would I care? I know it's £180 for us early adopters but meh - over a year that's not a lot considering the fun to be had (I don't go pubbing/clubbing = this is my 'recreation' money :p).

Ace@XS seems to think 1.4v under Windows isn't that big a deal even on 45nm if it's stable and not running hot. I'm currently priming away now at 4295.5Mhz small FFTs. This chip has a tiny FSB 'hole' where it boots anything between 4.2 and 4.6Ghz but refuses point blank to boot at exactly 4300Mhz (it's always just under or just over lol).

So, do I keep 4295 at 1.392v under load in Windows (58 degrees), or do I sod it and go 4400 at 1.44 volts and 62 degrees? :D



29 Oct 2002
South Wales
Yeah it looks like our chips are brothers, for better or worse :o A good 10 hour Orthos Small FFT run last night/this morning was solid stable at 4.45Ghz (10x445) but needed 1.44 volts (Windows).

It's blisteringly fast at that rate, with temps around 58 - maxing at 62. Sure the chip will likely give a good couple of years or more even at that rate. But I doubt buyers would want to know this time next year when Nehalem is cheap enough for me to upgrade, when they find out it's been running 12 months at over 1.44v lol :o

Then again, would I care? I know it's £180 for us early adopters but meh - over a year that's not a lot considering the fun to be had (I don't go pubbing/clubbing = this is my 'recreation' money :p).

Ace@XS seems to think 1.4v under Windows isn't that big a deal even on 45nm if it's stable and not running hot. I'm currently priming away now at 4295.5Mhz small FFTs. This chip has a tiny FSB 'hole' where it boots anything between 4.2 and 4.6Ghz but refuses point blank to boot at exactly 4300Mhz (it's always just under or just over lol).

So, do I keep 4295 at 1.392v under load in Windows (58 degrees), or do I sod it and go 4400 at 1.44 volts and 62 degrees? :D

lol I have the exact same FSB hole, cannot post at 430x10 no matter what voltages :D 453x9.5 which is just over 4.3Ghz works fine though.

You may be able to drop the voltage slightly at 4.3Ghz too? - as mine needs the exact same volts as yours for 1.44v but "only" 1.368v for 4.3Ghz.

Keep us updated if you decide to keep it at 4.4Ghz, tempted to run mine at that but the voltage puts me off from what some people are saying! Although it is perfectly stable and temps are fine with all other voltages right down etc...
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