Absolutely. I accept there are many out there who love it for the sport/movie options they offer (which are generally very good) but I think it's important that people are aware of what it's costing them!I honestly only have it for sports. I do not watch anything else. Mostly watch Netflix (ok this is in sky sub but £16 of the £68 they offered) and Disney+. Think I can replace it with just grabbing a sky go slot from my in laws for the Xbox since they use my Netflix and Disney+!
I think sky are going to find they're about to get a tonne of cancellations from this cost of living crisis if they're not making genuine offers!
I'd wager Sky are bleeding customers at the moment as people try to reduct their monthy costs so I'm sure they're cancellation's department will be desperately making some seriousky competitive offers to keep the ones they have.